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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. I didn't pay enough attention. I figured they were friendly because Carville mentioned that in the intro (even though that's from the PSX version). There is a mission where you have to evacuate civilians, but that's in the Greece campaign IIRC. I always thought those Civs where Civs from the Soviets base or Civs that welcome the Soviets into Greece. In the PSX they are hostile as well. Also Sarin Gas #1: Crackdown was ment at one time to be a larger map. If you open it wth RAED and go past the east edge of the map you will see the complete east shore with waypoints. It looks like at one time a Truck was programed to load into a sea transport at the south than move north up the river than unload on the other shore where it would than move south again and exit the map at the vary south east of the map.
  2. Look for MaximumQueuedObjects in the rules.
  3. Tschokky I don't think so. I think it is using my 1.0 desert
  4. My guess is that maybe the desert theater got updated and they forgot to add the desert.pal to the desert.mix.
  5. Depends on if you have the Aftermath option on or not.
  6. Maybe somthing wrong with the RA1 CnCNet Desert as it load in fine in Red Dawn 2014 using CnCNet.
  7. Can't belive that AI Paranoid isn't yes or no option in CnCNet....
  8. I ment the map it self. Maybe a bad trigger is the cause.
  9. You can't add third side. The best you can do is take one of the countries and make it a 3rd side by editing the rules.ini/spawn.dpx or map. Say you want to make England your new 3rd side. You will have to edit just about every unit and building. You will have to remove Owner=allies from any unit and building you don't want England to have. This mean you will have to change Owner=allies to Owner=Germany,France,Greece,Spain *and maybe Turkey as I'm not sure if they are a Allied house* To add a Soviet unit to your new side all you have to do is add England to the Owner=. Just make sure that England can meet the unit/buildings Prerequisite but this should only really be a factor with infantry.
  10. Nyerguds That what I ment.
  11. There should be a crash log that will be needed. Also attaching the map so others can look at it may help as well.
  12. Thought you could in covert ops...
  13. The ruels/spawn should have fixed this. Chck your ruels/spawn. for the following at the end of the ; ******* AI Controls ******* FixAIParanoid=yes FixAISendingTanksTopLeft=yes
  14. As Nyerguds said. Has to be done my map trigger for RA1. RAED: Name: MAP Owner: Multi1 Existence: temporary (any linked event -> switch, destroy) Type: simple (event1 => action1 [+ action2]) Event 1: Elapsed Time (1/10th min)... 0 Action 1: Reveal all map Code to put into map. Open map with Notepad/wordpad: [Trigs] MAP=0,12,0,0,13,-1,0,0,-1,0,16,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,-1,-1
  15. Here are some keys to add to your AI. They where added by Iran but not sure if Funky removed them from the CnCNet version RemoveAITechupCheck=yes :when set to yes the AI will tech up to Radar Dome and beyond even when there are no Helipads or Airfields on the map. EasyAIGoldValue=25 ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester EasyAIGemValue=50 ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester NormalAIGoldValue=100 ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester NormalAIGemValue=200 ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester HardAIGoldValue=150 ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester HardAIGemValue=250 ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester
  16. CnC DDraw works fine for most. Use it on my Win 7.
  17. Make the change to both rules.ini and spawn.dpx. Also the stock CnCNet Spawn.xdp has some new keys added fo fix bugs. FixAIParanoid=yes and FixAISendingTanksTopLeft=yes off hand.
  18. Nice to see things are still alive!
  19. Just launching CnCNet skrmish may change the Spawn.xdp back to the CnCNet stock version.
  20. Sounds like your using the CnCNet Skirmish and it has to use cncnet-specific exe and rules to load things. You can get to the stock Skirmish by starting Play Red Alert in the Lanucher or as Nyerguds said start RA95.exe from the game folder. Once in RA1 go to Multiplayr and than Skirmish.
  21. I'm going to go with false positive as well.
  22. I'm sure that the cncnet-specific exe is need for the CnCNet Skirmish but since he didn't say what single player he was trying to play (Skirmish or missions) it is hard to know what the prob is...
  23. Rules.ini don't work if you use CnCNet Skirmish.
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