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  1. We now have a channel in the CnCNet discord! Join us! "sole-general" under the Sole Survivor category. See you there!
  2. The team decided to take a different direction so they are working on that. The goal is the same but it might take a bit of time.
  3. Tried changing the renderer?
  4. Just wanted to keep the hype going. This is a screenshot from testing we did.
  5. Hyper and crew, OmniBlade, tomsons26, pulled off a miracle here. A lot of us had given up hope of ever seeing a working server again and then this happened. It still hasn't registered in my mind fully but things are moving quickly it seems as the old modes and settings come online. It even works through the classic Westwood Chat program still hosted by XWIS like it did in it's glory days. I've been testing it with them for the past couple weeks and this is the real thing through and through. It is great to have the final piece of the "puzzle", when it comes to C&C games, back and in working order. All glory and credit goes to CCHyper, OmniBlade and tomsons26 for actually pulling this off and opening a new chapter for C&C. Huzzah
  6. Well it uses some of the code. They have their own engine on top called "GlyphX" which runs the code but its proprietary. The cncnet/etc devs are currently at work trying to make something of the dll/code provided by EA.
  7. The remaster and source code are separate things. With the source code our devs (cncnet and others) can modify the game to accept larger maps or do whatever the devs please. I think the remasters have stopped releasing additions to the game now and are just dealing in bug fixes and small patches.
  8. Well guys it looks like the growing streak is over for the time being! We have settled on about a 1/3 of the number we had at our height!
  9. It's better because its official. There is a lot of hope in the air with the source code being released as well.
  10. Thanks guys! Generalslavik and AlliedRising!
  11. I am making a discord server specifically for the Tiberian Dawn version of the remastered collection. Mostly for organizing games and etc. Web app link: https://discord.gg/m4wcAZd Server code: m4wcAZd Everyone welcome!
  12. I can keep posting here but I don't think I can edit the title. 5500+
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