Well, I signed up a little while back, and aside from a single post on the "Account pruning" topic, I've not posted here yet, so I may as well introduce myself.
I'm known online as "Gunbladelad". If anyone recogises that, then it's because I did some stuff on GameFAQs for the C&C series (among other games), and supplied some information (specifically the FMV scripts for C&C Red Alert : Retaliation on the PS1) for a guy who did a C&C Red Alert timeline for Planet C&C on Gamespy back in 2003.
I've been a fan of the C&C games since I first played a demo on a friend's Playstation magazine demo disc away back before the Playstation release (I even recall the demo being of GDI mission 3 and working out how to beat the mission when my friend couldn't work it out). While I've not played against other people on any of the C&C games for a substantial time, I'm still pretty active with the small core group on the C&C Retaliation message board over at GameFAQs.