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About ConquerorRhino

  • Birthday 07/10/1999

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. im making interior map too darkven so funny ore inside the building and building inside the building
  2. well looking for coop right, i make some coop maps too you can get some in here [http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1957.0
  3. Or have you used the waypoints? and in triggers use zone entry by or enter by put the cell triggers of the struggler team then set the enter by for event at defend base then action timer set **** (* is the number you want) then action 2 timer start then to reinforcement another trigger Event:mission timer expired Action:Reinforment team there and jacko why your not online at RA lobby c'mon have you read my messages?
  4. why are you not going online again in ra jacko wa happen?
  5. yeh the map has own rules, how can i make that map? i am only good at multiplayer campaign map and RPG maps.
  6. Well, ok just one question, how to make extreme maps?
  7. extreme maps are annoying there are civilians are with demo charge and something more weird!
  8. youll be cheated if you dont have counter strike expansion, because if you dont have it youll found invisible giant ants
  9. it wont break the game ants are free no requirements only war factory
  10. well, why wont you try the model file like this on the .ini file: mammoth tank (4tnk) <<<---------------that 4tnk must be named just like in the mix file of its model strenght=600 armor=heavy ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
  11. that's my experience too when I delete mods in my RA. so I reinstall my RA.
  12. the problem in you scenario jacko is your triggers i download the file and try it at the begining of the mission it will crash!!! then i scramble the triggers. i advise you to remake the scenario, jacko. jacko lets chat at cncnet
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