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  1. This thread is about fixing the issues in WWs maps not changing the way they are played. That said tho, a checkbox for Ion Storms in the client probably should added cause don't see why not. Wonderful good sir. I apologize for any inconvience but me & humble have an understanding. I'm sure he won't mind. Many thanks to humble from me & island405. FOREVER TS
  2. Is it possible to turn off the storms in the ww map storms? If yes, please do so. Me & island405 will be forever thankful.
  3. Absolutely had to log in & say thank you for revamping tiberian sun. Much obliged
  4. richrocka


    Enough of this nonsense. CNCNET has done a great job to revive Tiberian Sun & I am confident the glitches in the ladder will be worked out. Humble had some great ideas about glitches/mods that need to be rectified but no need for more colors. Your request is pathetic.
  5. I cannot join any tournament games & no one can join mine. Someone deserving should be rank 1. I hope you see my vision. *EDIT* @JMaN2005 how dare you mention 'nemesis'? He is fair & plays all.
  6. Elite Rescue cannot be replicated.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_t6cHrPNDI
  8. BUMP thanks for locating this thread for me Sp00ky! much obliged
  9. Yes, NodRescue sorted it out for me. Thanks F.F.
  10. When I try to join most games I'm getting this error message: *Error: Game files incompatible! (ts-spawn.exe) I have deleted, re-downloaded & re-installed but still no luck. I was gaming last night & it was fine. Please help / advise. Thanks, R
  11. RIP ZAKI Any details as to what was the cause of death? I didn't always see eye to eye with him but we had some good games. I would never wish death upon anybody. My deepest condolences to his family & friends. -R
  12. No idea who "Chris Freitag" is. Anyroad I've been training new folks....hairy mole on cheeks.
  13. Hello, When I'm in the game lobby, if I swap to the main channel I'm unable to see what other games are active (started or not). If this can be updated, it would be great. Grassy Knoll should also be renamed 'The New Tezz' I've heard good & bad things about Sean3z; I hope nothing shady comes from his involvement. I'm looking forward to the tournament/rank system. #1
  14. lucky this tournaments over. I would've won.
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