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  1. Checkout guide by Mole40k. Its pretty good
  2. When I play with this...it doesnt alt the barracks/pad/warf etc...
  3. ok let me try When I clicked the "single player campaign" it takes me to: https://cnc-comm.com/tiberian-sun/downloads/the-game/installer
  4. So I already have cncnet client installed to play ts online. How can i play the campaign now?
  5. Mola, can u attach complete list of hotkeys. I recently started playing and i keep forgetting what hot keys to set. So i want a hotkey file that most people use so I can get used to the hotkeys again. setting up in game is a hassle.
  6. It was nothing. basically i was using sound blasters as well as headphones so somehow it was laggin the game, even CSgo was lagging because of that. Thanks, its back to normal ow.
  7. I am on a new gaming PC, I played couple of games around 10 days ago it was fine. But today i joined 3 games, and it was super super laggy, like 10fps maybe And after I left, they said it was fast. Any idea why that could be? Also could it be that GPU is somehow f***ing it up? EDIT: I just played a solo game w/ passowrd NO AI NO other players. and still super slow. wtf?!
  8. 1. @FunkyFr3sh @adminSo firstly I have an FTTH connection and i get consistent ping to uk and us servers but still sometimes i think game is choppy because of me (Also it randomly disconnects, is it possible that my ONT device gets hot and causes a disconnect?) secondly, my speedtest shows Pakistan server but in cncnet.org it shows m playing from US 2. Also, somehow, ts plays better on my LTE hotspot, whys that? and with my LTE connection cncnet shows m playing from Pakistan 3. Please unban me from cncnet.org I used word "nigga" in lobby, ddnt know it was banable offfence now, I havent been on for last year or so....
  9. So I just installed TS after long time, its giving some error at update so I am forced to play with old files etc idk. See attached screenshot Secondly, when I make a hand or barracks or pad or warf, why it doesnt alt to where we want it to go?? Also is there any way to adjust keyboard shortcuts in the CnCnet TS client or u have to do that in game?
  10. So I just deleted my old installation from 2015 and downloaded the new installer and installed TS. See attached SS, why user list has shrunk, theres more users ig then in that list....TIA
  11. If are a newb, good place to start read up on mole40k's and even kaizen's guide. these will fill you up with alot of basic info needed for online play Secondly, if you see a Terrace map game up, ask them to let you spectate OR you could watch 100s of videos posted by pros I second Phenomena, if you play giants you might get better at giants, but you will actually never learn the real game of strategy in TS(tiberian sun). peace
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