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Everything posted by XTF

  1. I know you love the word FREE, but this implies there's no need to buy / own the game.
  2. You mad bro? I expected a post like this on our forums but then I noticed you were banned from the forums for tons of misbehaviour. You kept disturbing me in-game, what did you expect..
  3. That's right and it does have troubles with NAT.
  4. Red Alert 2 requires nor benefits from port forwarding.
  5. Most games don't have any problems with that.
  6. One that doesn't require admin privs would be handy.
  7. Are the installers without admin privileges?
  8. If you don't agree to the EULA you probably aren't licensed to 'use' the music either.
  9. Nice! What's the definition of a player though? People connected to the server? People in matches? How many matches/day are being played? BTW, the "SUPPORTED GAMES" link at the bottom is broken. What's the correct forum to report this?
  10. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    I know. And obviously all my posts is a list of posts, not a list of topics, which is what I requested. So, just say, no, it's not available.
  11. RA2 (and TS) have troubles running on W8 (and sometimes W7), troubles related to the screen not updating. Does anyone know what the fundamental issue here is? I'm aware of various DD wrappers, but none of them seems perfect.
  12. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    You're disappointing I'd like to have a list of *all* topics I posted in, not just the ones with unread posts.
  13. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    That's useful, but it's not what's requested.
  14. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    I don't want all unread posts, I only want posts/topics I posted in.
  15. Can't you just disable display scaling on the exe?
  16. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    I know, but it's not that useful to keep track of which of these topics have been updated.
  17. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    But I don't want to see messages. I'd like to see topics I posted in ordered by last post (desc).
  18. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    Ah, it only shows topics you started (I hadn't started any yet). I was hoping for a view that shows all topics you've posted in.
  19. XTF

    My Topics view broken

    http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;sa=topics;u=6203 Appears to be broken.
  20. I don't like W8.. What's preventing you from lowering the minimal horizontal resolution?
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