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Everything posted by rabidsnypr

  1. I recorded with my cell phone. abrcadet(me) vs KJ in a singles match If i knew how to use OBS and twitch, I would use that but i tried to figure it out and i gave up on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46A3SshaDRA
  2. obviously you cant read and just post. I made a guide thank you. here: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=4410.0
  3. ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/ You can find Patch updates, mp3, infos, previews, theme packs for windows and more. This is the public Server from westwood, This is what's left of Westwood. Please get what you want and don't ruin it for anyone. If it's not being flooded you should see this: and more. Only up too 1000 users can access at the same time.
  4. Updated 8/7/17: Added Renlaucher back with new links, Added Server List New Link for Ren Launcher Added Missing Textures for Rencorner Marathon Maps(It would show Westwood Symbols on Certain Maps) added link for TTscripts 4.3 added Renegade X links and info added Renegade: Tiberium Sun Reborn Link and Info added Renegade: Red Alert A Path Beyond aka Ren Alert(Renegade Red Alert) First you gotta make sure the game is installed.(Note: Directories are different with 1st Decade Pack and the Origin Download(I think with the Origin DL version) As long as you can find your renegade folder) Note: I couldn't get this to work with Windows XP or Windows Vista. This is for Windows 7 and up. Ren Launcher Does NOT work on Windows XP and Vista(Due to no more Microsoft support) I had Issues with 4.1 Script Installation on Windows Vista because of lack of Full Control Privileges. Please new updated TTscripts 4.6 here http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/scripts-4.6.exe For windows XP Use XWIS(WOL) Launcher(RenList 1.07 has been working on Windows XP for me): go here http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=msg&th=37326&start=0&rid=23454 on how to Set that up to use instead of Renlauncher because Renlauncher DOES NOT work for Windows XP or Vista. (Don't ask me how to use it, because I am still trying to figure out XWIS. And striketeam forums don't exist anymore.) I got Iso's because I use Daemon's tool run any cds based games. Make your your game is updated with the following https://i.imgrpost.com/imgr/2018/07/16/ren1.md.jpg or the patch update: English Version: ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/renegade/updates/Renegade_1037_English.exe'>ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/renegade/updates/Renegade_1037_English.exe Other Languages here: ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/renegade/updates/ https://i.imgrpost.com/imgr/2018/07/16/ren2.jpg after that you can install 4.4 scripts into the directory which can be found here. 4.6 here http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/scripts-4.6.exe 4.4 here http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/scripts-4.4.exe Original Directory for the Westwood EA Game: C:\Westwood\Renegade the Installation for 1st Decade https://i.imgrpost.com/imgr/2018/07/16/ren3.jpg Path or Directory to Follow for 1st Decade. C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Renegade\Renegade http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/launcherqa.zip Now this is a little different. It's not a double click .exe file. It's a compressed file. So you would need either winzip http://www.winzip.com/win/en/index.htm or winrar http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm They are both free. I use winrar. Now you have to double click to open the zip file and highlite and drag and drop the files into your data folder inside your renegade folder. https://i.imgrpost.com/imgr/2018/07/16/ren4.jpg or use RenList RenList 1.07 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nWS9-SuHT4AGooSsXE2-dpj46t0_iYl- Now You download Ren Launcher from here: https://downloads.cncnet.org/Games/Renegade/renlauncher.exe This I put in my Renegade Directory and make a short cut on my desktop. https://imgrpost.com/image/sF4oU Now You can find a server listing here for Ren Launcher https://cncnet.org/renegade#servers I made a shortcut on my desktop copy the link. right click on your desktop and paste the link for the shortcut directoy And you just highlite and copy the ip address from the site. Open Your renlauncher(https://downloads.cncnet.org/Games/Renegade/renlauncher.exe). and paste it in there, give yourself a screen name/nick name/ gamer tag whatever. ALSO INSTALL MISSING TEXTURES HERE Download here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CdEkP4Pobyh_yWkwNRjyjbUBiJPMLhUe (Rencorner forum link for the files here http://rencorner.com/index.php?/topic/4813-rxd-textures-field-islands/) Extract into Your Renegade Data Folder(You don't want to see them Westwood Symbols during your game) Click Launch and bam!! you are playing Renegade. Note: Some Servers you will have to manually DL maps. most Servers are up to date and DL the maps for you before entering the game. The Reason I made this, is because I want more players on Renegade and maybe get more servers up and running. Especially with new maps. If I knew how to make a Server. I would try too. Windows 10 users using EA's Origin: (Thanks to Plokite_Wolf) Get the Tiberian Technologies 4.3 client from here: http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/scripts-4.3.exe Run the game in compatibility mode for WinXP SP3 or Win98, and always, always, always run the game and its config exe as administrator. Or turn off the UAC in Windows. Also, disable Origin for all TUC games and use the fixed launchers: http://bibber.eu/downloads/cnc-ultimate-collection-launchers/ You can us Renlauncher Or Xwis Or Renlist. I use Renlist. Renlist 1.09 Here https://multiplayerforums.com/files/file/70-renlist/?do=download&csrfKey=c00ed573f4f7e4c72e1da91ce5ea5938 I use 1.07 because i had issues with 1.09 not loading my game. 1.07 here https://forums.cncnet.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=41869 HOW TO USE RENLIST So download Renlist. it's in the attachmenta on this post and very easy to use. Version 1.07 works for me unlike the previous versions. Works on windows xp and up.use winrar or winzip(they both are free) extract the files to a folder and Click Renlist.exe Imaage here: https://forums.cncnet.org/uploads/monthly_2016_04/pic.jpg.f7fd68d8cc370e8091436fa817da6984.jpg use GSA tab and make a user name and it will load up with a list of servers. all you have to do is when it loads is click on a game name and click connect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Play Renegade: Tiberian Sun Reborn and Renegade: Red Alert: Download the W3D Hub Launcher Client here: https://w3dhub.com/#/home (Click Download and Play Now) Sign up here: https://w3dhub.com/forum/register/ Install the Client. Once installed and registered, Open the Client, Sign in with the account you registered on the website, Click on Games Click on the game on the left side and it should give you the option to install the game for free when it load the page loads. Red Alert A Path Beyond & Tiberian Sun Reborn They are in development with other game on the side too. (W3d HUB home page https://w3dhub.com/#/home) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RENEGADE X WARNING: REQUIRES HIGH END GAMING PC TO PLAY!!!! Website here https://renegade-x.com/ Download for Free here: https://renegade-x.com/files/ Self Explanatory, Install, The client will download and install the game Make a user name etc pick a server and play online
  5. Apparently they are shutting down on the 30th, tomorrow, When i finally get back on Renegade and final a good server they end up shutting down. I got back out like 2 days ago. This sucks. There has to be a way to keep it up and running. :( :( :( :( :(
  6. ts/fs has more players because of people like me spreading the word. i emailed all my old friends that played cncnet.org and told them it was back online and told them to email their buddies and share on social networks etc. your welcome.
  7. is Sky by any chance Skydragun? from back in the day?
  8. Do you have that File? I know If i check on some old IDE hard drives I can find it but that's gonna take while. You let Hard drives pile up over the years when your a computer I.T. guy.
  9. This was a problem on the Westwood Servers too. It's a game error that westwood never fixed.
  10. This link is dead. Steps to get it working: 1.Download http://download.renguard.com/cp2/patcher.zip 2.If you have Core Patch 1 installed, download http://download.renguard.com/cp2/cp2.zip otherwise download http://download.renguard.com/cp2/patchall.zip 3.Unzip both zip files into your renegade folder. 4.Double click on patcher.exe which will run the patching process. from this forum topic: http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=msg&th=18892&start=0& it times out. I need the core patch 2 please. I had to reinstall windows. I lost the core patch. thanks. edit: and anyother files i would need like the script or whatever. I got the laucher from here. So im good on that.
  11. Yeah I can photoshop out the flash thats good, do you have a credit url you want added? Just put int under Jimmy rabidsnypr Josepi edit: When the school year starts I'm gonna go up to my dad's school and make a GDI one.
  12. From God to Kane to Seth...... Seth Dies, sooooo From God to Kane to Player(You).
  13. in all honesty, it's killing the gameplay. It's making not wanna play. but people like groefaz and jacko, I can never beat them either, don't get me wrong, they are cool dudes, but it's not fun anymore playing because of it. Also the same goes for on the ts/fs servers. everyone plays this maps and maps i posted get called cheat maps or people don't want to play them because they don't have pictures. that's how we played back then. people knew what the maps were and played them. you didn't need pictures and they weren't called cheat maps. they were called mod maps. fun mods, speed mods, money mods. etc. i don't know what happened to the old school players but this new gen of players or late players aren't fun and don't know the real command and conquer experience like i had back when the WW servers were up. back when it was the WW client and you logged it and it would say " welcome to westwood" always sounded like i was entering a porn site when it said it. lol i'm just saying.
  14. nah bro. I got mine used from ebay and amazon. I only paid full price for gen packs with all the games in them. and TS and FS. I bought TS and FS from walmart the first days it came out and played online. those are the only one I truly bought legit from stores.
  15. Very nice, if there's a better quality picture can we feature it on our Facebook page? If you have a small twitter or web url you want to advertise on the image wack it up, or credit the school. yea, I can take a better picture. i used snapchat for that. :-p snapchat likes to lower quaity of the pics. I will bump it on here from my phone. give me a few mins. thanks p.s. I'm Jimmy Josepi on fb. I comment everyonce in awhile on the fb page.
  16. I'm making this topic for people who love CNC so much that they use the sounds on their phone for ringtones or text alerts. The one I'm posting on here right now is when what's her face on CNC3: Kane's Wrath, Finds out Cabal is alive and about to be activated. The next Link I will post on this edited post after this is cabal saying "The ascensions of the sounds of your own extinction" Here's the Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?e4r6feffz2qs0ds The forums don't allow you to upload .mp3 formats if you are wondering. Edit: "The ascensions of the sounds of your own extinction" sound https://www.mediafire.com/?3x0t28fdwibkp7f edit: Tip: If you have Google Chrome on your phone, you press and hold the link on mediafire and you can press "Save As" and you can save it to your phone.
  17. So my dad is a shop teacher at a school. I told himto create patterns for the Nod and Gdi symbols just as a Idea to add to his patterns. Because one of students projects is making a clock. He showed me the nod clock. He said It's really simple but different. His students who are I to cnc like the idea and didn't think about using the symbols as a clock project. The Nod clock is in the attachment as a picture. Check it out. Discuss????
  18. I am currently in a 4 way FFA with Stein, KATAN, and ' yes his name online is ' KATAN started attacking me first and I noticed ' was moving from the other side of the map to attack me with tanks. SO i quickly resigned to watch the game and noticed they wouldnt attack each other in the game and ' moved his units back to his base because Stein started attacking him and what do you know, KATAN started attacking him too. This double teaming with their buddies is getting annoying. if it was a 2 vs 2 then say it's a 2 vs 2. If its a FFA then why arent you attacking the person right across from you and double teaming???? This is sad and annoying. btw the game ended when they beat stein.
  19. im old school ts player. problem is, those who played ts back in the day went to fs. we evolved from ts to fs palyers.
  20. I had problems with orca bombers not going on the pads when i made new orcas after them getting destroyed. i had to sell the pads and make new ones to get them to re up on them.
  21. People cry about "cheat" maps The ones i posted here http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3122.0 I use, because we used to to them back in the westwood days. everyone used to play these maps. like for real. what's going on with the community??????
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