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Everything posted by Eisengeist

  1. The installer on the CD wouldn't work on my system. What seems to be working is this: Downloaded the smallest Lite package of Gruntmods and installed it. Copied the music folder from CD to data subfolder of Dune2000 and copied movies folder from CD to Dune2000 folder. Directories look like this: Dune2000/data/music Dune2000/movies And in Dune2000.ini I set FirstTimePlay=Yes ForceNoCD=Yes Initially I was having trouble with saying this is a spawn, please install from CD or something and not letting me play campaign, then next when asking for the CD it wouldn't read it, even though it was in my drive. Then I had trouble of having movies but no music and then music and no movies until I arranged the folders the way I have it now. So now it seems to work alright with movies and music.
  2. APC's have a slower Rate of Turning (5) while Rangers have (10). Something funny is that back in Tiberian Dawn, APC's actually had a faster movement speed than Hum-vees/Buggies but still half the turning speed. EDIT: See later posts as this has been corrected. On regular terrain, in TD, APC's move slower than Humvees despite a faster speed #. And in RA, tracked APC's move faster than wheeled Rangers despite the same speed #.
  3. I liked Tiberian Sun and Firestorm's continuation of the Tiberium story and played through their campaigns. Is C&C3 and/or 4 worthwhile. And what is Tiberium Alliances? I've only seen C&C3 in action a little at someone's house and I heard C&C4 has awful DRM and just sucked - requiring a constant net connection to keep repeatedly checking you're not pirating and maybe only being installable a limited number of times off your disc. I've recently heard EA has stopped that crap after alienating themselves from players/customers. Does C&C4 remain screwed up with that stuff? Does C&C3 or Red Alert 3 have any of that BS? Out of C&C3, C&C4, RA3, and Tiberium Alliances, do they play more like TS and RA2, or more like Generals?
  4. I see the GruntMods Edition available but it seems a lot of downloading of resources I already have on CD. Is one of those packages good for installing and patching from the CD to a 64bit Win7 system?
  5. Aftermath's mplayer.ini changes gun turret ( [GUN] ) cost from 600 to 800. Within a map I change it's price to 250 as in original C&C. It works fine playing RA online's skirmish. But in the full game install playing offline skirmish through the regular game the mplayer.ini in I guess aftrmath.mix takes the priority and keeps the cost at 800 while I try to set it to 250 in my map. But when I play the same install online (but just tested solo against the comp) through the online lobby, my changes of cost=250 work fine. Just something odd I noticed probably nothing can be done about.
  6. Sorry, I've been pretty busy lately. Anyway, I found some of my old unfinished maps & stuff. And when I made that Volkov Deathmatch, I didn't account for Turkey becoming a playable nation so I used them for powered up bad guys. Gotta fix that. I noticed RA online fixes the countries bug by just giving all allied countries 1.1 Firepower and regular 1.0 everything else.
  7. I got some old RA 1 maps and an RA 2 map here: http://gokuma.voila.net/cnc.html Also something I tested and noticed way back that was never changed in RA is that Westwood intended to give England stronger armor and France faster firing rate by setting to 1.1 but it actually made them weaker and slower. Meanwhile Germany correctly has stronger firepower and Ukraine has faster movement speed. A couple of my maps fix England and France, making their settings 0.9. Also, Hello Nyerguds. Looks like some excellent work you done here! Don't know if you remember me (Gokuma) from the RA Archive forums.
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