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Everything posted by Eisengeist

  1. Looking at the internal stats... TD Flame Thrower Cost 200 Speed 10 Weapon: Dam 35 ROF 50 (faster) Fire warhead (8 Spread, 87.5% vs infantry, 100% vs wood, 68.75% vs light, 25% vs heavy, 50% vs concrete but don't think you can target it) Chem Warrior Cost 300 Speed 8 Weapon: Dam 80 ROF 70 HE warhard (6 Spread, 87.5% vs infantry, 75% vs wood, 56.25% vs light, 25% vs heavy, 100% vs concrete) Both have 70 hit points and a range of 2 After applying warhead % to Damage (neglecting spread): Flamer 30.6 to inf, 35 to wood, 24.06 to light, 8.75 to heavy Chem 70 to inf, 60 to wood, 45 to light, 20 to heavy, 80 to walls But Chem costs 50% more, moves 80% of speed, and shoots slower. So depends what purpose you have in mind which is better. Costwise you get 3 flamers for every 2 chemwarriors. Flamers 91.8 to inf, 105 to wood, 72.19 to light, 26.26 to heavy Chems 140 to inf, 120 to wood, 90 to light, 40 heavy, 160 walls And with only two you have to worry about less crossfire than three aside from spacing them apart so when one dies he doesn't take the others with him.
  2. With I think the latest public release patch somewhere here,Sole Survivor still crashes after a short time in Win 7 for me. I still can only play it on my old Win 98 comp (which at least has a sweet SB Live Platinum soundcard). Back when I got the game, only standard Capture the Flag mode games were going on and then the servers went down sometime later. I can't believe that was 98 they went down. I only first got a computer in 95 and a dial-up net connection in 97. I didn't have that Win 98 comp until 99 or 2000. I'll have to see if Sole Survivor is on my original old Win 95 comp (which still works!... though with replacement soundcard(SB AWE32), modem, monitor, and additional harddrive&netcard).
  3. Here's the test maps I used to make the video. If they start with PS they require Iran's special RA exe If they start with RD they are only for the stand alone mod game Red Dawn If they start with RD and PS, put Iran's exe in your Red Dawn folder as it requires both. You can get Red Dawn at: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1588.0 Just designed for single player testing with Iran's trigger to give player 1 only paradrop and all map revealed. AI players will only make use of custom paradrop while they possess an airfield (Or Adv Comm Center in Red Dawn). The custom airstrike maps may not work well with the parastructures exe. The speed boat map is designed for skirmish with no ai, because the four soldiers in the map will probably kill either you or the ai right away. To take away map reveal and give all players the paradrop, open whatever map in notepad and replace that one trigger with: [Trigs] para2=0,13,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 para7=0,18,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 para3=0,14,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 para8=0,19,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 para4=0,15,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 para6=0,17,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 para1=0,12,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 para5=0,16,0,0,13,-1,1,0,-1,0,33,-1,-1,-252,0,-1,-1,-1 itrigair.mpr testcamp.mpr tstspdbt.mpr psitrgdf.mpr pststodd.mpr tstodd2.mpr rdtstdin.mpr rdtstair.mpr rdpstest.mpr
  4. Paradropping structures was originally only a glitch with reloading a skirmish mode save. Iran's modified RA exe now allows it on purpose. Those Nod turrets and actually all structures in C&C1 campaign missions were all placed in the map to start with. But excellent find on that normal mission (scg07ea.ini, Sunken Treasure) having custom paradrops! It doesn't actually change the @pinf teamtype Iran discovered is used by the paratroopers you automatically get from having an airfield, but it simply has triggers to bring out teamtypes of a badger carrying different things. (Under teamtypes) pbomb1=2,0,7,0,0,2,-1,1,BADR:1,1,0:10 paratr=2,0,7,0,0,8,-1,2,E1:5,BADR:1,2,1:8,0:1 baddrp=9,0,7,0,0,51,-1,4,E1:2,E2:1,E4:2,BADR:1,2,1:51,0:1 tm05=9,0,7,0,0,19,-1,3,E1:3,E4:2,BADR:1,2,1:27,11:14 sharv=2,0,7,0,0,19,-1,2,BADR:1,HARV:1,1,1:28
  5. Forget my first video. A short part of it has been condensed into this more polished, better paced compilation with no stinkin advertisement overlay. Both links are the same but the vimeo one lets you simply download the file. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UKU3UhmwLo https://vimeo.com/133605391 I'm not reinstalling googledrive. That POS was randomly throwing an exception error while it was on.
  6. I did a whole bunch of crazy things and just put together a video masterpiece on crack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UKU3UhmwLo Playing with parastructures, I found it's a little glitchy and it drops some different ones in place of ones you want. I could drop a variety of buildings but the only base defenses were the flame tower, tesla coil, sam site, and the gap generator if you count that. Trying to drop others resulted in radar domes and construction yards and stuff. Some things crash the game. Civilian houses were also mixed up. I worked around it to do some silly stuff. I'll probably upload some of my goofy maps I made for this video sometime later.
  7. In my conversion of RA into closest TD rules: Made the Chemspray (although it's just gray smoking projectile) have an invisible silent version of the HE warhead. Used mechanical for it since the mechanic is disabled. Saw a buggy have a big napalm explosion because it replaced the V2, so I appropriately set it Explodes=no for that and yes for the SSM. All XO rules are unaffected.
  8. TDpure: Flame Tank set to crewed=yes. And just cleaned up a bit with stuff redundant to both unmodded rules and XO deleted and put things in same order as rules.ini EDIT: Lowered some Civilian buildings strength to match TD And updated all the xo rule sets.
  9. Well Allen beat me to some these points while I was typing so please forgive any redundency... I think a lot of money is fine, but I'm not alone in not being fond of infinite ore maps, though I have released one for skirmish only. I would think 500 land vehicles, 500 infantry, and 500 buildings are plenty. But I'm not one to say people shouldn't be allowed to do what they want. The 32 war factories limit may inhibit some 8 player games and that 100 vessel limit can really hurt a map with totally separate land. At any rate I see two solutions: CNCNet simply allowing a map to change the maximums within it or a toggle to shift land&sea from 500&100 to 300&300. Or maybe both, so you can play an existing good naval map that doesn't have the maximums changed. One of the maps included with CNCnet actually has super high limits you would never reach and experience slowdown if they were observed. But those limits are nuts. It's been said that doubling everything resulted in a slowdown too. That's why I agree with the idea of shifting a load from one limit to another. At any rate I released a couple versions of an XO naval map that has paraships and transport reinforcements to bypass the 100 limit. They're the xocaina*.mpr maps on this post http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3823.msg30625#msg30625
  10. I was going by the C&C manual for the Rocket Launcher and SSM. And in game pointing to the unit, it just says "Rocket Launcher" and "S.S.M. Launcher." (But in my stuff all Name= lines are commented out to avoid crashing RA) See the attached pic of the digital manual. What I'm trying to do for now is make just rules changes that can be contained within a map, so it's easy for just anyone to play these map mods in otherwise regular unmodded RA online without having to install a whole mod(which I don't know if that works over CNCNet) or another standalone mod game. When I really want to be as close as possible to original TD in RA I'll tailor my maps for Red Dawn with various things tweaked within them rather than reinventing the wheel. I was doing that while having toned down RA stuff available until I came up with my XO stuff. I also plan to make XO stuff for Red Dawn at some point. I've theorized what to do and substitutions to make with it having gotten rid of some RA resources. I tried four different RA to C&C conversions this morning. Some "CnC in RA v2.10" was a glitchy crashing mess. The three better ones: C&C Margera's Rules, RACC("RA to CnC v2.0"), and Red Dawn all had the ChemSpray like you describe, however two of those gave it the Fire warhead and Red Dawn had SA, while original TD actually had an HE warhead that was invisible with no explosion sound. And that affects its % damage to different armor things. So far all of these just have the RA style fireballs for flamers. Something cool Margera did was change the tiny barely noticeable turret on front of an allied gunboat to a rocket turret to make it resemble GDI's gunboat a little more. Something funny though is Dawn of the Tiberium Age (based on TS) actually has the C&C style flame for Nod infantry and Flame Tanks while it has RA style fireballs for Soviet infantry and Flame Towers. Having Nod and Soviet flamer infantry as different units, it also maintained that Soviets require a tech center and I would guess their other differences in stats. It has also the Nod airstrip with vehicles delivered by the cargo plane.
  11. Is the muzzle flash animation actual replacement gfx someone put in or did someone manage it with just custom rules? I've seen Red Dawn actually has the ChemSpray, but its warhead is set to SA so you don't see an explosion, which changes the % damage to different armor things. TD somehow had its warhead HE without displaying an explosion. Maybe I'll see what the old mod RACC did. I tried Adjacent=0 and it wouldn't let me place the buildings anywhere. So then I tried 0.5 and 0.99 and RA's default 1 was the lowest number that worked. The APC and Rocket Launcher(MRLS) I set to Owner=allies and DoubleOwned=yes since in the campaign only GDI had them, but in multi both sides could build them. There's of course the ion cannon video where you see a guard tower blasted. I think Nod shown with medium tank is the most common of those in the final game. But anyway, i ran out of turret vehicles to juggle around working entirely within just rules to place in a map. GDI starting with the SSM seemed so regular to me I didn't know it was a bug. Depending on how many units you started with, up to 50 with bases off, they got anywhere from 1 to 4 of them. Anyway it was the only turreted thing I could replace Light Tanks with. If I tried to change Light Tanks with image= to any other tank I got graphic glitches. I juggled things so SSM replaced Light Tank, Light replaced Heavy, Medium replaced Mammoth, Mammoth replaced Medium. Originally had Buggy replacing Heavy so its little machine gun on top could turn independently and it could be wheeled, but then I needed a turreted vehicle for the TD SSM gfx. So I ended up with Buggy replacing V2, MRLS replacing Arty, and Arty replacing Mobile Radar Jammer, to get starting units like I did. Anyone else find it odd, that while the Rocket Launcer is called the M.R.L.S, Mobile Rocket Launcher System, the internal graphic resources&rules have it as MSAM (mobile sam) and the Surface to Surface Missile Launcher as MLRS (wrong order, originally a typo that stayed?)? And RA included the SSM(MLRS) and Flame Tank(FTNK) images all along, but just no icons for having them buildable, which fortunately CNCNet's spawn1.mix adds. I know I'm not the only one wishing it had Obelisk gfx to replace the Tesla Coil with, even if it's still shooting electricity instead of the red laser. So after all that, it seems MAYBE I could just get something closer for muzzle flash for flamethrower just modding rules?
  12. I have had a request for pure Tiberian Dawn rules as exact as possible with no Allies or Soviet. Here they are with GDI replacing Allies and Nod replacing soviets. Only things I know are different and couldn't make exactly like TD: RA vs TD: No Ion Cannon. No Chemspray gfx and can't use green signal flare for projectile image. But otherwise mimiced functional behavior and stats. CNCNet/RA95.exe currently ignores crusher=no for Nod buggy replacing a crusher. Can't replicate same pattern of napalm airstrike. Can build a space away from buildings. War Factory vs Refinery build speeds when both cost the same. RA Adv Power Plant more vulnerable to nuke (It occupies more spaces that are hit). RA Light Units less vulnerable to nuke than TD with exact TD values Ore unload much faster = much quicker money which means more tanks. Ore doesn't hurt infantry. Flame Thrower different. Tesla Coil charges faster than Obelisk (so changed ROF to match overall time between shots). V2 vs SSM (Matched overall timing per 2 shots and always displays loaded missiles). (TD SSM fired second missile 10 seconds later. Then first reloaded after 12 sec, 22 sec total.) (In RA made it fire about every 11 sec for 22 total.) No Airstrip for Nod vehicles (War Factory for all) Juggling Units to set correct starting units-Had to have Nod start with medium tanks (They were depicted as possessing the medium tank in videos in TD). (It is correct that GDI could start with SSM but couldn't build them). Various Missing gfx Spawn1.mix only provides units and Advanced Guard Tower gfx EDIT: Download from later post
  13. In my first post of the thread is my mpr for RA. In my reply is the pud file for(from) WC2 you asked for. I was telling the subdirectory of the WC2 folder that it came from, since you probably already have it, if you have any version of WC2 other than original release without the expansion.
  14. Couple more things I found out while working on a single player vs AI (with possible AI teammates) skirmish map: When giving the AI (a multi# that the slot is selected to be AI) paratroopers (or spyplane), it will only use them if it has an airfield. So in my multiplayer map, that the AI was making use of paraships, it had built an airfield first. Using the trigger to give repeating weapon only works for anyone if they already possess the building that generates the weapon (Works if you set tech level of the weapon to 99 to normally disable it, so you can give it to just an AI or a certain multi# player). My map gives a couple things only to the computer and disables them for the player. Or another purpose is if you want it scripted so the player has to accomplish something to get the special weapon/ability that belongs to a building. People more experienced with making single player missions probably already know some of what I'm saying. But one point I said in an earlier post that it is required to have a trigger give paratroopers for the custom paradrop to take effect instead of just being 5 rifle infantry.
  15. It's in the subdirectories: Maps\Classic\Expansion\Scenario EDIT: pud for WC2 deleted from here since it's included in the game. And here's the original map and my RA version put together as an ani-gif for comparison.
  16. This requires CNCNet's spawn1.mix which contains C&C1 gfx. Use RA1MPLauncher to launch skirmish mode. Choose any #start but 2. And for an AI opponent set it to start #2. Set any additional AI players as your allies at other starts. You start with a ton of Nod units and some other units. Country factions are: France & Greece = Allies England & Spain = GDI Germany & Turkey = Nod Russia & Ukraine = Soviet Eng&Ger have Chronosphere. Spain&Turkey have IronCurtain&Airfield. No one has GPS, spyplane, or paratroopers, except maybe your AI opponent. Gun Turrets and Chem Warriors are changed to be able to shoot over concrete walls. Oil Pumps generate power and store ore. I brought in a couple ideas from Lunar Battle Field rules. This is the only map I have ever made with infinite ore. It was necessary to recreate the contained gold mines. This was an old expansion single player scenario I liked in WCII. I recreated it as an RA skirmish map which may be a bit ridiculous. So far I've found it's beatable with two normal difficulty AI allies vs the normal AI enemy. The pics in order are the original WCII version, followed by pics of my RA version. The off color one might show details better than the correct color one. And the large preview I cut off the bottom so you can't see what's beyond until you play it or open it in an editor. You can do whatever you want with this file. Just keep in mind RAEd shifts all the commented lines when it saves. And before opening it in RAEd you must open it in notepad and change the teamtype's waypoint from 100 to a lower number. After working in RAEd, open in notepad again, and change back to 100 to play the game with the map. Maybe I'll see how to make this a proper single player mission or a co-op multi map sometime. In skirmish mode the player is always multi1, but in multiplayer it's random even if you host the game. Have fun! UPDATE: New version. If the France/Greece (Allies) were to capture the airfield, an option to build a chinook transport that didn't work appeared. And it keeps saying new construction options. Chinook set buildable by everyone to fix that. Also added XO on front of the name since it's that ruleset and people know it requires spawn1.mix. xogrtwal.mpr
  17. HA HA HA HA! Awesome, thanks. I made it paradrop a flame tower and tesla coil on purpose. Just gotta make sure I build enough power plants first, heh.
  18. Updated and did major work on old maps for xo and xo lunar editions. With the two versions of the Shards of Caina/Luna naval + air map, the 100 vessel cap is bypassed for possibly the most epic naval & air battles within RA1. The expanded Cape Town maps without bypassing the cap lend themselves very well to a good amount of naval combat with the major body of water being a big E shape in the map. If sometime CnCNet allows maximums to be changed, the Shards maps have the cap increased but for now CNCNet ignores that so reinforcements and paraships allow the cap to be bypassed and AI actually gets naval units this way. If RA1 is still too limited for naval, then there's always the Dawn of the Tiberium Age standalone mod game that combines RA1 and C&C1 within TS's engine and also CnC Reloaded that combines TS into RA2. All rules sets are slightly updated. Because I tailor rules specifically on a map by map basis, sometimes you may want to grab rules out of a map rather than txt files of the rules. For example, Lunar's unit speeds and slower firing rate may be too slow. So in Thawed Shards of Luna they're normal XO speed and in Loonie Town they're XO alt speed. Also in those two Lunar maps I decided to modify it further and make GDI resemble the selection of units/defenses in Dune 2000 (in which all three teams are fairly similar). Except rather than making Artillery buildable by them, you get them through reinforcements or paradrops. I don't know and haven't researched actual stats of Dune but I made up a rough comparison of Dune vs C&C: Light Infantry = Minigunner Trooper = Rocket Infantry Fremen (A) = Stealth Minigunner Saboteur (O) = Commando without any gun Sardaukar (?) = Machinegun + Rocket Infantry Engineer = same Thumper = nothing MCV = same Trike = Recon Bike with machinegun Raider (O) = Trike/Bike with better FP,speed,armor Quad = four wheeler (buggy) with Rockets Main Battle Tank = Medium Tank Missile Tank = sturdier MRLS Siege Tank = sturdier Artillery Sonic Tank (A) = nothing Devastator Tank (H) = Mammoth Tank Deviator (O) = nothing Ornithopter (A) = Orca but nondirect controlled parabomb airstrike? Carryall = ~chinook or transport ship Frigate = ~transport ship (but sea not air) Sandworm = nothing, ~Viceroid,Dinosaurs,GiantAnts Gun Turret = same Rocket Turret = Advanced Guard Tower In Lunar rules I gave everyone Tanya and depending on the map you can build a technology center or capture a forward command center to build a Commando without C4 that's like Fremen + Sardaukar (stealth+machingune+rockets). See this thread on custom paradrops: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2599.0 And my own webpage has been updated: http://xo.cncguild.net/ EDIT: Cape Town and Looney Town updated to v2.0 xocainap.mpr xocainal.mpr xocapet2.mpr xolnytn2.mpr
  19. In multiplayer, what # player you are seems fairly random, but in skirmish it seems the player is always multi1 and any computers are multi2 and so on. So you can have a constant trigger after a certain amount of time elapses that the computer(multi2) gets reinforcements of battleships and transports. For the transport team, have some land units in the team and add unload to its list of orders and it will unload the land units of its team onto land you have its arrival waypoint at. In a map I tried it, subs get stuck off the border of the map and you just see their front poking it. So if it that happens you just gotta place multi2 subs in the map to start with. Or customizing the paratroopers teamtype to ships allows the computer to paradrop any ship or sub except not any transports. See http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2599.0 and in my Frozen/Thawed Shards of Caina/Luna maps which are designed for multiplayer but the computer will paradrop ships and subs. See http://gokuma.voila.net/cnc.html
  20. Heh heh! Glad you like it. Editing in notepad and changing something to FTUR simply didn't work for me. As I said: Maybe there's a way. I just don't know it. BTW, where is a copy of the latest version of your experimental ra95.exe with new triggers and specification of additional things? Anyway here's a googledrive link to the video I submitted on the official video thread: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B34aFcuymc7cdjBZcXU1RG1FMVE&usp=sharing
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o91YudRBq5E
  22. See if this link works and if it allows you to grab the video: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B34aFcuymc7cdjBZcXU1RG1FMVE&usp=sharing It wouldn't let me move to that shared folder. I can't seem to share with the owner of the folder because I don't know the e-mail address. Freaking damn it google+ and googledrive are such piles of counterintuitive clunky crap that make the simplest things so unclear and needlessly difficult to do. Google+ is like a crappier facebook where private messaging is unclear and gets buried irretrievably in the stream of everything else. It seems like this system would be connected more to youtube like google+ because you're using the exact same account but I can't find how to access my stuff already on youtube in it. I'm done my share of hexediting an executable but I can't tell if I'm doing this right. Stupid freaking google. EDIT: My girlfriend and I were wondering why our connections were crawling so slow and dropping off all day yesterday and it was all because of googledrive trying to download all these RA2 videos that weren't mine. So I removed that folder from my account and deleted the google drive software. What a POS! The link for my video should still work anyway. I will probably upload any future video to http://vimeo.com where you can easily just allow a video file to be downloadable.
  23. Here's youtube and googledrive links to a video I'd like to submit to CNCNet. Please use the description or info from youtube link when adding it to the official channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o91YudRBq5E EDIT: trouble with sharing. Will mess with this later. Is there a way to just add videos already uploaded to youtube to googledrive for sharing? Because I had to upload it twice aside from wanting my info kept with it.
  24. I managed to repeat the glitch a couple times and got a video. It actually builds with sound effects as it drops! Do you have a way to cut the first 3 min 24 sec off a FLV file (and some off the end of it) or do you want an already trimmed WMV file that has an annoying translucent replay converter advertisement across the bottom of the whole video.
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