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Everything posted by Eisengeist

  1. One quick thing to add for new players is that in new (at least cncnet) versions of Red Alert, the bookmark keys set by holding ctrl are redefined from F9 through F12 to W,R,V,space.
  2. You're welcome. Also, a few more things. In Dawn of Tiberium Age, Allies got a Mobile Flak Cannon that's pretty good. Naval units might vary by map even among multiplayer maps. In one I think Allies only had two ships and in another I think they had three. Unless an update changed it. Red Dawn has new missions aside from converted ones. Scorpion Cell in Mental Omega also resembles Ordos from Dune2000. They even have their Deviator.
  3. Some good answers aside from checking out their web pages and videos: Mental Omega... Takes place after Yuri's Revenge I think. Has some new campaigns I think. The three sides are each divided into three more varied subfactions with many of their own units US or European Allies or Pacific Front (seems like Japan+Korea) Russia or China or the more guerrilla type Latin Confederation Epsilon Headquarters, Psi-Corps, or Scorpion Cell (which has a lot of resemblance to Nod). Pacific Front vs China might make for an interesting game of RA2 with an Asian twist on both sides. The Yuri/Epsilon teams seem to be more well rounded complete armies compared to Yuri's Revenge. Dawn of the Tiberium Age... (probably my favorite out of the four) The four teams from Original C&C and RA1 with their original graphics. Great new single player missions and a campaign. Don't think there's any of the original C&C/RA missions recreated. Maps look more like original C&C/RA but I've still seen TS's trains. Differences: A few Tiberian Sun and new units (Nod Cyborg Prototype, Repair Vehicle, Stealth APC, Hijacker, Termite (like Ticktank but with laser), Microwave Tank; GDI JumpJets from TS, X-O Powersuit based on original C&C2 preview, Commander with Railgun in single player mission, ) No Mine layers but Allies can build powerful anti-tank mines for $500 a piece. No Chronosphere or Iron Curtain. ChronoTanks at first appear translucent. Click different places and they warp around. Deploy it and it phases in and that's it - just that one initial chronoshift per a tank. Phase Transport is a normal vehicle for Allies. Soviets have Heavy APC and Volkov. Soviets no longer have Tanya (makes sense and they have Volkov). Nod can't build GDI's MRLS in multiplayer like in original C&C. Soviets don't have helipad or hind but people probably always just used their airfields instead anyway. Nod can build a stealth generater. Nod can upgrade Advanced Power Plants for more power but they slowly take damage. Everyone gets Mobile Sensor Array. GDI has an airfield and A10 Warthog is buildable as regular unit. No transport ships but you can tell Chinooks to pick up vehicles. And Allies have Chinook even though they didn't in RA. GDI and Nod gain Navies. GDI has Gunboat and Cruiser. (In a single player mission computer GDI had Aircraft carrier) Nod has Patrol boat and Sea Shadow (which acts like a Dreadnought) In Single player mission Nod has Scarab Speedboats and Laser Corvettes. Allies Destroyer acts like RA Gunboat and Frigate acts like RA Destroyer. If you choose starting reinforcements you get a little Flak Hovercraft that can go over water regardless of faction. Once I got a Mobile SAM from a crate. Some units you can only have one at a time and can only build another when it's destroyed: GDI X-O Powersuit, Nod SSM Launcher and Cyborg Prototype, Allies Phase Transport, Soviet Volkov. Has original C&C Viceroids and TS's Ion Storms. I don't know if there's any Dinos or Ants though. CnC Reloaded... Tiberian Sun versions of GDI and Nod put into RA2 with some additional stuff to even them up. One of the campaigns or at least most of one from TS is in it. Forget if it's GDI or Nod one. Didn't test GDI much yet but... They have navies. Both have Giant Jellyfish. Nod has submarine and missile submarine. Nod can build Pyramid for Tiberium Shower and EMP missile. Nod also got a forcefield ability from something. Twisted Insurrection: A heavily redesigned GDI and Nod. Story is based on outcome of Nod winning original C&C. A third new faction - Globotech seems to be computer controlled only and not a selectable faction. New campaigns and challenge missions. Among these great mods I think should be Red Dawn which does the best job turning RA into original C&C1/TD. It's a stand alone game. Nearly all of C&C missions converted to RA plus the Counterstrike and Aftermath missions adapted to the conversion of RA into TD. Has Dino funpark missions but the Ant Missions (at least the first one) is changed to defending an attack from Nod. I don't know if Viceroids are in this mod at all though. Few new units: IFV (APC with little tank turret & carries 6) for both sides, Advanced Light Tank and Chem Tank for Nod. Actually have been messing with this mod/game most of all since I'm most into modding and mapping RA1 but like original C&C most. I should probably check out Classic Revolution soon.
  4. This seems pretty pointless. Games are usually best on the system they're designed for . PC games that play best with keyboard and mouse and are most modifiable are best on PC whether it's this RTS games or a First Person Shooter. Console games are usually best on their original system. For years PC gaming suffered from really awful gamepads and only flight type joysticks, not arcade style for fighting games. Emulation took awhile to get better. Now a lot is close to perfect and USB adapters to use actual console controls such as SNES or PSX are great. I have some actual arcade perfect sticks for SNES I can use now. There's still some quality about playing games on their actual hardware though. Except I hate playing on little portable screens but DS emulation is slow for me so on the actual system is the only way to go there. I can only think of three examples of a redeeming quality in a console port of a PC game: Hexen for N64 is four player splitscreen on one system - pretty convenient! But a four player game on PC is better. Doom for SNES has really great sounding music with its sound system, but otherwise that version sucked and happens to be the first I played before having a PC. The Atari Jaguar version of Wolfenstein apparently including Spear of Destiny had twice the resolution sprites, but unfortunately less frames of animation. The four-armed Úber Mutant looks freaking badass! Of course these gfx have been ripped to be put in Wolfenstein and Doom mods on PC. Anyway, I played RA two players on PSX once (using the serial cable with two systems and two TV's) at a friend's house once. I picked a naval level, let a guy's mammoth tanks run into my mine field and blew up his base with cruisers. And my friend had me help him with a single player mission where you have air units and there was a bunch of anti-air. Aside from control just being crappy with a gamepad, they really screwed something up. I couldn't tell the aircraft to go anywhere that wasn't a target. So instead of clicking places away from anti-air to sneak around, you had to just go straight through and get blown up or destroy all the anti-air from the ground first. It was just crappy compared to the PC version.
  5. This may be off the original topic of this thread but since this where we were talking it, I did some more speed testing. I found in TD that Recon Bikes (wheeled 40) on reg terrain seem to be the same speed as Chinooks (30). Meanwhile just numberwise Chinooks are 75% of Attack Copters, 30 vs 40. In RA's Chinooks are 12, which is 75% of Longbows at 16 (but hinds are slower at same speed as Chinook). I think those copters might have retained about the same effective speeds between RA and TD's scales. Before I suggested 17 wheeled as a speed for Recon Bikes in Red Dawn with slow tanks speeds to match TD. In RA I found that 17 wheeled on reg terrain is just barely slightly slower than speed 12 aircraft (so close they may as well be the same). So anyway, here's the speed comparisons I came up with. I suggest increasing ROT to 10 or more for aircraft while testing: 17 wheeled faster than 11 air 17 wheeled barely slower than 12 air 18 wheeled faster than 12 air 18 wheeled slower than 13 air 19 wheeled faster than 12 air 19 wheeled barely slower than 13 air 20 wheeled = 13 air 21 wheeled faster than 14 air 21 wheeled barely slower than 15 air In my tests there's seems to be a bigger jump in speed from 20 to 21, after 18 through 20 are so gradual. RA's engine rounding something? Ignoring that apparent inconsistency in speed increases, I've come up with these aircraft speeds in relation to possible recon bike speeds: Bike, Chinook, Apache, Orca 17, 12, 16, maybe make Orca 17 just to be more advanced 18, 13, 17, 18 19, 13, 17, 18 20, 13, 17, 18 21, 14, 18, 19 21, 15, 19, 20 21, 15, 20, 21 (I may go with 20, 14, 18, 19 in some maps of mine) Faster speeds are to go with sets of speeds maintaining RA's increases while trying to have TD's proportions. Apache and Orca were the same In TD, but the Orca is supposed to be more advanced, So I when I have a chinook speed that is not 75% of any other whole number or rather no whole number is 1.33333 times the Chinook's, I round down for the Apache and up for the Orca. Of course those higher speed wheeled vehicles are reasonable on regular terrain, but they're going to really zip around on the occasional roads which we don't see much of. Just within some map mods of mine am I trying to combine RA's speed increases with TD relative proportions. Due to the big jump from 20 to 21, I think I'll stay away from putting anything at 21.
  6. What changes does Firestorm make aside from adding Nod's Reaper, Fist of Nod, & Mobile Stealth Generator, and GDI's Juggernauts, Mobile EMP Cannon, Mobile War Factory, & Drop Pod Control? Aside from base games and expansions, where do the combination and other mods come with numbers of games being played? Because I've very impressed with all of: Dawn of the Tiberium Age Red Dawn (wonder why this isn't with the rest on CnCNet front page?) CnC Reloaded Twisted Insurrection and Mental Omega. Persionally I prefer #1 TD, #2 RA1, #3 TS. So combination games are pretty awesome and the mods for RA2 managed to get me more interested in that game.
  7. Heh, I've seen this band before and seeing them again tonight: http://www.reverbnation.com/unitready Word is they were trying to think of a name and someone was playing C&C.
  8. RA2, possibly only with Yuri's Revenge, at least makes a nod (no pun intended), back to TD's dinos with the multiplayer map Monster Movie. It has a bunch of T-Rex's running through and a huge dino in a pool of water. The T-Rex's only seem to fight you if you get in their path and attack them. The other dino seems to be invincible and instantly kills a unit just if you move to a spot directly south of it.
  9. Apparently I was mistakened and Colour= and SecondaryColorScheme= do work through cncnet5. I thought Secondary is for buildings when it's for changing the units independently and I got mixed up. EDIT: But of course it only affects computer units/structures placed in the map and not AI players or human players as far as I know.
  10. Did some more testing. Apparently SecondaryColorScheme= in an mpr does work playing from RA's actual skirmish menu rather than CNCnet5's, but only for computer controlled stuff placed in a map.
  11. Heh me too. Including stuff versus helicopters. With a recon bike to set to 21 wheeled, copters at 17 and 18 speed (didn't try other speeds) were still faster, except when the bike was on a road it was faster. And I had double laned roads set up for some tests.
  12. I was just trying to color computer controlled units and structures within the map. In an area of the map away from the players I'm mimicing appearances of GDI, Nod, Allies, and Soviet forces.
  13. My RA3 installed and ran fine. It also auto-update patched through the internet. Shrinkwrap had a promotion sticker for another game so it was brand new. The manual had a misprint with one character missing from my serial key. After a bunch of attempts I guessed the missing char fortunately. In this supposed RA3 crack which I haven't tried... (filename RED.ALERT.3.V1.12.ITA.BANSHEE.NODVD.zip) There's three files to replaces ones in RA3's data folder: lib_art.map Libraries.big ra3_1.12.game So I'm not sure what this is supposed to do then
  14. Apparently SecondaryColorScheme=(# of color) doesn't work in a multiplayer map. At least it didn't for me. But what did work is this: [uSSR] Allies=Germany [Germany] Allies=USSR And then I placed Russian buildings and Germany units/infantry (In a map for Red Dawn where Germany is gray) to mimic the look of Nod forces.
  15. Allen, with tanks at 5 and APC's at 9, I would try these speed settings for TD's proportions: Hummvee and Buggies 13 (just bit faster than APC on reg terrain), tracked=no, ROT=10. Recon Bike 17 (Buggy is 75% of its speed 30 vs 40), tracked=no, ROT=10. Everything else ROT 5, except Artillery 2, Orca & Apache 4, and ships have all different I think. Stealth Tank 8 (Tanks were 60% of it and it was 85.7% of APC), ROT 5 Flamethrower Trooper 4 same as Grenadier and Commando unless slower is better balance. Apache's speed faster, closer to Orca with Orca not quite so fast (were the same in TD but Orca is supposed to be a more advanced craft) Not sure if Chem Tanks are mammoth speed for balancing at 4 or should be the same as Flame Tanks at 5.
  16. On regular terrain: 13 tracked = 17 wheeled 12 tracked = 16 wheeled 11 tracked = 15 wheeled 10 tracked = 13 wheeled 9 tracked = 12 wheeled 9 tracked faster than 11 wheeled 8 tracked slower than 11 wheeled 8 tracked faster than 10 wheeled 7 tracked slower than 10 wheeled
  17. I'm not sure what if he meant that or just simple speed # being that much faster for them both being tracked.
  18. I've been taking cues from this thread in tweaking things in my maps at http://gokuma.voila.net/cnc.html Doing the math in map's where I just increased rangers to 13 to match APC's 10 on reg terrain: Ranger is 30% faster than APC on roads and APC is 25% faster than the average tank off road. In Retro (Tiberium Alert but still RA gfx&sfx) maps with APC's at 11 and Rangers at 15: Ranger is 36.4% faster than APC on roads and APC is 37.5% faster than average tank off road. I made supply trucks the equivalent to recon bikes. In standard and Lunar maps I gave them same speed as ranger but in retro I gave them a speed 17 (wheeled). I See Red Dawn (RA totally converted to TD) sets Tanks down from 8 to 5 and APC from 10 to 9. Humvees are 10 wheeled while APC's 9 tracked are still faster unlike actual TD. Otherwise I think they recreated TD's speeds really well on RA's scale which is less fine. Just the humvee and recon bike should be faster, and the buggy should be wheeled and as fast as humvee. So IF 5 is really TD tank speed, tanks got a 60% increase in RA and light tanks got an 80% increase. Now something I just tested in regular RA that'll really make you laugh... On regular terrain, light tanks are substantially faster than rangers and even medium tanks are slightly faster than rangers! Rangers just have double the turning speed going for them, but a medium tank still got ahead and turned into its path and cut it off. The ranger had no horn to beep at it.
  19. I'd rather keep RA's added depth with terrain types. But that is a really cool idea for having infantry slowly climb in theory. Unfortunately it didn't seem to work right for me. I simply changed foot from 0% to 10%, and then tried 50%. Infantry seemed to go the same speed as regular terrain (90%). Tanya would sometimes run straight across the cliff. Other times she or other infantry would go up a bit, encounter some invisible blocking line, and then you'd have to make them go left or right a little before they could get all the way up or down.
  20. Quick reuploaded three zips with speeds adjusted for APC, Ranger, Truck, Stealth Tank, and in two maps the SAM's RoF. Adjusted some speeds according to this: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3577.msg26854#msg26854
  21. Could you please upload a copy here? It sounds interesting.
  22. Thanks for setting me straight on speeds guys. I did some side-by-side testing of racing units a good distance in a straight line. In C&CTD Humvees (30 wheeled) definitely move a little faster than APC's (35 tracked)(only tested regular terrain). However, in RA, APC's (10 tracked) definitely move a little faster than Rangers (10 wheeled) on regular terrain. On roads they move the same speed (100% of 10 whether tracked or wheeled.) If you set rangers to 13 then they move the same speed on reg terrain but faster on roads. In RA I wanted to make APC's proportionally faster than tanks like TD without slowing the tanks to TD speeds. In TD APC's are 35 tracked while most Tanks are 18 tracked. Making them nearly twice the speed. On RA's scale with its faster tanks averaging 8, that means about 15 would preserve the proportion. But making APCs just 14 seems a little too fast for me so I guess it's best not to preserve that proportion so much with RA speed tanks. The best compromise I've found while keeping tanks at RA speed, is to increase APC's to just 11 and Rangers to 15, so they move the same speed on regular terrain, but Rangers get a big advantage on roads.
  23. Thanks Bmoeller. Well I improved one map image so far. AND... There's new versions of all my RA1 stuff, plus new previously unreleased stuff. http://gokuma.voila.net/cnc.html
  24. I have a multiplayer map with the Commando/General unit and Transport Copter but as soon as you load him in, it goes to fly off the map unless you quick take control of it and tell it to move somewhere else. I can't see anything under the units to stop this. Under mission stuff there's ; Special team override mission. [Rescue] Rate=.016 I tried setting the rate to 1000 and adding these Zombie=yes Paralyzed=yes but nothing seemed to work. Only other thing I can think of is to turn some other civilian or agent that the copter doesn't automatically take away into the general with Image=GNRL and use that one. Update Edit: Changing other infantry to image=GNRL just results in wrong animations and some can't even shoot. Tested with Chan, Delphi, Einstein, Spy, Thf, E4, E6, C10, Shok
  25. I just ordered C&C3 with its Kane's Wraith expansion and also regular RA 3 (a.k.a. Command & Carnival as someone here called it) I should have read RA3's reviews first as it's plagued by the same DRM as C&C4. Fortunately it's really cheap for a brand new copy and I'll look for a crack to get rid of secuROM. I read C&C4 reviews and WOW! That IS REALLY awful!
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