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  1. hello guys im just gonna ask a questions how you guys set a timer? for example 50 minutes and after the timer runs out you win or loose in certain game.
  2. well the chrono tech were improved after the end of RA1 soo with those improvements, there will no longer a dangerous side effects like chrono vortex, no more missing personel in vichicle and no more personale get mixed with any object in fact thanks those improvements the allied manage to invade russia and end soviet union occupation in united states with chrono assult using chronosphere to transport their units to russia
  3. im trying to do another mission this time its interior misson okay i was trying to make this one and when i play the red alert interior misson the player can shut down power or can make the nuclear reactor into meltdown crisis exposions! how to do that? how to shut power down on certain item on the interior maps and how to make nuclear reactor to meltdown?
  4. This is my first misson i have created it was done really well good well almost but i just need some of you field testing it first Cabal.zip
  5. okay i have another questions when playing the misson how to make a breifing appears? also how to make a music plays for example when playing a misson theres a random music plays on each misson also too how to set a faction your play as a starting location for example when playing misson showing the important unit in starting location
  6. thanks the misson will be ready when i tested it
  7. soo when this mod ready anyway? by the looks of it the misson looks awsome
  8. Hey guys im trying to make my own custom misson and im asking something how to make the misson end when you destroyed an very and important buildning? and how to make a misson failure when an important Unit like example General died?
  9. i really could wish wanna play it
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