ive seen countless games decided by exactly what you describe with the soviet sentrygun-moving, warfactory-armored, miragetank-ranged, fodder-killing, mirage-prism killing, anti-scouting, anti-laming, split-defense fodder/ basetrade fodder, navalstretch-killing, chronolegionaire-killing, quicktech-punishing, deso-immuned behemoth whos mere presence maintains winnable situations that would otherwise be unwinable all while collecting fucking ore, boys. It can even metamorphize into an apocolypse tank if it somehow ever finds elite status.
One of the very few things mentioned in this topic that has any relevance.
if ya'll think allies are good... you are overlooking things. While the chronosphere is very good, it is far more possible to fuck up, has a longer cooldown, is harder to build first due to what we can refer to as the "allied power problem" --AOP--. Oh, and it doesnt make units INVULNERABLE l0l
The AOP is the #1 reason why sov > allied