This poll is too generic really... I voted for both vet & non vet because we should have the option to play either and we can filter what we are willing to play...
I also voted none in the mod map section because in my opinion maps like Giants of War and Big Bluntz Green and the like are not "ladder worthy" but don't get it twisted its just my opinion... I didn't think it related to "map fixes" & "patching/editing" faction properties.
A better path would be to have flexibility to play standard versions and "patched" versions of a good selection of maps that the majority of the community can take into consideration and agree on.
The "Balance & Veteran" updates is and has been a work in progress for several years now and will probably be on-going, we could go into detail here about the game being rushed and unreleased properly etc etc but we don't really need to...
Humble wanted to get the Balance & Vet updates to a "good state" so we have been testing it in typical game play to get it there. We have made a TEXT file readily available on DISCORD that is in a clear and concise format while things are still being worked on for now... the plan is to post it to this forum with more information and possible with pictures or something when humble has the time I believe. If anyone who would like access to the information but couldn't be bothered to get onto discord obviously doesn't care enough for it anyway, but for those that would you can join our Tiberian Sun specific discord and click the # vet-bal-update-info text channel to download the current version text file.
People have too much expectation and think something is gonna be finished and perfect overnight... maybe instead of being narrow minded and calling everything "trash" it would be better to have some input to help with direction and understand that it is an "experimental option"....
TRZ you seem to approach everything so negatively dude... aside from calling everything TRASH and being TOXIC why don't you bring something good to the table in a positive manner? Maybe everyone will stop roasting you man and your opinions could be helpful for once.
Clearly Balance & Vet version is favored by the majority even those that voted for both are open to having either versions playable on the ladder.
To my knowledge, Hitman casted his vote incorrectly and wanted vet and/or both. Also you have access do the discord and people have tried explaining the updates to you and others, but you seem to either just purely hate everything or you are not willing to read and understand the file yourself.
Nobody forced you to play and test them with us, I believe people asked for your input also but I'm not sure what happened there..
If you're gonna complain about literally everything then host your own game to play with someone who wants to play what you are willing to.
I play the non vet version of Terrace with the map fixes with people from time to time too but I'm keeping an open mind in hopes the updates do positive things for the game play. If these maps are so trash then why do the majority of players prefer to play them?