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Everything posted by DaZiReLaN

  1. lol to ask for ss on giants of all maps
  2. lol @ eatme , I wonder what he's up too these days lol.
  3. can we get it fixed please? before anyone asks yes I had a radar.
  4. RIP mike, what a character man. I knew him from years but we had such a laugh over summer and kept us going on cncnet. RIP rest easy man
  5. nice to see your still alive mole40k
  6. TL:DR topic - OP poster mentally deranged.
  7. Spacebar hotkey provides a black screen full of various instructions , and to hide it requires pressing of said again, this in a game is a torture when trying to control in a high paced scenario. I've tried resetting hotkey to different key(s) and a worse effect happens, it brings you the game settings options, can we look into this as I know a few people who hate this. thanks.
  8. honestly cant believe ive posted here in 2015 where the f did the time go man ,
  9. hi , I play ra1 on a laptop and if ever i click a key that takes me to desktop by mistake the screen goes black on my game , whats the solution
  10. upload bettzeugs player cards , assign bounty points in relation to skill , gain 100 points for killing DaZiRelan and 3 for Kaizen gg no re
  11. you'll be missed ollie ya big kangaroo !
  12. Carnage > Trz > C0rps > Honda > nuff said no1 else worth mentioning
  13. ollie - trz (marginal) > honda >
  14. hey my keyboards set up that the F1 to F8 does various things like brighten screen etc any solutions folkz
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