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  1. My friend, Grant provided instructions and mentioned at the end its easy to revert back to live. I report to him that reverting back to live did in fact not work and broke my installation completely. Please try not to constantly sound aggressive towards me as I am some stupid person, thanks. Also yes before you ask the next aggressive question I did let cncnet installer re-download all the required files to play back on "live".
  2. When trying the beta version and reverting back to live, all my map previews broke and every room I joined notified me as a "cheater" for having modified files, had to re-install to fix it.
  3. There's an edit on the discord server that has a tutorial on how to edit thememd.ini to bring them back yourself. I agree though, and even made a topic many years ago questioning why they were removed. For RA2 mode it makes sense to only keep the RA2 tunes for authentic sake, but YR is an EXPANSION so it shouldn't get rid of things.
  4. Not sure if you are joking again, but vanilla is a gaming term for an "unmodified" version of the game, or the original release. In this context the original Red Alert 2 without the CnCNet mods. https://letslearnslang.com/what-does-vanilla-mean-in-gaming/#:~:text=Vanilla is used to describe,modifications on the latest version. As for the bug itself yeah it only happens if something was there before but died, for some reason the game does not remove your ability to see invisible units at that area sometimes.
  5. Speakng of underwater units, this is an ancient vanilla bug, but many times i keep be able to see underwater units I am no longer supposed to see anymore. This also happened offline in OG RA2, but maybe this is also a contributor to recons
  6. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/555328256232914948/1137093932325552208/EXCEPT_CNCNET.TXT
  7. This time got an internal error. The internal error is a different window so OBS does not capture it, so here's a screenshot: Video match: So the weird thing is that this time not everyone seems to have crashed. When I went out of the room, it seemed the others were still in-game. I had happen before where suddenly someone "lag out" so maybe it is similar to this. Caused by the Chrono? I don't know, but yeah. Getting tiring.
  8. If you talk about RA2 mode there's many issues i noticed long ago Unit speed upgraded has no animation, physic sensor and cloning vats still got the YR build animation, etc. But I wanted revisit RA2 mode problems another time again but since you do now, I may as well
  9. Welp, crash nr #2 (that is recorded that is lol) Bleh. Not even anything navy was near here (from my screen anyway, not sure what happened on the other side), but black eagles were crashing again. But honestly, if it were the eagles crashing this whole dumb issue should happen more frequently or in general in other maps as well. It's also not lag or something because all these games are very smooth. Tsunami is one of the most popular official maps, and honestly, it surprises me it still is when this problem is so frequent and existing for long. It's a shame, since I really enjoy the map.
  10. Took me a while too, but the 2 not crashing hornets came from the right (escaping) carrier, see the shadow as they go out of the carrier.
  11. Well, that didn't took long... Here's the first full video of a recon error No edits, no cut to the end, the full match. That's how all the recon vids will be. The recon is at the end of the video as excected The only thing worth mentioning on this one is that on the left there was a chrono targeting something and on that very same frame (it seems, based on the sound) the game recon'd. I don't know if that was the cause or not. It could also be the IFV doing something causing it, I really don't know.
  12. No obvious ways to replicate yet sadly, but here's yet another one to the collection. Some of my dolphins were being captured by Yuri and a little after the game recon'd. And yes Grant, this is not something recent. I had this happen years ago in Tsunami as well Maybe I can start record my tsunami games..
  13. I do know some intentionally host 1.1 because some 1.1 versions have "unlimited money" but that's a different can of worms and a really boring way to play the maps, usually full of camping without SW lol. Unfortunately I see the non-final ones hosted way more than the final one.
  14. Back in 2017 destroying gap generators (often with a nuke) caused recons as well, which too got fixed I believe; never seen that happen anymore. Anyway, even if the issue is the map, then the reason should still be figured out, so an official bug fix can be made for the map.
  15. It's not the map, but something to do with SEA-related (maybe cloaks as it also has caused a lot of issues for observers from what I can tell in the changelogs...) As OP himself even shows, recons happen in other SEA maps as well. This is a problem for years, but maybe if more people try to help replicate it, it can finally get fixed instead of "just not playing Tsunami because its bugged". But even back when I started I am very sure I already experienced this issue. It's a really, really old issue with Tsunami (presumably all SEA maps)
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