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  1. All my friends can see each other in the LAN player list in Red Alert 2, I can see them too but no one can see me and no one can join a game I create. Running windows 10 fully up to date. Been going on forever, any ideas why?
  2. Thank you, that thing looks amazing, didn't even know it existed! Open your map with a text editor and add following to your map: ;makes oil derrick invincible [CAOILD] Immune=yes ;time in minuts between ore growths, was 3 [General] GrowthRate=1 Thank you, that is brilliant
  3. hostname resolve definitely helps alot! ty!
  4. What's the difference between Final Alert 2 official version versus the one linked in this thread on the first page that's linked on mediafire?
  5. no it's not. No game needs more than 1Mbps download, ever. Nor do any games need more than 512kbps upload ever. Anyhow I finally managed to figure it out. 10-15 KB/s download speed and 6-10 KB/s upload speed is all I need. Then why are you asking? My original post was 4 days before I had my answer *facepalm*.
  6. Hi everyone, Totally new to the mapping scene and I am lost. There are a few things I would like to achieve. Faster Ore Growth (Faster Respawn) from the ore respawner object Indestructible Oil Derrick Any help would be appreciated, thank you. Any help on understanding INI and editing it would be greatlly appreciated. I am totally lost with the INI part, but the triggers part I have a very rough idea of how things work and I will be practicing that a lot more. Thanks again
  7. no it's not. No game needs more than 1Mbps download, ever. Nor do any games need more than 512kbps upload ever. Anyhow I finally managed to figure it out. 10-15 KB/s download speed and 6-10 KB/s upload speed is all I need.
  8. I want to know how much upload speed on the internet do I need to be able to play a 8 Player MP game online in Red Alert 2. I have only 128kbps upload. Is that going to be enough?
  9. Hi folks, I am having a weird issue with cncnet. When i create a lobby for a MP game, I always see the low res map and there are no numbers on it. No matter how long I wait, I opened up Skirmish mode to see if the issue is consistent but it is not. Under skirmish mode the high res map shows up with all the numbers placed on the spawn spots like it should be. I tested it both in W7 x64 SP1 and Windows 10. What am I missing here that is causing this issue? This bug is making it hard to host a lobby every time. Thank you for your time and help. EDIT: SOrry, posted in wrong section. Will make another post in the right section.
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