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Dr. Wonderful

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Everything posted by Dr. Wonderful

  1. Whoa, I am terrible at foreign languages. I've been on other forums where I was the only person with a working translator.
  2. English translaton: Hello, Voila (?) has cnc1 (TD) installed. When I launch the game in windowed mode, my pointer (cursor) moves very quickly (probably too high scroll rate) and appears on the edge of the screen. What do I do? Mor in compatibility mode win 95, it does not work, the game does not launch. (Awkwardly worded) Thank you in advance.
  3. [glow=red,2,300]I am speaking for my dear friend who cannot play TD because the Dinosaurs have taken over.[/glow] Alright, so you see, my friend is having trouble playing TD. He has it on Origin. The problem is whenever he tries to begin a new campaign, instead of launching one of the two campaigns, it launches the funpark missions!
  4. Uhh, 256 color? Mine is 272 color. I can't seem to convert it by any conventional means.
  5. Okay, I can't seem to get any reinforcements to work that aren't using helicopters. So I can't get hovercrafts to land or just get troops to walk in the screen! Also, what waypoint is the flare lit at?
  6. Cool. What are the rest of the bits for? Prerequisites? Also, how do I load me custom title screen into the game?
  7. My only concern is the size. It would have to be as big as an airstrip. :mammoth:
  8. Oh yes, and were do I find the ownership and such. What file are they in? What do you need to edit them? How's your mom doing?
  9. And I thought I would have had to make my own command post structure to use in my mod campaign. It's excellent. It will due perfectly.
  10. Yep, it worked. By solving that one, here's another: I can't open the title screen or edit it. Oh, yes, and how can I convet gif files to shp files. :mammoth:
  11. TEM!!! Wholly cheese, I created this simple icon in the SHP builder. It needs to end in .tem?! Also, I want to see if there is a better graphics editor out there. :mad: This silly thing wont let me post shp files!
  12. I don't turn the score screen on anyway... So, I can't get icons to show, still. I looked at the Chem Tank icon and I am absolutely positively sure it is in the temperat palette.
  13. Yep, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm putting this theater stuff on hold. I'll go back to drawing textures for units. (I do still want to edit the title screen) I'll post a sneak peak soon...
  14. Well, using RAMIX, that I correctly mounted, I failed to open the tmp. Files that I extracted from temperat.mix. I claimed It couldn't open it. Also, how do I make a map with a custom theater. :engie:
  15. This is awesome! It's fantastic! It's superb! Your gonna be a star, I'm tellin you! Meet me in my office 3:00 tomorrow! I am also using this in me mod! But, umm, does anyone have a light tank with two barrels laying around?
  16. Bob lives in my only drive, c:. Soooo, then shouldn't it be in Computer c: bob? And I have your Cnc meets starwars mod. Which made me ask, how did you change the title screen?! Edit: Also, I tried editing the temperat.mix to try to make a new theater. It ain't working.
  17. :mammoth: Alright, I named my folder bob. When I put mount c bob It would ay it doesn't exist. Also, I used XCC mixer to extract the conquer.eng and edited it. I then compressed it into scwonderful. (Yeah, I don't think thats right...)
  18. I've been seeing previews of TD mods which have more sides than GDI and NOD. How did everyone do that? Edit: DOSbox refuses to mount the directory for the disassembler. :mad:
  19. Dr. Wonderful


    ?Whoa, I never would of guessed!
  20. Dr. Wonderful


    Well, why don't they use it in missions?
  21. Dr. Wonderful


    Funky building alert Backstory: So I took a 15 min break from modding to make a custom mission. I opened my XCC editor. As I was building, and building, and building, I decided to put some civilians in. And in the civilian's buildings, there was a wacky structure called the Arco. Wha?
  22. Well, I'm starting with graphics and icons, but I want to eventually work up to the wonderful world of hacking. Edit: Alright, yet again you have amazed me, and have earned a place in the credits. But anyway, as I was testing my chemical tank, I moved my cursor over it and fond it was still called Flame Tank. Do you need the hex editor to do that too? Edit two: And I do have DOSBox but very little experience of how to use it.
  23. You know, Nyerguds once had made a guide to map editing...
  24. Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, I found a nice hex editor. The bad news is, I opened cnc95.exe. I almost turned into a viceroid. It looks nothing like that rocket launcher you pulled up. You said that rocket launcher script was "translated", how do I do that?
  25. Spoke too soon about the icons. I had renamed the chemical tank icon to ftnkicnh.tem, fail, temp.ftnkicnh, fail, even the shp file extension I tried changing to tmp, tem, tep. Fail, fail, FAIL!!! Grrrr... Here is the mod again with the CT icon. (Don't mind the e1, he's not yet complete.) Opps, how did that get there?
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