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Everything posted by xe3

  1. allied are the best, not op. westwood was an american company and einstein was the main scientist. learn the difference, communist.
  2. lol choppers....useless unit. unless it's ww5 where anything soviet is overbuffed just so they would have a chance against allies. ww5 has been created by a communist.
  3. you have to be extremely bad at this game if you lose 50 mirages to 1 deso 1 mirage = 2 desos you communist but thanks for admitting that allies are the best
  4. yes i also love spies a horde of lvl1 prisms or mirages or battlefortress going straight to lvl3 by doing absolutely nothing....allies are the best! ! ! lvl3 prims or mirages or battlefortress >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any commie unit, regardless of level (mostly lvl 0 outplayed) as soon as spy enters wf, barracks, lab or ref communist can just get the fuck out and go play rhino battles with bots! it's a good thing that communists have nothing but rhinos and desos. 1 prism tank can own entire commie base, even if he has has spent $3000000 on defenses. communist doesnt have this luxury. 50 prisms > 75 rhinos. 50 prisms > 100 desos. 100 guardian gi's > 50 rhinos. 1 battlefortress with 5 snipers > 10000 desos 1 robo tank > 1000 desos 100 prisms > 100 apocs 80 prisms + 20 rocketteers > 110 apocs etc etc etc
  5. i like how allies have answers for everything. desos? robo tanks are 100% immune against radiation, battlefortress + sniper/seals, harriers, rocketeers.....the rest of special units are so useless german tank destroyer is better. communists don't have this luxury. i love allies on top v bottom!!! as soon as mirage or prism rides out from the wf, it's gg to any communist worshiper. i also like how spy basically give prism tanks rhino armor because fuck you i deserve to win.
  6. hahah a 17 year old game with the developer six feet under can bring the most outta you people. laters!
  8. yea it does. pretty sure i kicked your ass before too. i'm the ww5/redzones/aidschallenge champion!
  9. also spy is great for only $1000 or so you can get free tech, free exp or free 20k. not too shabby. technically speaking 1 seal or tanya can also sink 100 dreadnoughts. name one commie unit that has such value. damn, allied has everything covered!
  10. ye this is exactly what i play now. fuck soviets, allies all the way ! ! ! i also like to trashtalk and say that i win because of skill only and not bad design maps + bad design nation (allied) see that rhino army the commie has built? no problem all i have to do is buy 1 seal $1000 and insta-blow up the only bridge. commie doesn't have this luxury. outplayed nerd i love ww5!!!!! commie would also die against skill tanks like mirage and prism that don't even need control to win against 99% of players. red zones is just the mastery of tank control.
  11. i've just been playing too many aids maps like red zones, ww5 and top dog's challenge. i love allied in those maps.
  12. absolutely not. the game is complete easy mode as allies on anything but the bog standard maps. as soon as allied gets the lab it's gg for soviets. mirage tanks completely counter rhinos and apocs and all infantry. rocketeers will force apocs to shoot them first which makes an already bad unit useless. mass prisms are even worse. huge range, one shot all infantry, aoe, melts all tanks. battlefortress....just lol. allies get good nations, while only worthless soviet is iraq. allies get gap generators, because fuck you. they also get spy sats if he sucks to recon, and a nifty ore purifier which gives extra $$$$ to spend on whatever he likes, unlike the shitty industrial plant. think of this. the only way soviets can win is to abuse another badly designed unit which is the deso. when a nation needs some crutch to beat another nation which is basically a huge crutch you have your answer. and even then the soviets actually need to use brainpower, allied has the game basically do everything for him. westwood really had a huge hard on when they designed allies hahah
  13. Thanks for advice, clean reinstall works. I had MO installed years ago, that definitely was the problem.
  14. I do, uninstalled and will see if that does the trick. Edit: no bueno, uninstall still leaves files inside YR folder. Still the same issue. Which files should I remove? Or just do a clean reinstall...
  15. After latest update I get the "player has different files from host could be cheating .... " message in lobby screen as both host and client. Tried a reinstall, still the same thing. I can still play but this could put off some ragers who already accused me of hax. https://i.gyazo.com/c29cd4355ac9fed21e3900b5932083fb.png
  16. anyone would want to give this game a go in multiplayer? having some major nostalgia trips here. a mod i made around 5 years ago to improve the ai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU8n1cckZBg lost 3 games, won 1 via a huge clutch. very intense games. and yes 480p because forgot to change game resolution.
  17. A lot of games lasted 2 to 3 hours. Had to control multiple groups (AFAIK each group was limited for 64 units). 200 units was frequent.
  18. no. money was not infinite. economies could easily be ruined with atreides drones or harkonnen gunships if controlled by competent players. both macro and micro in this game is great. spamming ctrl+shift all the time didn't cut it as it forces your army to walk in a line and spread thin. good players always surrounded your army with a very fine unit control (200 + units...), knew when to retreat and how to pull forces together. no idea what you mean by slow army building. all production was capped by 3, but it still was fast enough to build 200 units. too bad that cnc net doesn't support this game. it really had a lot of unique and interesting strategies going for it. by far my favorite cnc multiplayer game. some gameplay i recorded a very long time ago if you guys are interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d73Ee_-0_G8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iaIlKdycgg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqt4MaKEvdY
  19. Bump. Very annoying issue, seems to be happening on my host as well when I download custom maps from the internet. I launch the host with custom map (never played before), my bar is instantly full, everyone else is empty. Game starts 10 second in, and everyone bar me explodes thus ending the game.
  20. My game always cannot go past the loading screen (bar is empty) when playing on a custom map on someone's server. The map transfers fine, but I can't play them on servers that aren't my own. How to fix?
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