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  1. Man little big lake was my childhood map. I used to play this map with my friend nonstop for like 5 years! Definitely good times?
  2. Still same problem, I deleted literally all threats... People say that I am the lagger, but some games I play fine. I'm brain-washed now.
  3. Suckernoob


    I live in UAE yeah... Any fix? I have another thread for my problem. Oh I play Yuri's Revenge.
  4. @Grant thanks so much for your time to answer. Unfortunately though, the problem is still here. Could it be because of viruses, malwares, and spyware? I get unnecessary pop ups and weird things happening. I'm downloading couple of removal programs for these. In case it doesn't work, any other suggestions that I can do?
  5. Suckernoob


    Hey, I'm facing the same thing..
  6. Whenever the host starts the game, or I do, I always load the last one, or either the slowest. When the game starts everyone say that I lag, the game at first is slow, but after sometime it becomes fast, I always thought it was from the server that it gets adapted to the connection/system of every player? But before that "sometime" pass, someone quits and then I get kicked even though my Internet is decent, and my ping is no more than 150 ms. I play on my HP laptop a 6 GB RAM, i5 2.2 GHZ, and a 2 GB x2 NVIDIA GEFORCE video card. Windows 8.1 Professional, 64-bits OS. The game can pretty much work on any PC doesn't matter. So.. That being said, what do I do now? What are the best solutions? Thanks.
  7. Just played a toe game with her and some nubs. Was Korea on spot 3. Spot 1 is attacker leader which he had a battle lab and two gaps on hill. Lolwut. Spot 2 Iraq is a supporter which had like 40 rhinos. Lolwut. Me on spot 3 Korea ofc which had a solid defense and stopped all attacks until I got ran over because spot two didn't even support me. And I get kicked. Lolwut. Seriously these toe kids think they're so good. They sucked horribly. Spot one with 5 bfs and like 10 prism tanks entire game. No defense nothing. Spot two no bunkers no walls nothing. Lolwtf? If you don't know wtf each spot does then don't join a toe game. Period. XD
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