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Lilly Blanche

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About Lilly Blanche

  • Birthday 06/11/1994

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Community Answers

  1. UPDATE: The Ukrainian translation for both Tiberian Sun and Firestorm expansion has been completed. It features full text translation, full dubbing for the in-game stuff and a voice over translation for the cutscenes, read by multiple actors, with all the necessary effects applied wherever needed (so that, for instance, CABAL sounds the same both in the cinematics and in the game itself). It will soon be released, this thread will be updated when that happens with additional screenshots, videos and other interesting things. Peace
  2. Well, I'm glad we cleared that out. And as for those people to the east of our borders... may God be the judge for them, that's all I can say. This project means a lot to me. Perhaps, more than anyone can imagine. C&C was one of the best things about my childhood, and thanks to you, fans like myself now have the chance to relive it while reading and hearing their native language. No matter what some might say, language is more than just a tool for communication. It's a part of who you are. So, once again, thank you so much for making this possible.
  3. So... my sound engineer is telling me about credits and stuff. You are fully credited for providing substantial tech support throughout the whole duration of this project, pretty much everywhere I could manage to squeeze our names in: the text of the repack's release, the installation instructions, the game itself - during the ending cutscenes, etc. I value my honor too much to just ignore someone's help and forget to mention it once the work is done. Here's the proof: Thank you.
  4. Hi there! It's been a pretty long time. Yes, the translation was released as a repack on one of the most popular Ukrainian sharing sites. Users can download a full game, or just the translation in order to install it manually, if they so desire. The config tool wasn't translated, but I wrote a pretty detailed explanation as to how to use it, and the settings we applied as default worked out fine for those who downloaded the game. Thank you for all your help! This project would have been impossible without you. As for the WSA files, I don't know if it's worth the effort at this point, since so much time has passed and the translation's been out for months, meaning that the main audience that was supposed to play it has probably already done so without the translated WSA files, and I doubt that people would want to re-download it all again just for the sake of one animation. You've found the release, so I assume you've got the necessary files already. If not, I should still have everything here. You're free to upload the translation wherever you wish, I'd be honored to see it featured somewhere else, as would be everyone else who worked on this project On a side note, since then, we've translated Tiberian Sun and Firestorm: both the original game and the expansion now feature full text translation, everything that's in-game has been fully dubbed, and the cutscenes got a multiple voice over treatment, with voices corresponding to those in-game (meaning, CABAL sounds the same in the voice over and in the game proper, etc). It's going to be released in a week or two, if anyone's interested. Once that's done, we'll be shifting our focus towards the Red Alert series, starting with Red Alert 1 and finishing with Yuri's Revenge.
  5. Hello there. I've been working with Tiberian Sun for the past couple of months, and I could help you out with that if you'd like. The movies are located in three .mix files, movies01.mix contains the GDI cutscenes, movies02.mix contains the Nod ones, and movies03.mix contains both the GDI and Nod cutscenes for the Firestorm expansion. Replacing these is fairly simple if you've already got the official translation installed somewhere. Make sure that the German version has all the same .mix files and replace the English ones with those. It should work now. Yet, you're saying that you've done that, and the movies are still in English. Here are some possibilities as to why it didn't work: 1) It could be that the cutscenes in the German version were packed in a different way. As to how or why, I wouldn't be able to tell you. The solution would be to unpack the movies with the help of XCC Mixer, then replace the English ones in the corresponding .mix archives using the XCC Mix editor. 2) The German version you've got has these movies in English. Which... wouldn't make too much sense, but there are so many versions of Tiberian Sun floating around that I can't disregard this possibility. Make sure that the movies you're trying to get to work are really in German first. Addendum: You also might want to replace these files, too: sidecd01.mix and sidecd02.mix. Those contain EVA and CABAL briefings which are read aloud in the Tiberian Sun singleplayer campaign during the mission select screen ("The Nod forces that attacked our Pheonix base are in this sector..." / "Hassan communicates to the Brotherhood through a nearby TV station...", etc).
  6. Thank you! Our audio engineer's got this down. He managed to re-create CABAL's voice effect, NOD Cyborgs, Cyborg Reapers and Cyborg Commando, EVA, walkie-talkie effect, etc. The guy sure knows what he's doing, and I'm glad he's on our side. The only downside is that the game only accepts 22khz mono files for EVA / CABAL / units, so even though everything sounds crystal clear prior to import, the game downgrades the quality automatically, and it's quite unfortunate. But hey, there's no way to avoid it, I suppose. We're currently in the process of recording the units. It may seem like there's not much work to do there, but then you look at it and you realize that hey, wait, hold on a second, even though, let's say, Light Infantry has about 15-20 lines total as far as the unit itself is concerned, the same voice actor ALSO does a bunch of story stuff in game and well, you've gotta get the same guy to voice all that in the Ukrainian version too, to keep it more or less consistent. The most demanding roles are those of EVA and CABAL, though. Aside from the fact that they've got a lot of very important gameplay lines to go through, they also comment on mission-specific objectives, read briefings aloud and are ALSO present in the cutscenes, not to mention that they're heavily featured in Firestorm. We're done working on CABAL, and his lines alone are easily somewhere within the 400+ sentences. EVA's life is somewhat easier - she's calm and more or less emotionless, all you really need to voice her is a pleasant voice and good pronunciation, but CABAL's got this low, deep, characteristic voice, and despite the fact that he's an AI, he's quite sarcastic and even emotional at times, all of which requires quite the effort on the actor's part. To quote our guy, "The amount of warm tea I had to drink just to get through one session without dying was probably enough to fill in a couple of water tanks." I should probably buy him a chocolate bar or something. All of this is a pure voluntary effort, by the way. No one is getting paid! Why bother, you might ask? Well, we love this game, we love this series, and we want to do something cool and useful. Bringing this game to our countrymen in their native language is useful, and, if I may say so myself, pretty cool.
  7. So, here's a small update: even though we've used subtitles to translate the cutscenes back in Tiberian Dawn, this time around we'll be using our actual actors to provide voice overs instead. It's gonna be a bit more work (in fact, A LOT more work), but it's worth it. No, it's not going to end up like hunderds of unofficial Russian translations with kids badly trying to talk over James Earl Jones, everyone involved is a professional voice actor working for one of the Kyiv-based dubbing studios. In fact, if we had the audio sources, we'd do a full dub, but as it is, removing vocals is pretty much impossible, so voice over it is.
  8. I learned enough about the game to beat the GDI and NOD campaigns in both the original game and in the expansion. Since I'm not interested in being competitive online, that's enough learning for me. And that's your answer as to why I play it - because I like it in general. Uh, no, I'm not. Compared to Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2's story is hilarious and it doesn't even try to take itself even remotely seriously. The only thing that's missing during the cutscenes is a laugh track in the background between Romanov's lines delivered with an over the top fake Russian-ish accent. I mean, come on, those guys were chewing up the scenery like it's nobody's business. Why, thank you. And you are unnecessarily rude. I scout the map. With squads of soldiers that are well equipped to fight back if necessary. No, I really don't. I like to immerse myself in the game, not game it up to the best of my abilities. I know what they're doing and why. I just don't find this style of gameplay appealing or interesting, that's all. See, here's the problem, Lud0wig: you seem to think that only the people who have mastered the online scene truly know the game, but that's not exactly how it is. It all depends on your perspective and on what you consider the game being truly about. I never cared for multiplayer, so for me personally, that part of the game is completely unnecessary, and if it were to disappear completely from the menu, I probably wouldn't even notice. Other people probably treat singleplayer the exact same way as I treat multiplayer. And that's okay. Both people who enjoy singleplayer and people who enjoy multiplayer know and enjoy the game - just the different aspects of it. There's no need to be rude or condescending simply because someone doesn't view the things the same way you do. It doesn't make you look better, it makes you look much worse than you really are. Yay, I'm not alone in this cruel world of wall building! Sure, why not? Playing coop like that sounds exactly like something I'd gladly invest an evening or two
  9. I respectfully disagree, v2elite, though the reason for that might just be the reason I also don't really enjoy playing online that much, and that reason is: I never cared for competetive multiplayer. And in singleplayer, Tiberian Sun is pretty damn good, it's got interesting stories, great cutscenes, great music and unique atmosphere, and that's all I really wanted from a C&C game back in the day. Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge always felt too out there, too cartoony and tongue in cheek, with Red Alert 3 taking it all the way into space as far as cheese is concerned. I still play Tiberian Sun and Firestorm (using the clients provided by this site), in fact, played it today. On my own. But multiplayer is a different story. Why? Well, it's simple - people tend to take it way too seriously for my personal liking. When I play a game, any game, all I really want is to have fun, and for me, memorizing dozens of strategies, exploiting systems and doing everything you can possibly imagine just to win a match is not fun. Now, I fully comprehend that different people have different ideas about what "fun" is. For many players, "fun" is exactly what I've described. Just not for me, I suppose. There's also the issue of, I'm not exactly sure how to put it, but let's call it "making sense". I've tried watching a couple of competitive matches played in Red Alert 2, and, well... it's not really a game anymore, it's a match of tactics being applied by people, like a mathematical formula fighting a different formula. Five dogs run there, six dogs run here, twenty tanks go here, then instantly turn around and move in a completely different direction, both bases look horrible and make no sense within the universe, but hey, they're efficient. It all makes sense if you're trying hard to win, but... it negates everything else about the game, it kills the immersion. Maybe that's because I'm a girl, but when I build a base, it looks like something made by Westwood in a campaign, because it makes sense to me. I send dogs to patrol the perimeter with soldiers - the way it would work on an actual outpost. My forces are usually located in places that would make sense, and I attack in ways that would make sense from a, I don't know, some weird roleplaying standpoint, I suppose. I am extremely inefficient, yes. And playing against me is probably as boring as playing against the AI unless you're interested in checking out my totally realistic outpost with an intricate system of patrols and other type of logistics before annihilating it with 100 tanks. But I can't help it, really. This is my idea of having fun. And everyone else will probably disagree, that's okay. That's why I usually stay away from online multiplayer and stick to fighting the AI: it won't complain about my noob skills and will wait with saint-like patience for me to finish my decorating before doing anything
  10. It depends. If someone does it just out of selfishness, then yes, it's wrong. But it could be that this person really doesn't speak English well enough to explain the problem. Getting past the registration process is not that difficult, the words used there are mostly international anyway. As for most people in the world know it - that's not entirely true. Only those who actually learned it intently speak it well enough to explain themselves when it comes to things like techincal difficulties or, well, anything beyond the "the toilet is that way, sir". The majority of other people could speak it well enough to understand what you are trying to say, and, perhaps, even help you by saying something along the lines of "yes, library there, go left, go right, library you see there". But that's not really "speaking English", that's... ehh, "trying to speak English". And then you've got the general populace, most of which isn't even capable of reading English, let alone of speaking it. Of course, this situation varies from country to country, I'm primarily speaking about my own country here.
  11. Hi there, everyone! I've been experiencing a weird glitch lately with Tiberian Sun and Firestorm. Namely, this: I hear a pretty loud "click" or "pop"-like sound whenever something is said by EVA or CABAL when a structure or unit is in production, or, in general, whenever they say something while the money count goes either up or down. This results in game sounding like this: "Training... CLICK. CLICK Unit ready CLICK". When I go into options menu and turn the in-game sound to 0, while leaving the music and the advisor speech as is, the glitch no longer happens - so it's not an issue with EVA or CABAL, but, as I suspect, it's got something to do with the money sound bugging out everything else for some reason. This behavior has been observed in two different version of Tiberian Sun I have: the one I downloaded from this site (the singleplayer version), and the old pre-Firestorm Spanish CD version, the only difference is that, well, they speak Spanish there, yet the popping sound still remains. I'm running Windows 10 64-bit, graphics patch applied, rendering - IE-ddraw, no additional video options, no additional audio options, single processor affinity ON (doesn't matter, tried changing it). Any ideas what might be causing this issue? It's not unplayable, and if you don't pay much attention to it, you learn to zone out and ignore it completely, but I'd rather not have to deal with it all, if possible. It could be that my hardware is just incompatible with something within the game's audio engine, considering how old it is, but if something can be done, I'd appreciate it. I mean, sure, I could try deleting the money sound effect, but... that's not really a good solution Thank you in advance.
  12. I'm not entirely sure this applies here. I've seen moderators on this board replying to people seeking aid in Spanish in, well, Spanish. Most likely through Google Translate, but still. Even if there is an actual written rule in here somewhere, then, perhaps, the best course of action is to simply inform the person about that rule by providing the link to it, and then to politely ask them to follow that rule and try to use English? I'm all for following rules, but while doing so, being polite is generally a nice thing. His comment just comes across as aggressive and dismissive.
  13. That is Portuguese, spoken by millions of people in Portugal and Brazil. English is not the only language in the world, it is generally considered that knowing more than one language is beneficial for you as a person, since every language is more than just a system of symbols and rules used for communication, it's a point of view through which entire generations of people belonging to a nation or culture have been viewing this world since their inception. Instead of demanding that everyone speak your own language in such a dismissive manner, I'd suggest you be more open to other cultures. Not to mention that this person was asking for help in the best way they knew, and luckily for them, some people here were actually able to assist. It's also about community. Does it matter what languages we speak if we're all here to enjoy this thing we clearly all love? Sharing this amazing series is part of why I am here, I want more and more people to experience these games once again, and that's why I'm working on translating these games into those languages that lack translations. The best way to make someone listen is to speak in their native tongue. Please, do not alienate people from other parts of the world simply because they speak a different language. Or, at the very least, if you really want to have a conversation with that person, try asking them to switch languages politely. If they're capable of doing that, they will. However, nobody will do it if you ask in such a disrespectful manner.
  14. Thank you so much! Today, we've finished recording all of CABAL's lines, including the briefing ones. Our actor isn't the one and only Milton James, of course, but he's trying hard!
  15. Thanks! Yessir. I've just installed my old Spanish CD copy which came out waaaay before the TFD version of the game (it even lacks Firestorm), applied the Tspatch (because otherwise I can't see the menu), and voila - the audio still clicks when, let's say, EVA or CABAL say something while a construction is in progress, when a unit is in production, or generally when the money amount either goes up or down. "¡Construyendo! CLICK", "CLICK Unidad lista CLICK", "Entrenando... CLICK". Same weird thing.
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