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Everything posted by McPwny

  1. judging by what E1 said, it looks like a person would have to modify the executable file for ra2 to change the limit for isomappack size. it means that they would have to distribute a modified executable file with the client, and since the game is still under copyright by EA, CnCnet could get into legal trouble for this. tiberian sun however is freeware so they can (and do) distribute tiberian sun copies here on cncnet, apparently with modified exes to bypass the map size. apparently vinifera (the tibsun counterpart to ares) has also managed to do this via syringe, so it might be possible if a person could convince the ares/phobos guys to do the same for RA2, and then convince the cncnet guys to start using ares/phobos in the multiplay client. i think that it is unlikely that this would happen though. as we all know, cncnet still hasnt started using syringe yet perhaps because of compatibility issues or perhaps because its legally questionable to modify the vanilla exe even if only through syringe.
  2. you are going to have to use local variables and recruitment logic in your scripting; 1- make first team with taskforce 'bus + troops'. check "team members recruitable" 2- make 2nd team with taskforce 'bus only'. check "recruiter" 3- make a local variable 4- script the first team to move and deploy the troops as normal, but add in 'set local' script action after deploying 5- script the second bus only team to simply leave the map or whatever 6- make a trigger with the trigger event being 'local set' and with the trigger action(4) 'create team'. set teamtype to the 2nd team so what will happen is your first bus team will go in and deploy and its troops will go on with the script as normal. but before moving on they will set a local, and the local will act as an event to fire a trigger. the trigger will then create a team and through the power of recruitment the now empty and teamless bus will be picked up into the 2nd team, where it will follow through with its new teamtypes script; leaving and deleting itself in this case.
  3. have you already tried running as administrator / compatibility mode?
  4. cncnet as it is here is mostly used by players of the OG game. there are a number of people who actively mod the base game in the form of mod maps at any given time; you can find and play them mostly through file share in multiplay lobbies. there are a number of more heavy-duty mod projects actively in development as well; your best bet for finding them is to go to moddb and look for ra2 mods there. with that said, virtually all modern mods use some modded version of the cncnet client, so if cncnet works with the origin version, then the mod probably will as well. if not, you could resort to downloading the free xwis version of ra2 into a seperate folder, dumping in the .exe and .mix files from your legit copy, and then using that as the boiler plate for any mods or cncnet
  5. oof i havent went and tried them all out myself so i cant make any suggestions, but theres a multitude of them out there and im sure it wont be difficult to find one that will do the trick hope you find that one specific map that you are looking for
  6. there are programs out there that you can download and use to bulk change the extensions. .map is the extension that cncnet went with for their maps probably for compatibility reasons. .yrm and .mpr were the extensions used by the legacy game, and you can still play them if you put the maps directly in your YR/RA2 folder and then launch the game from the primary executable; though YR and RA2 only read .yrm and .mpr maps respectively, and cncnet launcher is better optimized in most ways. all of those maps were made in ye olden times before cncnet when most players played offline, and the ones who did play online used the old school westwood servers, XWIS, or some such thing.
  7. indeed the only way to get them to work with the client is to rename the extension to .map. if you are really intent on going through with it, it would be worth it to find something that can batch process file extensions. i, too, wonder what those .yro maps are.
  8. if you are playing them through the client, you need to put them in the custom maps folder, and you have to make sure that the file extension is .map or it wont work. those maps are probably made for play with the legacy game launcher which uses .yrm for YR, .mpr for RA2, .map for campaign missions, and some oddball extensions for who knows why. those maps that have appeared in your list are probably .map for use as campaign maps, they may very well crash your game if you try and boot them
  9. as burg mentioned, it would be the capturable= tag. if you want just the one map to have the mod instead of the whole game, go into fa2 and go to edit→ini editing and use the interface box that pops up to add the tag. for example; clicking add, inputting NAMISL, clicking OK, then going to the NAMISL section and adding the key Capturable=yes
  10. are you running the game through the cncnet client, or are you running it through the primary executable?
  11. theres a free download for ra2 on the xwis site, should still work. https://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/177134-downloads/ on a side note, i have always found it weird that cncnet, mods, and mod tools like ares either refuse to supply the base game or refuse to support it, while here xwis has hosted it for free with no problems for a decade with the one caveat of it doesnt include campaign content in the download.
  12. the reason that the image gets messed up when garrisoned and damaged has to do with the way the game reads the building arts frames, the battle bunker reads a different frame order than civilian buildings. I did some testing and it turns out that the hack to make a garrisinable structure act like a battle bunker and not act like a civilian building is attached to the tag "TechLevel=". if the techlevel is anything but -1, then the game will think that it is a battle bunker. This sadly means that your building will never be buildable and work properly at the same time.
  13. since garrisinable structures will immediately revert to being unowned by the player when not garrisoned, even if you use trigger action 125 to spawn a building belonging to a house, westwood did some hack to make battle bunkers work to be owned when not garrisoned + not kick infantry out when on low health. i dont know what ini tag the hack is attached to exactly, but if you find out which one it is i would also like to know
  14. ah, a few weps like the desolator beam, chrono beam, and mind control wep will crash the game if fired from garrisoned infantry and ill bet its related to that; the mod will need a patch for it if that is the case
  15. McPwny


    i remember working on this map daily for well over a week, but was able to streamline it a bit by using some ini mods from my previous maps along with manually copying triggers in the raw map code. i had a lot of fun making it, but i remember that making the hundreds of triggers to enable the unit production hacks was quite an ordeal
  16. McPwny


    well im glad to hear that you enjoy the map, even if it is an old thread
  17. .mpr is the native file extension of red alert 2 maps. when YR came out, the map extension for the expansion changed to .yrm to distinguish between expansion and non-expansion maps. cncnet reads .map file extension, which is quite literally just .yrm or .mpr maps with their file extension changed to .map for i suppose compatibility reasons. so if you are using cncnet to play the maps, change the extension to .map and put it in your custom maps folder. if you are using vanilla yr, then make sure the extension is .yrm and put it in your game folder. likewise if its vanilla non-yr RA2, it will read only .mpr i forget what .mmx was. i think it was just an arcane alt version of .mpr
  18. if he had a chronosphere he could have chronosphered an mcv into an invisible light post therby making the game unendable.
  19. you can do it by modding a map, or if you arent playing on the cncnet client, by modding your rulesmd.ini file. the flag that controls the time delay from the start of the match until the time that the AI chooses an enemy and starts attacking is called "AIHateDelay=". increase the aihatedelay values and you will get your target effect.
  20. i found that the problem was derived from the cncnet update patching over my modified clientdefinitions.ini. why it is set up to only overwrite rules.ini and not art.ini is still a mystery of the cosmos.
  21. running through cncnet is what enables ares/phobos, so running my vanilla game would just result in a crash. it does crash though, meaning that vanilla does try and read the modded rulesmd.
  22. oof and at the same time, people have to use cncnet launcher to play vanilla yr with ares. idk how im going to make .shps if i cant use the launcher with mods anymore.
  23. client version 2 must have upset a lot of people. it looks like the client doesnt read the rulesmd from its expandspawn mix anymore. could it be reading the file straight from the server as a cheat countermeasure? at any rate, i just need to be able to have it read my own rules file again.
  24. this latest patch seems to have broken my mod setup since now it seems to insist on using rulesmd from the cncnet mix over the one in my folder. that said, it still reads artmd from my folder. also, i noticed that it dumped a bunch of raw files directly into my ra2 folder like these crate images. first of all, how are you going to patch these out after haloween if they are raw files? second of all, dont just dump raw files into my folder. thats what your expandspawn mix files are for.
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