I too seem to remember this mod and tried to at least reinvent part of the wheel. I failed, but I did at least get the GameMode to show up, the maps to show up, but it seems that that INI rules are either being overrode, or outdated. Any comments?
I extracted the maps (using Mixer) from the Red Alert 2 DeeZire Version: V8.0 mod from where sherifbakr had shown. I found 23 maps (which I haven't compared to see what there relevance was). I also did not find any maps that were explicitly marked as "Crate War" so I can't tell if a Crate War map is unique.
I'm not sure how DeeZire organized the map naming, nor how he was able to associate it with a certain game mode. Nonetheless, I went through and gave the maps names associated with the file name and updated them to .map extension. You'll find them attached below.
I then found the INI file associated with Crate War (mpcrate.ini). I put that in the \Command and Conquer Red Alert II\INI\Map Code directory, mimicking other Map Codes.
Next, and importantly, I had to explicitly enumerate them in MPMaps.ini by adding these three entries: An entry to reference the mpcrate.ini, an entry in the [MultiMaps] section, and then providing the details as shown below (which you can find in each .map file).
[Crate War]
CustomIniPath=INI\Map Code\mpcrate.ini
ForcedSpawnIniOptions=Crate WarForcedSpawnIniOptions
[Crate WarForcedSpawnIniOptions]
287=Maps\Yuri's Revenge\CrateWar\4_crater_woods
[Maps\Yuri's Revenge\CrateWar\4_crater_woods]
Description=[4] Crater Woods
Author=Westwood Studios
GameModes=Crate War
In this example, I took a map called 4_crate_woods and put the map in a folder Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Yuri's Revenge\CrateWar. To note, I could not put a map in the Custom map folder and just add Crate War to the GameMode.
After that, I had a Crate War game mode. I had maps there. I tired Skirmish...no dice. I did the same on another computer and then I even played an Online Match, but alas, no Crate War rules. The game played, but the rules were not being followed.
Any insights? Any suggestions? Thanks!
Caveat: Since I altered the MPMaps.ini, Online Matches don't work if you don't have the same setup. Which then, I presume, any update to Yuri will erase these entries. That's no problem, but for anyone trying this, it is only temporary unless the CNCNET Gods deem this a worthy addition. No maps are proven, so I make no claim to that. So, I was mostly curious if anyone was able to look at the mpcrate.ini or my process to determine where the rules are not being properly implemented.
Thanks again!