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Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge on Windows 10 64 bit
placebo replied to ArDarsh's topic in Red Alert 2
I can't answer any of those questions, but just for clarification: can you run Red Alert 2? I purchased via Origin, but after the initial install, I've never used Origin again. The CNCNet launcher starts the game. -
What category is the map? Do you have an identifier in the .map file like: GameMode=standard, duel, teamgame Also, the preview is not strictly needed. Depending on the preview size, it may use the preview, it may not. I would reference this post, for a little more information. Additionally, some categories, such as Battle (as far as I know), require the map to added to the list in the MPMaps.ini file and then added to the Battle folder. You can find MPMaps.ini in ...\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\INI. However, I believe when you alter the MPMaps.ini, this constitutes as a MOD and if you are playing online, you will get the warning that says your version is different. Nonetheless, you can find an example within this post. My solution is to just put everything in standard. You can check to see what other categories are restricted. I'm guessing the maps in ...\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Yuri's Revenge are likely the categories that need to be appended to the MPMaps.ini file.
I too am curious about this. Bumping this thread.
I can't speak for a vanilla version of RA2, but if you are trying to use it in conjunction with the CNCNET package, then there are several steps required to get the maps working. Maps go in in the Custom folder ...\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Custom The extension needs to be .map. You can simply change the extension from mpr to .map. That may not solve the problem if the map is old enough, but it is usually sufficient. If this doesn't solve your problem, we can troubleshoot from here.
Initial thoughts: I would put ore in the lowlands to increase the susceptibility of the harvesters. Holding the high ground in the middle acts as a strategy without rewarding the high-ground with money as well. Considering this map, I would try to put tech buildings where they aren't strategically beneficial to build off of, but does create mini-battles.
I too seem to remember this mod and tried to at least reinvent part of the wheel. I failed, but I did at least get the GameMode to show up, the maps to show up, but it seems that that INI rules are either being overrode, or outdated. Any comments? Summary: I extracted the maps (using Mixer) from the Red Alert 2 DeeZire Version: V8.0 mod from where sherifbakr had shown. I found 23 maps (which I haven't compared to see what there relevance was). I also did not find any maps that were explicitly marked as "Crate War" so I can't tell if a Crate War map is unique. I'm not sure how DeeZire organized the map naming, nor how he was able to associate it with a certain game mode. Nonetheless, I went through and gave the maps names associated with the file name and updated them to .map extension. You'll find them attached below. I then found the INI file associated with Crate War (mpcrate.ini). I put that in the \Command and Conquer Red Alert II\INI\Map Code directory, mimicking other Map Codes. Next, and importantly, I had to explicitly enumerate them in MPMaps.ini by adding these three entries: An entry to reference the mpcrate.ini, an entry in the [MultiMaps] section, and then providing the details as shown below (which you can find in each .map file). [Crate War] CustomIniPath=INI\Map Code\mpcrate.ini ForcedSpawnIniOptions=Crate WarForcedSpawnIniOptions [Crate WarForcedSpawnIniOptions] GameMode=10 287=Maps\Yuri's Revenge\CrateWar\4_crater_woods [Maps\Yuri's Revenge\CrateWar\4_crater_woods] Description=[4] Crater Woods Author=Westwood Studios GameModes=Crate War Waypoint0=119042 Waypoint1=171092 Waypoint2=34097 Waypoint3=106163 MinPlayers=2 MaxPlayers=4 EnforceMaxPlayers=True Size=0,0,100,100 LocalSize=2,4,96,94 PreviewSize=200,100 In this example, I took a map called 4_crate_woods and put the map in a folder Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Yuri's Revenge\CrateWar. To note, I could not put a map in the Custom map folder and just add Crate War to the GameMode. After that, I had a Crate War game mode. I had maps there. I tired Skirmish...no dice. I did the same on another computer and then I even played an Online Match, but alas, no Crate War rules. The game played, but the rules were not being followed. Any insights? Any suggestions? Thanks! Caveat: Since I altered the MPMaps.ini, Online Matches don't work if you don't have the same setup. Which then, I presume, any update to Yuri will erase these entries. That's no problem, but for anyone trying this, it is only temporary unless the CNCNET Gods deem this a worthy addition. No maps are proven, so I make no claim to that. So, I was mostly curious if anyone was able to look at the mpcrate.ini or my process to determine where the rules are not being properly implemented. Thanks again! mpcrate.ini deez.7z
How to make RA2 & YR maps - Final Alert 2 Tutorial
placebo replied to [CC] RaVaGe's topic in RA2/YR Maps
1. Concerning Section 17 Rendering map previews I noticed that the latest CNCMaps Renderer GUI version is now 2.4.0 which has different settings. I'm not sure if that is relevant, but I thought I'd mention it. 2. Additionally, I'd like to sorta mention the benefit of generating previews for the ingame preview. I don't know how to properly do it, so I'll just step through what I did to see if sharper minds than I could suggest a better solution. 3. Using Batch render and the settings below, I generate a thumbnail with a resolution (1024 ratio) that isn't so big that it is not recognized by the game. I then renamed the thumbnails to the map name so the game recognizes them (deleting the prefix of thumb_). And presto! I now have better resolution previews of all the maps in my \Maps\Custom folder. 3.1 (As a short aside, the 1024,0 is necessary to generate a thumbnail for anyone trying to recreate my process) Problems; 4. I've tried to use the Thumbnail injection in the GUI with no success. It only seems to inject a downsampled version and I don't understand how to affect these settings. I've also tried to work with the various commands in the renderer installed in the Map Renderer directory (-h), but the renderer does not accept the same commands as what is posted in the Command window of the GUI, and even if it did, I still am not able to inject a larger resolution image. 5. In Section 18 Miscellaneous video tutorials & additional information I borrowed from the tutorial from @YosefAnan - How to add text to a map preview image. to use XCC Mixer to convert an image into the appropriate code and replace that code in the .map, but I really haven't found an appropriate size and an automated method to make this effort worthwhile (I already limit myself to 150 maps just to keep some organization). So, I have left any type of .map modification alone in regards to [Preview] section of the .map and just mimicked how the Maps\Yuri's Revenge have an associated PNG that the game uses to generate previews ingame. I hope this is helpful. Thanks! -
Thanks much. I wasn't sure if this was an anomaly since I have two (intel) laptops working with DxWind renderer in windows 10, but not anymore on my desktop. Thanks again.
Using DxWind renderer, when I launch a game, iclient.logt just brings me back to the map menu (logs included). I was also wondering about the .wav files missing. Thanks! another_client.log
Is there anything any of us enthusiasts can do to assist? Are the exact steps we take that leads to this error still needed? Thanks for all the great work.
I've been trying to update to 4.14 on several computers running the most current update of windows 10 and I am stuck at The Dawn of the Tiberium Age Client Self-Updater paused at Waiting for the Launcher to exit.. with the updater not responding. If I close down the update, it doesn't register and I have to reinstall the client back to whatever version the main client is and then play from there. Any suggestions?