This problem has been a major issue for our games, i still do not know how to solve it.
The other day a player shared some useful information about the error.
There is a log file in your redalert 2 folder that shows the error in some detail.
He said this can be caused by players cheating, it generates a code and shuts the game down because a player was cheating and CNCnet detected this.
I didnt believe the user until he showed me he could cause the error. Seems cheating is stopped by CNCNET by creating this error and stopping the game.
Im not sure this is an effective method, im also not sure why if someone is cheating the system doesnt kick the user straight away.
We also play in a small group of friends and never really have any reason to cheat but this does still create crashes for us and we still do not know why.
Ours happens after a long game but it has cut short sometimes in short games.
We also use Storm and Oceania mostly and these maps have both crashed. I have played online with others in many maps, as long as the game is long enough it will eventually crash.
We even tried private networks using hamachi still crashed.
We even setup our own server, got it registered still crashed....