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Everything posted by Concolor1

  1. Your welcome, yes there’s still a community plenty of dedicated fans constantly making stuff for all.
  2. You have to hold the airport for the entire mission if I recall. Plenty of play throughs on YouTube.
  3. Sounds like you haven’t overwritten the allied mission files with the soviet ones.
  4. The key point here is ‘there is always a way to complete the missions. Sometimes you just have to think outside the box. Putting Tanya in an IFV is a great way round it. It’s also possible to stick her in a nighthawk and have it hover around.
  5. I think what your saying is that it gets ‘progressively harder’, yeah that’s how games are written mission 1 easy mission 7 hard. course you could always stick Tanya in a Nighthawk and move it out of the way. The whole idea of the campaign is it shouldn’t be done in a day. It took me eight months to write and when I wrote it, it was for one person’s amusement, ‘Me’. Whoever downloads it is simply a beneficiary. I put it out there just for that, it’s free. I don’t ask for anything. Im sorry you have so many issues with it.
  6. Yeah no I understand, I’m not here to pass judgement on anyones tolerance or skill level. I will say that you write an awful lot though. Yeah the main moan with resurgence was some players found it too easy. So I went the other way with this. Some players find it a breeze but not everyone. You did well to get to mission 5. Thanks for giving it a go. If you wish to pursue it I can recommend cnc gaming’s YouTube videos and I understand TgSacred will be uploading soon. Always worth checking out.
  7. Hell your having a rough time of it. Ok mission one ‘Sell just about everything to build tanks and at least five IFVs, get about 12 or more Gis, then get the hell out of there before that nuke drops. Put Tanya in an IFV and engineers in a couple of others. These will repair your tanks and other ifvs. You need the IFVs to shoot down Kirovs. Line your tanks on the cliff tops with Gis to attack the Soviets as they pass beneath them. Once the main force has been dealt with it’s safer to progress. Ensure you destroy the tech lab to the north. Next up the Soviets bring an MCV onto the map to the west. They begin to build a base. You must destroy the base before you can leave. Aside from the odd Soviet reinforcements and Kirov attacks it should be easy. Ok mission 2. The idea is you use one of your spies to shut down the power in the Soviet base. As that occurs you send Tanya to the north west base to destroy a powered down Tesla coil. Now hopefully you’ve destroyed the soviet defences closet to the Allied base. Doing so should make it easier for the Allies to get their attacks through. Your four Gis can be used to destroy the defences around the airport- yet again doing so makes it easier for the allies to capture the airport and paradrop over the Soviet base. I also use Tanya to shoot dogs one the airport defences are down I used the Gis to bolster the allied base defences. Now if your really struggling there is an Easter egg that will allow you to build your own base. Which would make things a walk in the park. You’d have to DM me for that.
  8. During the game another objective is stated. You have to destroy the Soviet base that gets set up. Maybe you missed one of its buildings.
  9. Yeah that’s great. You have McPwny to thank for the MCV Ai hack. I think if you were to look at it again what you discover is the Ai builds it’s MCVs from a captured allied Warfactory if it’s own WF is destroyed. I’ve also observed it build a second MCV if the first one takes its time to find a deployment zone. I think what you see is the Ai will be forced to replace its conyard so by denying it that objective it simply continues to try to complete that task again and again until it succeeds. Then once it has a deployed conyard it returns to building Attack teams. I think my strategy involved lots of Kirovs. Never the less you did it, and enjoyed it. Well done. No Easter eggs in that mission. Did you ever find any?
  10. No sorry I’ve not heard of this before. Usually it’s because you have another stray file from a mod that should of been removed. I’ve only ever run this campaign on clean installs of the game. It’s my best guess.
  11. That’s great. Yes it took some time to build the Hive map. So next your playing the Soviet campaign, it’s slightly more harder, I wish you luck.
  12. Your just destroying the tech centre to prevent leaving any trace of what your about to do - in case you fail.
  13. Two in the top corner large pond. One close to the bottom naval yard, one close to the sea island with a single Yuri on patrol. The rest are in fenced off ponds.
  14. Right well there is an Easter Egg in that mission that also changes how it can be played. If discovered it makes the mission a walk in the park. - Now the infantry are the only units that can activate the secret. Which may be a clue.
  15. Your supposed to use the spies to power down the enemy base and then use Tanya to sabotage the buildings behind the enemy lines. Do this and the allied base will take care of itself. - Crates if it’s too easy, it’s a trap.
  16. That’s not Hive its the mission before. It’s a well placed base but it’s close to where I built mine.
  17. Not had that occur at all. In fact in my version it never once built a slave miner. That’s most strange I’m pretty sure I’d written it not to create them.
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