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Everything posted by Concolor1

  1. Are you ready for more? Following up on how well received my Resurgence was, I decided to go through eight months of hell once again and bring the community a second campaign. This time its for the Allies and Soviets. I hope those that try the missions get a great deal of fun out of them, were very lucky Westwood made a game that still endures 20years on and still have a community that knows their stuff. Fingers crossed ive got this right. YURI'S REVENGE -- RE-ENGAGEMENTS To play these missions:Yuri's Revenge mission disc is required.(Unless you have the full game installed on your system.) Extract the contents of the zip file into your Red Alert2 Directory. Expand96md.mix Echach96md.mix RA2md.csf Optional folder contains a few files that will give you a neat loadscreen and save screen. These have to be placed into the RA2 folder and removed later. Its optional, the campaign runs fine without them Launch the game,select new campaign for Yuri. The game will then launch. All missions have difficulty levels. Easy mode the objectives are fairly simple to complete, Hard modes have increased patrols,attacks,defences ect. Allied and Soviet campaign. 14 MISSIONS - 7 ALLIED / 7 SOVIET -------------- -------------- Plot:Mission for the Allies takes place directly during the events of Red Alert2 mission Polar Storm. This means it takes place before Yuri's Revenge. Hint:Each map has a hidden Nuke crate. These can be found mostly by destroying all of a particular item, ie all the campfires on a map ect. The campaign loosely connects with the Yuri Resurgence campaign. So my run of campaigns fits in like so, Red Alert2, (Polar Storm ending), Re-engagements, Yuri's Revenge, Yuri Resurgence. ----------------------------------------------------------- To play this mission: Yuri's Revenge mission disc/game is required. Extract the contents of the zip file into your Red Alert2 Directory. Launch the game,select new campaign for the Allies. The game will then launch. Plot:Mission for the Allies takes place directly during the events of Red Alert2 mission Polar Storm. This means it takes place before Yuri's Revenge. Re-Engagements.zip
  2. Ok for those that have encountered the bug with the Tesla Terror mission, here is a revised version packed into an updated version of Part2. {Thats missions 7 to 13). Hopefully it should fix things. Yuri Resurgence PT2 1.1.zip
  3. Yes you did something wrong. You need to install the contents from Part1 folder only. That contains missions 1 - 6. Once you have completed those missions remove the files. Then install the files from part2 folder. That gives you missions 7 - 13. The reason it’s in two parts is because YR only has 7 missions for the allies and Soviets. The campaign uses the soviet mission run of order. So In order to extend it I had to do it in two parts. Maybe I should of used both. Hindsight Is a wonderful thing.
  4. Pleasure, it will be packed with the brand new campaign, released next week most likely.
  5. Ok I’ll get that out to you. There is no fix for that save bug, for whatever reason I’ve encountered it myself. My best solution was to save often, others worked, so I’m at a loss why saving at a particular point on this game causes a crash on reloading. Superweapons, ? No superweapons, I can build the Iron Curtain and Nuke no problem they work fine. It’s something I’ve not heard of before. I’d check that you have a clean RA2 folder with no leftovers from other mods. This could be your problem. Objectives triggered at wrong time? The mission can be played in any order. So it’s perfectly possible to complete objective three before two. Anyway give me a day and I’ll send you the new version that I hope will be compatible.
  6. In short yes. I have an alternative solution to this particular issue whereby the player no longer needs to get to the LZ. One person suggested it was caused by their installed extra hard Ai mod. They removed this and the mission played out fine. I think there could well be other causes though. So there is a fix but it means playing the first Home Invasion mission again In order to reach Tesla Terror. I plan to ship it with Yuri’s Revenge - Re- engagements. In a few weeks. In the meantime if you want to try it out I could DM you the adjusted part2 campaign.
  7. LOL - You captured the Soviet conyard with an engineer im guessing, then went back to build a base?....lol
  8. Well here we are again, in advance of my next campaign Im uploading the very first allied mission. This version will differ slightly from the campaign version. However it gives you a taster of things to come. Exit Strategy - Allied Mission Map for Yuri's Revenge Author: Concolor1 Editor: FinalAlert2 Created:29th April, 2022 Name: Exit Strategy Size: 120x70 Players: 1 Theatre: Snow To play this mission: Yuri's Revenge mission disc is required. Extract the contents of the winzip file into your Red Alert2 Directory.Launch the game,select new campaign for the Allies. The game will then launch. Plot:Mission for the Allies takes place directly during the events of Red Alert2 mission Polar Storm. This means it takes place before Yuri's Revenge. All is about to be lost and the allies days are numbered! Point Hope, one of our key forward bases is about to fall to the might of the soviets. We have been outflanked and outwitted. Even now as the soviets surround the base they have launched their ultimate weapon and a nuclear strike is inbound. Point Hope will fall, the soviets will over-run it and the tide of the war will turn in their favour. However all is not lost, and safely away from the front Professor Einstein has devised a strategy that may reverse the inevitable. Our base houses a Chronosphere. Einstein has predicted that if charged, at the moment of impact this device will put out a focased discharge of temporal energy. Enough to rip a hole in time, and possibly send a team through or an individual. Special Agent Tanya has volunteered to travel to the target zone and pass through the rift. Our hope is that the rift will lead her a few days back in time, giving us the oppotunity to influence events to a more favourable outcome. The soviets have already landed at Point Hope and have captured a secret tech lab situated there. Ensure this lab is destroyed, we need to turn this defeat into a victory! Objective 1: Get Tanya to the Target Zone Objective 2: Destroy the Secret Tech Lab Objective 3: Keep Tanya alive A RA2umd.csf file has been added. This will overwrite any other RA2umd.CSF.file which you may of installed in your RA2 Folder from previous downloaded missions.The file contains text which been altered in order to fit with the maps theme! Explanation: The all01umd.map file when placed in your RA2 folder precede the standard Allied game disc missions. This means that the first mission played when the game is launched will be this mission. To restore your games original first mission simply remove the all01.map file from your RA2 folder. The RA2.csf file contains the text for this mission, it also preceeds your game disc csf file. As above once you have finished playing this mission remove the RA2umd.csf file. This also causes your game to revert to reading from the mission disc as opposed to reading data from the RA2 folder. Various slight modifications have been added, all to keep in with this missions theme. The moddifications will not alter your original RA2 game. Credits: McPwny and EggRollz. McPwny who managed to advise and playtest a few of these despite being busy himself. Providing useful input, and a few hacks that are not widely used or known about. All which enhance the game. Can't thank you enough! EggRollz, who playtested all of these for me, found some exploits and gave me some great ideas. He did a great job, and stresses just how vital a playtester is for any project, as someone will always have a unique way of gameplay. Go check his youtube channel out C&C Gameplays. Missions available..........1> Signed & Sealed. (Allied RA2) 2> Temporal Exposure. (Allied RA2) 3> Soviet Stranglehold. (Allied RA2) 4> Prisoner of Conscience.(Yuri YR) 5> The Wolves of Winter. (Soviet RA2) 6> Fierce Intent. (Allied RA2) 7> Shock Tactics. (Soviet RA2) 8> Dominance in Mind. (Yuri YR) 9> Weathering the Storm. (Soviet RA2) 10> In Cold Storage. (Allied RA2) 11> Identity Crisis. (Yuri YR) 12> Terminal Lunacy. (Soviet YR) 13> Under Pressure. (Allied RA2) 14> Robot Revolution. (Allied YR) 15> Nuclear Winter. (Soviet YR) 16> Last Post. (Soviet RA2) 17> Day of the Desolators. (Allied RA2) 18> Engineered to Kill. (Allied YR) 19> Jungle Fortress. (Allied YR) 20> Company of Wolves. (Soviet RA2) 21> End of an Era, pt1 & pt2.(Yuri YR) 22> Moon Madness.(TX Expansion) 23> Siege.(TX Expansion) (Allied YR) 24> Wipe Out! (Allied RA2) 25> Foothold. (Soviet RA2) 26> Viral Agent. (Yuri YR) 27> Finnishing Moves. (Allied RA2) 28> Driven up the Wall. (Soviet YR) 29> Wolves at the Door. (Soviet RA2) 30> Tanya's Tomb-Raiding Trek.(Allied YR) 31> Fire and Ice. (Allied YR) 32> Celestial Intervention.(Allied YR TX) 33> Yuri Resurgence Campaign. 13 Missions (Yuri YR) 34> Yuris Revenge Re-engagements Campaign 14 Missions (Allied & Soviet YR) ====================== ====================== *Included files: [Exit Strategy all01umd.map] (the map) [Readme file].txt (this file) [ra2md.csf],(text game file) EXIT STRATEGY .zip
  9. And of course it’s a good start point for any future comeback.
  10. The 13th mission was written as an extra, the campaign was originally 12 missions. But I was kicking my heels as the play tester went through the mission campaign. So decided to write the extra mission as a bonus. Both the Americans and Soviets had plans to build bases on the moon. Project Horizon, I’m just stretching the truth a little. Great you will enjoy the next one out in a few weeks. Re-engagements.
  11. Depends what you build as I recall. So you don’t have to enter the enemy base. Why don’t you watch some of the YouTube videos and see how it’s done.
  12. Haha funny. As the boomers are under the surface. I think the aircraft on the destroyers are the only things doing the detecting, the destroyers themselves can't see your boomers so don't move to intercept. The destroyers spawn aircraft, and once the air unit is created think of it as a seperate unit, it sees the boomer and not the destroyer, hence the airunit moves the distance, like a harrier it has unlimited range.
  13. No it says - Hint: Use a Yuri Clone to mind control the Professor. Really? Your Boomers are given to guard the Amp, take the Amp up the side, then across the top to the island with a prism on. Use the Boomers to destroy any following destroyers, or Seals. Destroy the Prism tower with a boomer, collect the crate, then continue to the LZ. (You don't have to take your Amp to the LZ, you can simply pitch up on the coast close to the starting point, but it will be a tough battle if you do). Weather usually gets me 2-3 times before im able to take it out. I use Discs to drain the base power, then a mastermind and use the enemies own uints against itself. If the destroyers bug you, don't build a sub pen. They haven't been modded in any way. That's their range.
  14. Yes its a quick fix. What I'll do next is add a small timer that launches soon as Einstein is recovered, then the player has its duration to keep Einstein alive. I'll just have to add explanatory text. It also should have the fixed version of Reset in there, so you won't waste time searching for a Mirage Tank.
  15. I’ve sent you a newer version in your PMs. Please check that.
  16. Let me just address these issues you had above. They are not glitches. I had to come up with a device that ended the mission if the player decided to destroy the bridge and stay put. Kirovs are one such device. Unbeknown to you there is a trigger that orders the Ai to build a Kirov if a unspecified trigger has not been activated within a time frame. If the player is fast enough it doesn't get built, - thats not a glitch, thats planning. Apocs, yes yet again these are not set to be present every single game. The game has some random elements one of which is that it has the ability to generate different base defence teams. The Apocalypse tanks fall into that bracket. Most games they are there, then the odd one they are not, others there are twice as many. It means that the dynamics of the level change slightly rather than become completely predicable.
  17. Sounds like your one of the unlucky few that’s hit the one glitch between your version and everyone else’s. we just don’t know what causes it. There seems to be a slight difference between the original disc versions and later releases. Some systems run flawless others not so. Luckily enough solutions are available and it will be re-released with an alternative fix. In the meantime I’ve heard a straight run through without a save may work. Failing that DM me and I’ll see if I can fix it in a couple of days. yet again sad that ppl keep hitting this speed bump. As you can see from YouTube most players don’t encounter it.
  18. Can happen with the westwood campaign, ive had it happen throughout my experience with the games. Fraid its just one of those bugs I don't understand. As you say, your best approach is to have a few saves.
  19. Right for starters you only need what’s in the folder called part1. Now the contents are dropped into your RA2 folder. Not sure in your case if it’s the desktop or the C drive. So it’s either of the two. Now if it works you will notice straight away the New Campaign is there because the Soviet ‘New Campaign’ icon is replaced by Yuri’s icon. Then you select that and providing you placed the contents of Part1 into your RA2 folder it should work. so that gives you the first six missions. Once you’ve played them you remove the files you placed into your RA2 folder. Then you open the Part2 folder and place those files in the RA2 folder and relaunch the game, that should give you missions 7 -13. Its an archaic way of doing it but that’s because YR only had 7 missions for each side. So I’m order to get the 13 I had to split it into two parts. As it doesn’t use Ares. It’s plain Vanilla. Ps the text file is just for your reading and doesn’t need to go in the RA2 folder.
  20. It’s just a patch I used it on windows 10 and it seemed to sort it. Another option was making a separate folder on your desktop and launching it from there. I did that and after installing Rise of the East everything seemed to work fine. Thats the trouble with old games. Comparability.
  21. Ok yeah windows 10 is notorious. I’ve got a windows 10 Os on a laptop myself. I had to buy the Origin version as my windows 10 refused to load the discs. Even with vista I had to disable something. So the disc drive would run them. I used bibbers launcher on my windows 10 system. I wonder if that might help you as suggested in the threads above.
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