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  1. Check if langmd.mix and language.mix files exit
  2. music? eva? or units' sounds
  3. Crash log following: 27.04. 17:36:21.237 KABOOOOOOM!!! Info: 27.04. 17:36:21.237 Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index 27.04. 17:36:21.246 Source: mscorlib 27.04. 17:36:21.247 TargetSite.Name: ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException 27.04. 17:36:21.254 Stacktrace: 在 System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource) 在 DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.StatisticsWindow.TeamIndexToString(Int32 teamIndex) 在 DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.StatisticsWindow.LbGameList_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAMultiColumnListBox.ListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAListBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAListBox.OnMouseLeftDown() 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAListBox.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.MainMenuDarkeningPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Rampastring.XNAUI.WindowManager.Update(GameTime gameTime) 在 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.SortingFilteringCollection`1.ForEachFilteredItem[TUserData](Action`2 action, TUserData userData) 在 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) 在 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() 在 MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGameWindow.TickOnIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context) 在 MonoGame.Framework.WinFormsGameWindow.RunLoop() 在 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior) 在 DTAClient.Startup.Execute() 在 DTAClient.PreStartup.Initialize(StartupParams parameters) 在 DTAClient.Program.Main(String[] args) Any Ideas?
  4. Download ares zip and unzip to the game directory,open folder "Resources" in game directory and find "ClientDefinitions.ini",open it and add "GameLauncherExecutableName=syringe.exe" and "ExtraCommandLineParams=-cd -log"
  5. the ai may need the construction yard and power plant with AIBasePlanningSide=3 setting,and all tech buildings of the new side are listed in [AI]section in rulesmd.ini
  6. what did you change in rules.ini?
  7. uhhh,location? Your Disk:\Your YR Folder\Maps\Yuri's Revenge
  8. maybe you can open the map with note and add [AI] RefineryLimit=4 BarracksLimit=2
  9. this problem had me troubled for weeks too,and i figured this
  10. it requires Passengers=1,PipScale=Passengers,SizeLimit=1 these three codes to make the passenger logic right
  11. maybe you need to put that map into a folder called Custom,The game mode of custom maps is defined in [Basic] GameMode=,which means you need to add a game mode to make it show up,better add an image with greater resolution.
  12. Hi,folks I added a new map to my client,copied the waypoint code in the map to the map setting ini,then i got this,waypoints are messed up. I know how to adjust a wapoint one by one to the right place(the red square),but it's tiring,you know,this is one of those other maps i need to fix.Are there any more efficient ways? Are there tutorials i haven't found yet?
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