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Everything posted by Saber

  1. Hello i just got twisted insurrection. my windows defender said it might not be safe to play it. i figure it's a false positive but i figured i would ask first.
  2. Saber


    what one would be better for rendrerer its on automatic right now
  3. Saber


    not yet i will try that now
  4. Saber


    i downloaded the campaign for Tiberian sun but there are time where my game will close out. there will be a small window showing my wallpaper with a few of my short cuts on my pc i cant use anything when this happens and have to restart my pc. if there is a fix pls let me know.
  5. Saber


    awesome this is my first time using this. so after i download it is that it?
  6. Saber


    awesome this is my first time using this. so after i download it is that it?
  7. hello i am new to cncnet and was wondering if there were plans to add campaign to the games
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