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Abuse when playing and moderators do nothing. (Lt Simpson is a racist).


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How can Lt simpson get away with harassment and racial/homophobia abuse? When i sign in i get attacked by said player and admin do nothing. Don't know him never met him yet he gets away with posting F*ggott N*gger etc and gets away with it. Some children play this game and have to put up with this posted across the screen its disgusting and admin should stamp it out. 

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Unfortunately we cannot moderate the chat at all times. We have life to live, work to do, or classes to attend to. Every moderator and CnCNet team member is a volunteer. We dedicate our own free time to keep these games running, to upgrade them and maintain them.


We would like to have moderators in chat 24/7 to keep the chat free of racism or inflammatory behavior, but finding trustworthy people willing to dedicate their free time to this is hard.

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I appreciate all that you have said. I thought in these times a filter could be added that anyone that uses racial or otherwise offensive language could be banned. Every time i enter a game and he is online he attacks and this is not an adult only site and many children have racial comments plastered across the screen (Spammed).  Thanks to all that make these games available to us nutters that spend ours on it (It's great). Please keep up the great work as i'm sure there are not many people that give you the praise you deserve.   

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  On 10/29/2014 at 6:41 PM, Scooby300 said:

I appreciate all that you have said. I thought in these times a filter could be added that anyone that uses racial or otherwise offensive language could be banned. Every time i enter a game and he is online he attacks and this is not an adult only site and many children have racial comments plastered across the screen (Spammed).  Thanks to all that make these games available to us nutters that spend ours on it (It's great). Please keep up the great work as i'm sure there are not many people that give you the praise you deserve. 

Sticks and stones can break my bones but text will always hurt me

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