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What are the map numbers for Covert Operations?


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I don't want to overwrite CovertOps missions, but I need a place to put my 15 "special house" campaign missions. Also, take a look at this:














Name=Banging on Heaven's Gate










1=We want to make this area our headquarters. GDI and Nod forces have formed

2=an alliance to defend the area. Destroy GDI; their defeat will make Nod surrender.


































GDIa=GoodGuy,0,0,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,3,E1:5,E2:2,E3:3,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

NODa=BadGuy,0,0,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,3,E4:3,E1:4,LTNK:1,Attack Base:0,0,0

GDIb=GoodGuy,0,0,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,3,MTNK:3,HTNK:1,JEEP:2,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

NODb=BadGuy,0,0,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,3,FTNK:3,STNK:2,MLRS:1,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

GDIc=GoodGuy,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,1,ORCA:3,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

NODc=BadGuy,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,1,HELI:3,1,Attack Base:0,0,0




Awin=Time,Allow Win,0,Special,None,0




Win=All Destr.,Win,0,GoodGuy,Start,0

Lose=All Destr.,Lose,0,Special,Start,0

Nuke=Player Enters,Nuclear Missile,0,Special,Start,0

Ion=Player Enters,Ion Cannon,0,Special,Start,0













GDIa-GDIc (NODa-NODc) are all teamtypes that I want the AI to build randomly. I thought the Autocreate trigger would randomize it, but the teams won't build at all. (Production was started for both GDI and Nod, and both sides have all the necessary structures)


Also, is there a way to change the color of the special house? Right now it's defaulted at gold, which is GDI's color.

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dude, the CO mission numbers are in my ccmanual text file :P


Seriously, read that thing through from beginning to end. Everything is in there. Including which of these many options on the teamtypes to put to "1" to make sure a team gets Autocreated.


Also, Autocreate, like Production, is a global AI trigger that only needs to be started once, and which needs no repeating.


I believe Time triggers need to be linked to the player's side to work correctly though.



btw, what on earth is the meaning of this trigger?

Awin=Time,Allow Win,0,Special,None,0



Oh, and


It creates problems, like no score screen and a 'black hole' radar logo.

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Special house happens to be the dinosaur's side. It has a T-Rex logo. (It doesn't have a score screen though, but the game didn't freeze; just went back to the main menu) As long as the AI doesn't care about sides, then good. I can use anything. But for the player, I'll be using special.


So if I'm understanding autocreate correctly, the AI will create a random team at a random time?


Awin trigger is the allow win. I read in a manual somewhere that allow win had to be activated before the mission could be won.

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Special house happens to be the dinosaur's side. It has a T-Rex logo. (It doesn't have a score screen though, but the game didn't freeze; just went back to the main menu) As long as the AI doesn't care about sides, then good. I can use anything. But for the player, I'll be using special.

The only reason the game doesn't freeze at the score screen is because I fixed it. IMO it's still lame to use a special house just to get a full tech tree. But meh, your choice I guess. I just hate missions where you're the "ooh all powerful 3rd side" and fight GDI and Nod for no reason -_-


So if I'm understanding autocreate correctly, the AI will create a random team at a random time?

It randomly creates teams from the teams in the [teamtypes] list that have Autocreate enabled. It's one of the many options set to '0' in all of your teams. My ccmanual file has the information on which one of them is Autocreate. CCMap's teamtype editor has this too.


Awin trigger is the allow win. I read in a manual somewhere that allow win had to be activated before the mission could be won.

No, Allow Win is there to ADD EXTRA objectives (I think more than one can be added) that needs to be accomplished before you can win. If the trigger is there, it needs to be accomplished, but if it isn't, you can just win normally. Man, I've told you this so many times. LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL MISSIONS. You'll see very few of them have the Allow Win.




Another note... a lot of your triggers have the "Start" teamtype there for no reason...



Win=All Destr.,Win,0,GoodGuy,Start,0

Lose=All Destr.,Lose,0,Special,Start,0

Nuke=Player Enters,Nuclear Missile,0,Special,Start,0

Ion=Player Enters,Ion Cannon,0,Special,Start,0

Why is that? These triggers don't use team types. Only Reinforce. and Create Team can use teamtypes.

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The start teamtypes are there because I can't set them to None in ccmap.




GDIa=GoodGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,E1:5,E2:2,E3:3,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

NODa=BadGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,E4:3,E1:4,LTNK:1,Attack Base:0,0,0

GDIb=GoodGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,MTNK:3,HTNK:1,JEEP:2,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

NODb=BadGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,FTNK:3,STNK:2,MLRS:1,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

GDIc=GoodGuy,0,0,0,1,0,7,0,0,0,1,ORCA:3,1,Attack Base:0,0,0

NODc=BadGuy,0,0,0,1,0,7,0,0,0,1,HELI:3,1,Attack Base:0,0,0




Awin=All Destr.,Allow Win,0,BadGuy,None,0




Win=All Destr.,Win,0,GoodGuy,None,0

Lose=All Destr.,Cap,0,Lose,0,0

Nuke=Player Enters,Nuclear Missile,0,Special,None,0

Ion=Player Enters,Ion Cannon,0,Special,None,0





1. The a10s don't work for some reason.

2. Autocreate isn't working.

3. My Awin trigger doesn't work properly. I destroyed GDI before Nod and won with Nod still on the map.

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Wut? Again, look at the timings of the original missions. The ion cannon loops are only set to 200-400. Airstrikes are set to values between 80 and 200.


Nyerguds, why would I put all timed triggers to the player? That completely negates the AI's triggers.





As I've said half a dozen times already.


Time triggers simply don't seem to work unless the house is set to the player.

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Ah, so it overrides the rule that the rigger house must be the same as the teamtype house? Huh. Odd. Anyway, here's an update. I just took the a10s out for simplicity. Autocreate still doesn't work, and Awin still doesn't work.




GDIa=GoodGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,E1:5,E2:2,E3:3,1,Attack Base:30,1,0

NODa=BadGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,E4:3,E1:4,LTNK:1,1,Attack Units:30,1,0

GDIb=GoodGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,MTNK:3,HTNK:1,JEEP:2,1,Attack Base:30,1,0

NODb=BadGuy,0,0,0,1,0,15,0,0,0,3,FTNK:3,STNK:2,MLRS:1,1,Attack Base:30,1,0

GDIc=GoodGuy,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,1,ORCA:3,1,Attack Base:30,1,0

NODc=BadGuy,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,1,HELI:3,1,Attack Base:30,1,0



Awin=All Destr.,Allow Win,0,BadGuy,None,0




Win=All Destr.,Win,0,GoodGuy,None,0

Lose=All Destr.,Cap,0,Lose,0,0

Nuke=Player Enters,Nuclear Missile,0,Special,None,0

Ion=Player Enters,Ion Cannon,0,Special,None,0



Flare=Time,DZ at 'Z',0,Special,None,0




*Production and Autocreate triggers are there for both teams because they need to be. Otherwise, (I tested this) one side won't do anything. (I deleted Nod's production trigger and left GDI's as you said, Nyerguds)


*The flare trigger is only there for testing. It's so I can see the base at the start of the map, so I know if autocreate works or not.

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Ah, so it overrides the rule that the rigger house must be the same as the teamtype house?

wtf man. There is no such rule. The house is only connected to the CAUSE, not the EFFECT. A teamtype HAS ITS OWN HOUSE SETTING, in case you didn't notice.


Autocreate still doesn't work, and Awin still doesn't work.

Your teams are all set to '0 of these teams will be produced'. It's the value behind the "15".

For 'Create Team' teamtypes, use 1,0,0,1,0,15,1,0,0, as the ccmanual file says.


*Production and Autocreate triggers are there for both teams because they need to be. Otherwise, (I tested this) one side won't do anything. (I deleted Nod's production trigger and left GDI's as you said, Nyerguds)

Hm, bizarre... but I guess it might be true.


btw, you do realize that the [base] section has no way to set owners, right? This means that 2 different enemies with construction yards will try to rebuild eachother's structures, if you add anything to the rebuild list.

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I know that. Thanks for solving the teamtype error, I don't think there's even an option to specify how many of them will be created. I assumed '0' meant produce infinite times. By the way, that "rule" I stated earlier was referring to the trigger research link you posted in the mapping tutorials forum.

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If you read a bit further into that trigger research thread, you'll see I disproved that statement. Trigger "owner" is almost never related to the effect. (The only exception I've seen to this is the Airstrike, which goes to the team that caused it)


This is the proof:


Nod mision, where a celltrigger linked to badguy causes the Production to start.


Also, I didn't say to delete Nod's "production" trigger and leave GDI's, I said to delete one and to change all timed triggers to the PLAYER side. You made the player into Special, no?


As for "All Destroyed" not working for Allow win triggers, I think I've seen that happen before. It's actually just meant for specific mission goals.

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Thanks, it works now! What is the significance of the first number after the teamtype command? (Attack Base:0,0,0)


*I saw that with the apache reinforcements the number indicated how long the apaches attacked the base. They stayed even when they were out of ammo. Not sure if this is the same for created teams.


So there's no way to make a win possible only if GDI and Nod are destroyed?


*It it possible to swap special with a multi# house, just for the color? I want it different than yellow or red.


COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC: I named the file scg01ea (first gdi campaign mission) and when I went to start a new campaign for gdi the game froze. What's up with that?

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Thanks, it works now! What is the significance of the first number after the teamtype command? (Attack Base:0,0,0)


*I saw that with the apache reinforcements the number indicated how long the apaches attacked the base. They stayed even when they were out of ammo. Not sure if this is the same for created teams.

Ah, yes, that's the time. Most original missions put it on 99 to make sure teams don't go away. Team actions normally loop though. Normal attack teams have a route programmed to get to the enemy base. Then the attack command is put to 99 so they are certainly destroyed before they'd try to loop, because then they'd go back to the first point of the route they followed to get there :P

There's a special command, "loop", that can be put at the end to indicate where the looping starts though. This is usually used to make a patrol team move to a certain location, and then do the patrol loop, only looping through the commands of the patrol loop. Again, see ccmanual and the original missions for that.


So there's no way to make a win possible only if GDI and Nod are destroyed?

Really, I don't know. You can try Buildings Destroyed or something like that.


*It it possible to swap special with a multi# house, just for the color? I want it different than yellow or red.

Then you'll get that radar bug I mentioned. In 1.06c you'll be able to assign a colour to the side in the mission file, so you can give the side you play with any colour you want.


COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC: I named the file scg01ea (first gdi campaign mission) and when I went to start a new campaign for gdi the game froze. What's up with that?

I don't know, give more information? Did it work as covert ops mission? At which point did it freeze? Do you have any videos zet?

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I mean the video BEFORE the mission. The start of the campaign is a special case where the start video is preloaded during the side selection screen. Since I changed the code to actually read the name of that first video from the mission ini file (instead of just using "GDI1"), that could crash if no videos are set.

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