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Only the original


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Hey there.


I'm just wondering if there was ever an option to have only the vanilla music in CnC95 added to an .ini file?


I honestly can't stand any of the remixes. Is there any way to disable them and only use the original music?


I've tried replacing the scores.mix file with the one off of my CnC95 CD. I've tried adding Remixes=0 into the conquer.ini file. I've installed the game with the "Enable Remixes" checkbox unticked.


No glory... Anyone know how to fix this?

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I'm just wondering if there was ever an option to have only the vanilla music in CnC95 added to an .ini file?


I honestly can't stand any of the remixes. Is there any way to disable them and only use the original music?

Just to make it clear: do you mean by "remixes" the remixed versions of certain tracks (Act on Instinct, No Mercy, Deception, Looks Like Trouble, Just Do It!) that were included in the original ("vanilla") C&C, or the expansion music tracks added by Covert Ops (Depth Charge, Drill, Iron Fist etc.)? I'm asking because the remixes were not included in the C&C95 SCORES.MIX, and thus replacing this file should have removed them.

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Thanks for the reply,


I am referring to the remixed original tracks (eg. the woman talking during Act on Instinct... I do not like it).


I'll give the scores.mix another try. Maybe I messed up somehow.


UPDATE: Hm. That fixed it. Super odd. I have a system of renaming files I replace xxx.old.yyy where xxx is the same filename and yyy is the same file extension. It seems that the game can still use scores.old.mix. I changed it to abc.mix and the game used the proper music.


Thanks for the help :)

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Heh, yeah, that's the tricky thing about SCORES.MIX :)


When I want to rename an old version of the file, I usually resort to replacing the last letter of the extension with an underscore, e.g. filename.ext -> filename.ex_ or even filename.ext -> filenam_.ex_ in some cases.

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I'm putting that remixes option back into the installer... it's pretty silly to go copying files for an option that can easily be disabled in the installer or setup tool anyway.


At the moment the remixes option is just a bit inaccessible because I put it in rules.ini.


I'm working on a new setup tool, btw... one that adds full support for the cnc-ddraw dll's options. Will require the .net framework, but it's easier than hacking that ancient thing included in C&C95.

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