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Enable gamespeed slider in Yuri´s Revenge


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Hi everyone,

I wanted to start with Yuri´s Revenge campaign and I just don´t manage to get the gamespeed-slider in the game enabled. I managed it with the original RA 2 (by adding -speedcontrol and doing some change in the game.exe with a hex editor...it was something like replacing 9090 with 7470 at a determined place), but it doesn´t work with Yuri´s Revenge. The game runs far too fast for my taste - I like it slow.

Does anyone know how to do that?

cheers and thanks,


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For anyone else looking for the answer.

I searched google looking to enable the gamespeed slider in yuri's revenge but probably like yourself,  didn't find a whole lot.

I'm currently procrastinating from my studies by playing RA2 + Yuris revenge(procrastination is somewhat of a talent of mine....) ......luckily my study topic is reverse engineering.

If you have the yuri's revenge game version 1.001 (EA Origin), then all you need to do to enable the gamespeed slider is replace the two bytes '74 07' with '90 90' at the offset 00115439 in a hex editor for the file gamemd.exe .....just like with RA2..(naturally the code is in a different place as its a different game).

74 is the JMP instruction, 90 is the NOP (no operation) instruction, all this does is blank out the part of the code that makes the game evaluate if the gamespeed command line parameter was passed, and sets it to 1.

Hope that helps




Edited by d00b
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On 4/24/2019 at 8:57 AM, d00b said:

If you have the yuri's revenge game version 1.001 (EA Origin), then all you need to do to enable the gamespeed slider is replace the two bytes '74 07' with '90 90' at the offset 00115439 in a hex editor for the file gamemd.exe .....just like with RA2..(naturally the code is in a different place as its a different game).

You forgot to include the address (for YR): 0x12F949

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Ahh ! 

Apologies....quite right you are fir3worx...I was looking at the wrong hexdump when I typed the post :-D....

it is offset 12F949 for YR.....I had disassembled RA2 before I looked at YR.....


So typical too, after posting that I found a reddit thread;



Thanks for spotting the mistake 

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  • 1 year later...
6 hours ago, fir3w0rx said:

Maybe you're changing the wrong memory address. It's different for each game. Which address are you using?

Same offset I found in HxD editor.

BTW if looking at address, I can't find 74 07, this is all offset.


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That address should be fine (offset is part of the address).


On 8/2/2020 at 3:20 AM, 2mg said:

I can't seem to get this to work with RA2? Do I need to add -speedcontrol?

Sorry I didn't see this^ earlier; you only need to hex edit if you're using the Origin version of RA2. With any other version just add speedcontrol to the shortcut.

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4 hours ago, fir3w0rx said:

That address should be fine (offset is part of the address).


Sorry I didn't see this^ earlier; you only need to hex edit if you're using the Origin version of RA2. With any other version just add speedcontrol to the shortcut.

I have TFD, but it's patched to CnC which should by itself allow speed control in campaign, but it doesn't.

And it's absent from campaign, even if I try hex edit or -speedcontrol.

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That's strange, speedcontrol has always worked on TFD version, it's the version I used for years, until the xwis.net version was created. I don't know, all I can think of is that you haven't added speedcontrol correctly. Does your shortcut look something like this:

"c:\games\tfd\red alert 2\ra2.exe" -speedcontrol

Note that it must be after the speech marks.

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