Welcome! You have made the right choice to read our forum rules. While our rules do not differ much from the rules of other forums we do have some rules you might not expect.
Strict Rules:
Do not post pirated software or other illegal items.
Do not post pornography.
Do not discuss hacking with malicious intent.
Do not discuss religion or politics.
Violating any of the four rules above is grounds for an immediate, and depending on the circumstances, permanent ban.
Common Rules:
Do not spam
Do not double post unless at least 12 hours have passed.
Do not insult or otherwise attempt to incite negative reactions.
Use the report button to report violations of rules.
Please use common sense.
Please post in English.
Please refrain from posting in topics that are more than two weeks old unless you have something valuable to add to the discussion or you are the original poster.
Violations of the "Common Rules" might not incite any reaction from a moderator at first, but repeated violations will be acted upon.
1st Warning: This is a "friendly" Warning, You may get an PM about the problem.
2nd Warning: If you get so far you may get a not so friendly PM, and a 3 day suspension.
3rd Warning: 3 weeks suspension.
4th Warning: Ban.
Length: The combined width of your signature must not exceed 750 pixels.
Height: The combined height of your signature must not exceed 250 pixels.
The combined file size of the signature must be no greater than 750kb.
We're not very strict on signatures here. However, you must still be reasonable while picking a signature and your desired size.
Do not give your password to anyone. If someone is asking for your password, please report them.