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Everything posted by Tore

  1. This topic is in the wrong forum! moved[/color:2ksfo8yn]
  2. Sorry, I don't get what you mean. :/ I think what you are saying is translated from Chinese to English by the Google translator. Anyways, the Red Alert 2 server is down AWOS currently only supports Tiberian Sun.
  3. Updated post above. We are already affiliated with PPM.
  4. If you know some sites that we can possibly affiliate. Post in this topic. Currently affiliated with. -Project Perfect Mod (PPM) -CnC Legends -Blackshark studios? -TiberiumWeb? (Reply pending)
  5. Seen this page before? The page will be updated soon. But the info there still works.
  6. Here you can post tutorials on mapping. Make sure they are tidy and understandable. Tutorial requests are made in the tutorial request topic. The topic tile should be like this: <game name> - <tutorial name>
  7. Or you could download XCC mixer 1.45 U
  8. Here are some banners you can put in your signatures to promote our community. New one [url=http://www.cnc-comm.com][img=http://www.cnc-comm.com/images/Sig-number14-small.gif][/url] [url=http://www.cnc-comm.com][img=http://cnc-comm.com/images/60pxbanner.png][/url]
  9. Well what this topic is all about is giving you a chance to see our beginning. This is the site CnC Comm started as: http://ccconyard.ipbfree.com/ and if we go ever further back in time: http://marpus.18.forumer.com/
  10. Welcome. Be sure to spread the word.
  11. The TD map editor can be downloaded in the download area of the site Click here The RA1 one will be uploaded soon.
  12. Thank you for posting this, it will be handy. Stickied Aro: That's an 'I', Not a 'Y'. Tore: blame the spell checker.
  13. *This is late* Welcome to CnC Comm Center everyone! I forgot to introduce my self. lol I'm the site manager of this site. If you got any trouble post in the repair bay forum.
  14. This map looks great Ixith. The attachment system here is kinda like the one used on PPM.
  15. The title says it. Mine is starting in one day!
  16. Still a bit to large isn't it.
  17. There is one already. Why another one?
  18. I think thats just TO BIG to have as a signature Aro, I will make some new ones. Moved to The Barracks as well...
  19. Tiberian Dawn: Flame Tank, Mammoth Tank Tiberian Sun: "Shoebox of Death" , Who needs a Mammoth Tank, when you have a Mammoth Mark 2? Tiberium Wars: Flame Tank, Mammoth Tank
  20. Sorry, SyS said that sole survivor will not be supported by AWOS, WChat will neither be supported..
  21. I don't understand a word lol...
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