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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. King of the Hills Extreme (Mega 8 players) is the only Mega Map that has changes related to ore/tiberium but it is set up so that ore/tiberium regrows vary fast.
  2. I think blue tiberium did grow back in TS but there was no spawn "tree" for blue tiberium in TS.
  3. Water can be animated. There are about 8 to 10 colors.
  4. That could be Westwood's doing. Most of the Mega Maps have some change done to them. Also Blue Tiberium won't grow back. Diamonds Aren't Forever (Mega 8 players) has nothing but Blue Tiberium.
  5. You could animate the shore lines but it would be a pain to do.
  6. Allen262

    PortableRA Issue

    The only things related to build-up are. BuildupTime=.06 ; average minutes that building build-up animation runs ; Buildings use this when building up after initial placement. [Construction] Recruitable=no Retaliate=no Scatter=no ; Buildings use this when deconstruction after being sold. [selling] Recruitable=no NoThreat=yes Retaliate=no Scatter=no
  7. Allen262

    PortableRA Issue

    Can you attach the Expand.mix? Also is the build up in the wrong format. Did you use Copy as SHP (TS) by mistake?
  8. I think I ran into this long ago With Red Dawn when I needed to remove the para-infantry. My guess is that the game dose not see the "-" and put it at tech level=1
  9. Make sure you have Tiberium Regenerates checked. I just checked both skirmish (RA1 and CnCNet5) and it is working. As for the rest. I can't change the way that the game displays tiberium as it regrows. Both C&C95 and RA1 use 12 frames so things should look the same.
  10. Have you tried [General] ParaTech=99 ; tech level when free para-infantry appears from airstrip SpyPlaneTech=99 ; tech level when free spy plane appears from airstrip
  11. Allen262

    PortableRA Issue

    What kind of mix are you putting you .shp in? SC*NAME*.mix, Expand##.mix or putting them in to the conquer.mix?
  12. Allen262

    PortableRA Issue

    That is odd. What building did you change? I don't know how the build up (****make.shp) works in RA1 from a coding view. So it may not work for civ buildings.
  13. That's kind of a dick move, you know? Yeah, so? It is a viable strategy....
  14. Allen262

    PortableRA Issue

    You can't add a animation for buildings that was not animated before.
  15. TS-ddraw, Ie-ddraw, ddrwrapper are render formats to make TS work on Vista+ systems.
  16. Allen262

    RA1 crash

    What changes did you do?
  17. My guess is that new units would have to be added to a mission by hand editing of the mission in text with Note/Wordpad.
  18. Code added by Iran that was incomplate. You can see the thread here. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2603.0
  19. This is why I'm not converting all of the videos and I'm not putting a lot of work into remaking every single player mission.
  20. Nope. I only put in a few from C&C95. Videos are huge and make a massive download. You can watch them on YouTube as you said. All of the classic mission say what side and mission they are. Red Dawn has a few of the C&C95 brefing videos. He is asking if I converted all to Red Dawn.
  21. It dose but still dosen't work. It has to be 2 min for team reinforment.
  22. Some times RA is like that. Makes no since.
  23. It only happen on maps you fail to leave a 2 square buffer around the border of the map. (it may need to be bigger if you are reinforcing a big team) What happens is the reinforced team can't all be in the same square so the game tries to put a unit/units off of the 126x126 surface crashes. There is also error that works much the same but happen when a unit over shoot a target and the projectile leaves the 126x126 surface. I believe this is called the North error because it happens a lot when units shoot north close to the border. I had to fix a few mission because of it.
  24. Well that didn't take long. It looks to be edge of map error. It is best to always leave 2 squares around the map. I change the reinforce to come from the left that has a ton of squares that are not being used as playable map and things reinforce with out crash. scu01ea.ini
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