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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. In my "reverse engineered" right now I have.. Icon says. Vehicle SCUD Patton T-72 Abrams T-80 Gainful (has Anti-Air Symble) Rocket Launcher (Is M270 MLRS. Icon is the one from TD) Ore Truck (Is from RA1) MCV (Is from RA1) Humvee (Is from TD) Bradley (Is renamed Light Tank) mine layer (Is from RA1) BMP-1 SAM Launcher (Is renamed SSM Launcher) (has Anti-Air Symble) Jeep Artillery Ship Are unchanged but for the HeliCarrer from "Red Dawn" Infantry Are mix of TD and RA1 icons Aircraft Warthog Frogfoot Buildings Mixed TD and RA1 but for new ones that says "hospital" and "Satellite Center" EDIT: There is no point to make any more aircraft. Badger bomber [bADR] and Spy photo-recon plane [u2] can not be selected. You can drag a box over them, click all over the planes but they are unselectable. Do you have Red Dawn? If yes. I will finish rewriting the two game.exes and send you the whole thing I have in an install like Red Dawn has.
  2. This drove me nuts. This is why I didn't use hospital in "Red Dawn". Your worry about about SA-6/M48 is fixed. (I would like a M48 or I'll just keep using the C&C95 SSM Launcher for it) As for IFV and MBT most don't even know whay they mean.
  3. Well there goes allot of icon work... Transport chopper not yet. The game tries to heal tanks but it don' heal them. Every time a damage tank drive buy you can hear the heal sound but the tank is not healed. Right now the TD Adv power plant is the Nuke plant in the [APWR] slot. This is just a strip down "Red Dawn". I removed the TS EVA, TD music, TD unit voices but for the Commando, TD side bars and All the TD videos. I plug you units into the need spots aside from the M60 Patton. It is trimmed down RA1 Med Tank that I used for "Red Dawn" before I got the TD one done. If BMP-1 and B2 Bradley rushes worries you. They can be "Nurfed". Drop the Strength and push the cost up to as much as a M60/T72.
  4. TLF don't work with NO CD dose it? I think it dose but it uses the old UnZip install that one has to do some work to get it working on NO CD?
  5. The MLRS can't be a mine layer. If you give the mine layer a weapon each time it fire it take away one mine. When the mines run out it can no longer fire it main or 2st weapon if it has one. The Cruiser and Missile Submarine have the same hard code thing like The Nuke Silo and E7 (Tanya/Commando). Building a Allied Tech or Soviet Tech give them both to the player. Adding Prerequisite=fcom won't stop it. I did get the Allies AI to build Flame Throwers [E4] by adding Owner=allies,soviet and DoubleOwned=yes to it. So it would be the inf to make in to a stinger. EDIT: Early buildings have a Prerequisite=PROC to keep the AI from spending all it money before it has a change to build a refinery. To make a hospital heal you need to add Primary=Heal and GuardRange=2.50 to it it. Next [Heal] has to have a range of 2.50. Now the game will try to heal ANY unit that walks or drives buy. Once the unit is healed you have to move him away as the game will keep trying to heal the fully healed unit.
  6. Counterstrike and Aftermath videos? The don't use any videos but the stock ones that come with plan RA1. Counterstrike and Aftermath have no briefing videos.
  7. I don’t see much of a point in an “Air Centerâ€. The Comm Center dose that quite well and since shroud re-grows on the map as a player I’m not going to even keep the Comm Center. The shroud will re-grow and cover any place I explore on the maps so why have the Comm Center take up the space and power? I’d sell it for the free space, power and I get 50% of the build price back. Same is true with the “Air Centerâ€.
  8. Yes Aftermath now free. The CouterStrike and Aftermath missions take place at the same time as the Campaigns. I also look at Aftermath as a chance to make more crazy units. I'm sure in the cold war had some crazy tanks the never made it to prodution that would be cool to have for Aftermath missions. Attching Jeep icon in ZIP. One odd thing about Ants. The don't have a mouse over name. Jeep_Icon_for_Ant2.zip
  9. I'm guessing this is a NO CD RA1? If yes the changes are that your sounds.mix is not from AfterMath. If no. Than put the AfterMath CD in top CD drive. I'm attaching the AfterMath sounds.mix. Rxtract if from the ZIP and put the sounds.mix game directory.
  10. Switching the power plants is okay but the AI is coded to build the Advanced Power Plant in skirmish mode and multiplayer any time it has low power. So the AI will build a bunch of what it think is Advanced Power Plant (but there not) trying to get to the PowerSurplus= tag. The AI base clogs up as units get stuck or the AI has no more room to expand on the map as it used all the space for building over sized and under powed power plants. Switch the SelfHealing=yes to SelfHealing=no on the Harvester and the Mammoth Tank. Fun fact, you can use SelfHealing on buildings too. I’d try not to use Aftermath. Not all may have it and it will destory any possibility of full single player missions. I would use the Ants first. I will help you with the Ants I've had to deal with them already. Here is the RA1 Jeep with a new icon so it now is a UAZ-469 for the Soviets and the RA1 Arty coverted to work with the ants. Just make 8 facing fame for the M48 Chaparral and I can use OS SHP Builder to fill in the rest. Switching the power plants is okay but the AI is coded to build the Advanced Power Plant in skirmish mode and multiplayer any time it has low power. So the AI will build a bunch of what it think is Advanced Power Plant (but there not) trying to get to the PowerSurplus= tag. The AI base clogs up as units get stuck or the AI has no more room to expand on the map as it used all the space for building over sized and under powed power plants. Switch the SelfHealing=yes to SelfHealing=no on the Harvester and the Mammoth Tank. Fun fact, you can use SelfHealing on buildings too. I’d try not to use Aftermath. Not all may have it and it will any possibility of full single player missions. Also any of Gap Gens can’t be used if the shroud re-grows on the map. I launch a GPS from the Satellite Center so I can see the entire map and the AI builds a Gap Gen. The shroud re-grows from the Gap Gen and recover the whole map. So don’t use any of the Gap Gens. UAZ-469__and_RA1_Arty_set_for_Ants.zip
  11. If you make the flamer man into a Stinger Man the Allies won't build him multiplayer games. You can try DoubleOwned=yes on him to see if it works but I'm not sure about this tag. For an early artillery I would just use the stock RA1 artillery. Take the needed frames from it so it can be used in [ANT3] Yes Gainful is Soviet. I think your better of to use a M60 in the Light and M1 in the Med like I have it for balance. Giving Gap Gens/Radar Jammers won't be unbalanced. The ParaBomb isn't even usable in any multiplayer games. WestWood has ParaBombs off in multiplayer games. The only way you can get a ParaBomb in multiplayer games is to get a 1 time use ParaBomb out of a crate. Switching Power Plants may break the AI. Never tried such a big change. I'll update my part about Tech centers. The game is hard coded in skirmish mode and multiplayer to give the Nuke Missiles Silo to any player when they build a Soveit or Allied Tech Center no matter what Prerequisite or Owner you give the Nuke Missiles Silo if they don't have it as a build option when one of the Tech Centers is built. The same is true Tanya. I wanted to make the Allied Tech Center a GPS building but there is no way around this. However since your redoing the tech tree... You should be able to make the tech go something like this. DOME Gives HPAD,AFLD,SAM,STEK=Tech Center,SA-6,M48 ? STEK=Tech Center Gives ATEK=Space Center, E7=Tanya/Commando, MSLO=Nuke Missile Silo, Cruiser, and *Missile Sub AF only* With the tree above E7 (Tanya/Commando) would have to have Prerequisite=STEK. There is no way to make the Nuke Missile Silo have a Prerequisite of the Allied Tech Center in any skirmish mode and multiplayer game. The game give the Nuke Missile Silo to the player as soon as they build the Soviet Tech Center but since the shroud regrows you will need the Space Center to reveal the map so you can launch the nuke at a target. In all C&C game tell the EA crapply ones the ways to make advanced vehicles were the Repair Depot (Mammoth Tank, Mine Layer and MCV) and Tech Centers In RA you have to have a Radar Dome to make Airstrips and Helipads.
  12. Single player maps are not too bad just stick close to stock maps tell you get things. The editor for RA1 is better than any edior I'v seen for C&C95. Balance is need. I went over you base set up on paper and think a M60 Patton is a good countet to T-72 Sight settings. Aircraft can't move into shroud on the map like tanks but if they have a sight of 6 or so you can get them to move to the edge of the shroud and repeat this to scout the map. This could be fix with the SA-6 and M48 now. I'm not trying to tell you how to build you mod but this is how I would do it so that the AI would work in skirmish mode and stock Single player maps could be update with ease. Blue is for Allies/US and Red is for Soviets/Soviet bloc. Gray is for both sides. Infantry Units: Rifle=Same Grenadier=Same Rocket soldier=Same (RA1 Rocket soldier is Stinger inf already) Flamethrower=Same Tanya=Commando (Also a sniper like in C&C95) Land Units: V2=SCUD No real changes, just name, and icon. Light tank=M60 Patton Med tank=M1 Abrams Heavy tank=T-72 Mammoth tank=T-80 Mobile radar jammer=SA-6 Gainful (Set the RadarJamRadius= to 0 in the rules) Mobile artillery=MLRS Ranger=Humvee APC=M2A3 Bradley Mine layer=Same Convoy truck=BMP1 Mobile gap generator= Mobile radar jammer, Set both sides (Use SHP from Red Dawn) Ant1= M48 Chaparral Ant2=Jeep Air Units: Longbow attack helicopter=Apache Helicopter Hind=Hind Transport Helicopter=Transport Helicopter Yak=A-10 with missiles that the RA-1 Mig already has or code it to use 20MM gat gun. Mig=Same Bagder=Same (unselect unit if built by player) U2=Same (unselect unit if built by player) Now I would change the Para Bomb icon (pbmbicon.shp) to one that shows a Tu-16 Badger and a B-47 Stratojet like the trooper icon from CNC Meets Star Wars attached below. I'd give it a name on the icon of "Carpet Bombing" You can incress the number of Badger bombers used to para bomb at the BadgerBombCount= tag. Buildings: Construction yard=Same Power plant=Same Soviet barracks=Same Allied barracks=TD GDI Barracks Gun turret=Same Pillbox=Guard Tower Camouflaged pillbox=Same Refinery=Same Advanced power plant=Nuke use TD Advanced power plant War Factory=Same or pull the TD one from Red Dawn. Radar Dome=Same or TD Com Center Airfield=Same Sam Site=Same Helipad=Same Allied Tech Center=Same Soviet Tech Center=Same Gap Generator=Not used or use Red Dawn Radar Jammer Tower
  13. My list just covers what the AI in skirmish mode or Multiplayer with AIs. Single player AI can be coded much more. Also making maps for RA1 is a lot easier than TD. C&C-RAED interface is quite nice. Ai having a giant advantage... Not sure. If your coding for real word. Any jeep can see just as far as a V2/SCUD. All Land Units would have the same sight settings. Infantry Units would be smaller and Air Units would uncover most of the map. Will human players have any issues? No. You can remake the whole tech tree if you want only player playing. It you stay close to the RA1 tech tree Multiplayer AI will be fine and Single player will be vary doable.
  14. I'm glad to help just ask. PM is fine by me too. The hard part is only that some units are set to one side only and some aren’t even built by the AI in skirmish mode. Some both sides will build just fine as long as they meet the Prerequisite, Owner and TechLevel needed. Infantry Units: Rifle=Allies,Soviet Grenadier=Soviet Rocket soldier=Allies,Soviet Flamethrower=Soviet Tanya=Allies,Soviet Field medic=Not built Engineer=Not built Spy=Not built Thief=Not built Vehicle Units: V2=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Light tank=Allies, Soviet? Med tank=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) Heavy tank=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Mammoth tank=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Mobile radar jammer=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Mobile artillery=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) Harvester=Allies,Soviet Mobile Construction Vehicle=Allies,Soviet Ranger=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) APC=Allies,Soviet Mine layer=Not built Convoy truck=Allies,Soviet All 3 Ants=Allies,Soviet Air Units: Longbow attack helicopter=Allies,Soviet Hind=Not built Transport Helicopter=Not built Yak=Allies,Soviet Mig=Allies,Soviet Bagder=Never tried to see if AI would as it a unselect unit if built by player U2=Never tried to see if AI would as it a unselect unit if built by player Building: The AI will only build the following buildings skirmish mode. Construction yard=Allies,Soviet Power plant=Allies,Soviet Soviet barracks=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Flame tower=Allies,Soviet Allied barracks=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) Gun turret=Allies,Soviet Pillbox=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) Camouflaged pillbox=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) Refinery=Allies,Soviet Advanced power plant=Allies,Soviet War Factory=Allies,Soviet Radar Dome=Allies,Soviet Airfield=Allies,Soviet Sam Site=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Tesla coil=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Helipad=Allies,Soviet Allied Tech Center=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) Soviet Tech Center=Soviet (never test for Allies AI) Gap Generator=Allies (never test for Soviet AI) The game is hard coded in skirmish mode to give the Allies the Nuke Missiles Silo when they build Allied Tech Center no matter what Prerequisite or Owner you give the Nuke Missiles Silo. The same is true Tanya with the Soviet and Soviet Tech Center. Also save you self the trouble converting the TD SHPs. You can take any thing from Red Dawn if you want. The only 2 things that won’t work is the Grenadier and Rocket Soldier (E3.shp and E2.shp) you will have to convert them from TD.
  15. Have you decided what the tech layout for both sides are yet? Your making alot of .shps and ideas but RA-1 can crush big ideas fast.
  16. Yes the Ants only have 8 facing frames. They also have walking and attacking frames plus a few die frames for a total 112 frames. To make Ants into normal tanks without turrets is just a lot of copy and pasting the same 8 facing frames. There is also the antdie.shp has to be made into an explosion. Plus the antdie.aud has to be replaced with an explosion sound. Ants break down like this (all frames move counter clockwise) First 8 frames are 8 faceing frames Next 64 are walking frames, 8 Frames per side Next 32 are attacking frames 4 frames per side Last are 8 death frames In Red Dawn the Recon Bike, Flame Tank and Stealth Tank are Ants... Were Ants. Notify me of replies enabled...
  17. The Ant slots are not that bad. It's just odd since they don't use 32 facing frames. I had to use them too.
  18. All look good. Too bad we don't have RA-1 that can be more editable.
  19. That odd... I don't have any ideas how Aftermath could be messed up by the Rules.ini, Aftrmath.ini, and mplayer.ini.
  20. Did you have to start from scrach with new Rules and Aftermath or whole reinstall?
  21. These days TibEd pointless. I think I could code basic RA-1 in my sleep in notepad. Anyway what RA-1 do you have? CD, RA+ or RA TFD? What version do you have? It is listed at the main screen below Exit Game. It sound like you have RA-1 with The Aftermath enabled but have none of the needed files for it. Notify me of replies enabled.
  22. I'm a little late but thanks Nyerguds!
  23. I should have bookmarked the front page... I did not see this since is was lost under more poplur news in the forums.
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