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Everything posted by MattAttack

  1. I don't know.. I have only downloaded version 1.06b. I assume everyone here has at least that....
  2. Parking Lot 61 x 43 Desert theater Mission description: A GDI repair depot is fixing damaged armor units and sending them back to the front, in an effort to save resources. An off-shore cruiser will launch Apaches to help you clear the beach before you head inland to destroy these salvagable tanks. If we can locate and infiltrate their Comm. center, we may be able to misdirect some of their A-10s onto their own base to clear our path. This is my first mission with no base; sort of my interpretation of what I thought Nod mission 1 should be like. I was messing around with computer controlled air reinforcements and this is the result. If you find yourself getting your butt kicked, you will recieve more reinforcements and air support to help. First it was waaay to hard, then waay to easy. Hopefully I've found a balance. Let me know what you think! parking_lot.zip
  3. I've recently been making maps for Tiberian Dawn and wondered if it would somehow be possible to film your own videos, convert them into whatever format c&c uses, make a .mix file and have it play before the mission? Would I just have to, say, replace an existing movie in the mix? just wondering.
  4. I'm going to make a map where you (GDI) have to protect the computer's (multi5) harvesters. The idea was to use the "amount of credits" trigger to win, but I noticed the game doesn't consider tiberium and credits the same in that respect. So now every time the harvester goes over a celltrigger into the base, a C17 flies across the screen and 'reinforces' 700 credits into your account. I've tested that and it works, but I wanted you to lose when all the harvesters are destroyed and I noticed if a refinery is destroyed with a harvester in it, the harvester's death isn't registered. I don't know if this makes any sense, but trust me, it's going to be sweet! oh, BTW I fixed my mission BIOLAB if anybody wants to beta-test it. I'm pretty sure it's done now.
  5. I analyzed the original .ini files and noticed some of those #'s go as high as 35. Upon making some test maps, I noticed any teamtype set to 20 or higher doesn't get distracted as easily by destruction taking place anywhere on the map.
  6. Finally, after much testing, this map is complete. Had to do a lot of research in the original .ini files to find out how to make my units not get distracted by all the carnage. Additionally, the enemy reinforcements of minigunners and grenadiers would start to diminish from 20 infantry units to 15,10 and then 5. No fun. Noticed if instead of 1 teamtype of 20 units that 4 teams of 5 each seemed to solve the problem. WHEW! Thanks to Solo for his input, it helped a lot!
  7. 4077 62x62 snow theater Mission Description ------------------- To win the hearts and minds of the local population, GDI has set up a hospital deep in NOD territory. They will stop at nothing to destroy this symbol of good will so defend it at all costs! A GDI mission concerned with defending a hospital from the evil forces of NOD. Pretty simple, but I tried to design the terrain to use some of the AI's flaws to my advantage. I anticipate criticism of too much tiberium, but I like that on a map. Enjoy!! 4077.zip
  8. Dirt City 61x60 Desert theater Mission Description ------------------- An unlucky town rests in a strategically valuable valley. Nod is supplying both sides of a civil war with weapons with hopes their conflict will decimate the village. If need be, they will do the dirty work themselves. Utilize both local factions resources and destroy any Nod presence. If too many civilians are destroyed, you fail. Hurry, the brotherhood is amassing a strike force!! A GDI mission where you are pitted against 2 warring factions (multi1/6) and utlimately you must use their resources to destroy the massive Nod fortress. Wanted to go for simple teamtype commands this time and I think it's pretty effective. Let me know if more enemy 'harassment' should be added!! Dirt_City.zip
  9. Yeah, I originally had the APC going through several waypoints to get to the biolab, but it would get stuck in the middle of the map. I'm thinking of repeating the trigger several times so if it gets stuck once, like 10 time units later it will get the same command. As far as the engineer capturing the biolab, I tried that and it just went for my refinery instead. go figure. I really appreciate the input and it has encouraged me to upload a couple more maps I've been developing. I'll try some of the suggested fixes/adjustments and see how it works out. Thanks!
  10. wow, that's awesome. I wouldn't call it a cheat; in fact, I commend your critical thinking skills. I'll see if those fixes work. When you say 'area guard,' is that a command I can use in the teamtype line? I was under the impression it was only a command for existing units. THANKS!
  11. So I've been screwing around making missions and noticed if I attack a neutral structure, the computer's teams just move to the next waypoint and stop instead of proceeding to 'attack base.' I've tried messing with the 'x key' and 'alt key' bits and nothing seems to keep them on task. Also, if I have a transport chopper it seems the computers units want to attack that, regardless of it's position on the map.
  12. Biolab 57x61 Snow theater Mission Description ------------------- The Brotherhood has bribed a high level GDI scientist into assisting in the completion of our deadly bio-weapons program. Word has leaked of the defection and the GDI forces in the area are throwing everything they have at us. Protect the bio-weapons facility at all cost until the scientist arrives. Attacks will come by air and land, so be vigilant in your defense!! My second fully completed mission. Defend the Biolab from endless waves of GDI forces, but don't get distracted as air attacks are inbound!! This mission is hard as hell, but it is physically possible to beat it. Or maybe I just suck at this game, ha ha. **update 9-25-11** This is version 2 of this map. I fixed the APC that wins the mission so it will go to the desired waypoint NO MATTER WHAT, and before the enemy reinforcements would diminish from 20 to 5 infantry at a time. Also made it harder. **update 6-8-2015** yeah it only took me 4 years to fix the graphical errors...... But it's still one of my favorites I've made!! **6-9-2015** okay, I know I brag about how perfect I try to make my missions, but I looked at the .ini and I see a couple of teams that probably aren't going to work properly. Rather than change that here, I think I'll leave the .ini preserved in remembrance to a time when I knew a lot less about making missions. It still works and is fun as hell imo and I am proud of it.... Anyway, I am going to totally revamp it and make it Nod Mission 9 in my TD for pros campaign-- if I ever get that far... lol biolab.zip
  13. Chop Hop 62x62 desert theater Background ---------- GDI operates a seaside technology center where they are developing new and inventive ways of defeating the Brotherhood. A strike team wil be airlifted to the archipelago just off the coast. Neutralize any GDI threats and establish a base with which to accomplish your goal. Just got back into C&C tiberian dawn after years and decided to make my own single player map. Move your forces over a series of islands via transport chopper and establish a base with which to destroy GDI's defenses and capture their tech center. When in doubt, use the commando's line of sight to scout potential landing areas. chop_hop.zip
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