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Everything posted by MattAttack

  1. well, there were a few minor bugs, like if the shore was blocked no reinforcements would arrive among other things. I made this entirely new from scratch, redesigning the entire map. Play it and tell me this one is easy... lol
  2. Okay, about a year and a half ago I posted my first mission here called 'Chop Hop': http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1701.0 At the time I really didn't know squat about mission making so there were some things I wanted to do, but didn't know how to. (i.e. how to place an empty enemy transport chinook on the map, etc.) I decided to remake the whole mission from scratch, fixing some existing bugs and generally kicking everything up a notch. Here ya go, enjoy! Chop Hop 2 NOD mission 60x60 desert theater scb95ea ---------------------- Background ---------------------- GDI operates a seaside technology center where they are developing new and inventive ways of defeating the Brotherhood. A strike team wil be airlifted to the archipelago just off the coast. Neutralize any GDI threats and establish a base with which to accomplish your goal. ---------------------- Mission Description ---------------------- Your mission is to capture the GDI technology center. Utilize any GDI facilities you can to assist in your goal. Reinforcements will be sent in by air and sea as needed. Known bugs: ----------- None, really. Although, if you have the beach blocked where the MCV is reinforced by hovercraft, it will be reinforced at the bottom left of the map. AS PICTURED BELOW Also, if you attack the Chinooks you are supposed to capture, they will go to the repair depot at the top of the map. If they both do this, you're screwed! chophop2.zip
  3. just played desert duel against cn2mc-- really cool map!
  4. Yay! I will start by saying how it makes me happy to see other people taking an interest in mission making. I've finally had a chance to try "the killer" once and here's my initial impressions: For your 2nd mission it's pretty good, although very basic. (only a win and lose trigger, no teamtypes or production, etc.) Although the map is very sparse, I'm happy to report there are no mismatched tiles and at least a little bit of care was put into the map looking decent. Nothing irritates me more than when obviously no effort was put into making a cohesive landscape. It could be prettier, though. It's not much of a challenge but that's okay. I won on my 2nd try because that Obelisk nailed my exploring commando on the first time around. In my opinion, however I found the map to be a bit too big for an infantry mission as I spent most of my time walking around empty blank space looking for the next squad to snipe. Overall I'd say it was not a disappointment but maybe slightly mediocre; I hope this is just a stepping stone to more interesting missions from Gametrickster. And just a personal pet peeve of mine, I don't like when GDI has Nod units/structures and vice versa. This just as easily could have been a gdi mission and all would have fit a little better into the original feel of the game. This is all just my opinion, take it or leave it-- but PLEASE KEEP THE MISSIONS COMING!! XD **p.s. I'll download and play anything, but I think you might get a better reaction from others here by adding a little more detail about your mission in the initial post**
  5. these maps look awesome! hopefully I'll have some time to try them soon.. great job!
  6. The C&C Communications Center Mega-Map Pack has been updated! 29 new maps!! Version 1.01 DOWNLOAD HERE!
  7. Indeed! this thread has provided great inspiration for myself and others! Get mapping, fools! I'm gonna update the Mega Map Pack within the next couple of weeks, so if you want to be included get busy! here's a simple map I made the other day:
  8. I tried it, it's very cool and a diferent style of gameplay! It's kind of weird not being in control of your resources, but I liked the uncertainty of that. What I was wondering was if reinforcement triggers would work; i.e. if you kill 50 of my units I get reinforced a mobile artillery? Guess it's time to dust off my trigger skills and find out! XD
  9. Howdy folks, just letting everyone know, I plan on updating the cnc-comm center Mega Map Pack soon. Therefore I ask any potential map-makers to get to work and submit some maps within the next month or so if you'd like to be included. Take a look at the list of maps, pick an unused map #, turn on XCC editor and get to work! Heck, maybe if the response warrants it, we can have a map-making contest. Happy trails!
  10. Hey dude, played on Lost Temple (sc) today... It's a good map! can't wait to try 2v2 game. The only suggestion I have is to add some scuff marks to the terrain and that's purely aesthetic! Luckily Fraps worked and I recorded it. Enjoy! http://youtu.be/apC0ojo0ADg
  11. I've personally never found that to be an issue on my maps; just make sure you give that house like at least $5k-- more so that they don't immediately sell the structure if it's attacked. Or hell, maybe it will add incentive to hurry up and capture it! :laugh:
  12. Wow! Nice job these maps look awesome.... I like the anti-engineer concrete around the starts on "lost temple." Cant wait to try them!
  13. MattAttack


    hi! extended sidebar working?!
  14. It's definetly a glitch of some kind as I'm very familiar with having to wait for the units to be delivered and then clicking the "ready" icon again and thats not it.... I really dont think it's a '"max units" sort of thing either and I have to disagree with Solo about the damaged structure theory as it has occurred regardless. I can't remember if it ever happened to me back in the day prior to the 1.06 patch or not. It's really a mystery.
  15. This has happened to me several times-- mostly as NOD but even a couple of times as GDI. I'm not sure what causes it but it even happened to me today in a multiplayer game with being unable to build anymore infantry. I happened to be recording at the time and if you skip to the 12:00 minute mark you see I capture a barracks which gets destroyed while building and then I was unable to build anymore Infantry. http://youtu.be/nZSqZgS7nek
  16. Howdy folks! Recently I've been playing a lot of TD on cncnet and have recorded some of my adventures for all to see. These videos were meant to help the noobs become not so noob by illustrating basic build orders and such. Of course this doesn't always work out as planned, but its a good start. Hope you Enjoy! Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/user/MattAttackCnC95/videos?view=0 and a brief example: http://youtu.be/bAwSe6iRYJw and of course check out my super-duper Mega Map Pack cnc-comm compilation: >>>Check it out here!<<<
  17. merry freakin christmas, previews are now available for all 94 maps. Just click on the map name!
  18. This was really cool... Hopefully we can do TD again sometime soon; at least it gets some players there indeed it would be nicer with the sound on and are you able to stream if you made the game resolution 1024x768? Otherwise totally bomb-ass stuff! Oh yeah, please allow me to plug the totally awesome Map-Pack I've compiled; if this goes down in the future everyone involved should download: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2081.0
  19. I'm interested in playing a few Tiberian Dawn games that day, although it depends on your schedule as I'm on the West coast U.S.A.
  20. The maps in this pack are numbered from scm105-255. My reasoning was that A)it would not conflict with any old map-packs since prior to Nyer's patch, i think 99 was the limit, and B) all the player made maps would be listed after the stock maps instead of interspersed between them, for ease of looking through them. I'm pretty much the only regular on TD these days and I havent run into anyone yet with his mappack anyways. But I suppose if it's a major problem I can change it....
  21. I didn't rename any, although all the map numbers have been changed so they probably won't be compatible. I had to change them though, as there were previously conflicts between map packs since the same map numbers were used.
  22. [move]123 MAPS!! WOW!![/move] Welcome! Here is the CnC Communications Center Tiberian Dawn Mega-Map-Pack!!! It was gathered from all the multiplayer maps located here in the Radar Dome (and even a few new ones others and I have made) and condensed into one convenient package. I have re-numbered the maps so that there is no conflict between them. Version 1.01 DOWNLOAD HERE! Here's the list of all 123 maps and who created them: Maps new to version 1.01 are in red ***click to preview*** -----Nyerguds----- scm105ea=Nazca Plains -----Grimson----- scm106ea=OASIS scm107ea=BITTER WINTER scm108ea=SPLIT ZONE scm109ea=DEAD HEXAGON scm110ea=PARALLEL DUEL scm111ea=LAKE ZIWABO -----White----- scm115ea=Frozen Arena scm116ea=Mountain Confrontation scm117ea=Urban Warfare scm118ea=Tiber River -----Chubfish----- scm120ea=FROSTBITE scm121ea=RIB CAGE scm122ea=ONE RIDGE TOO FAR -----Thek----- scm125ea=SANDS PARADISE (2PL) scm126ea=SANDS PARADISE (4PL) -----Recoil56----- scm130ea=icCup Crossroads scm131ea=icCup Higher Order scm132ea=icCup Roundabout -----Felix----- scm135ea=World War III -----Johntu----- scm136ea=Overlord -----Pichorra----- scm138ea=GLACIAL MOUNTAIN scm139ea=THE FOUR HORSEMEN (2V2) scm140ea=TIBERIUM ZONE scm141ea=VICEROID AREA scm142ea=INJUSTICE FOR ALL scm143ea=RISE OF THE TIBERIUM scm144ea=TIBERIUM WARS scm145ea=[C] SEEKING IN THE CITY scm146ea=AN ISLAND IN THE NOWHERE scm147ea=[C] WHATER DESERT scm148ea=THE FORGOTTEN VILLAGE -----Badgebomb----- scm152ea=COLD FIGHT scm153ea=CLOSE ENCOUNTER IN THE SNOW scm154ea=MOUNTAINS OF TIBERIUM scm155ea=FINAL FRONTIER scm156ea=TOURNAMENT MAP scm157ea=DESERT CONTROL scm158ea=IMITATOR scm159ea=ONE LAST CHANCE scm160ea=TEAM WORK -----Cronoseth----- scm161ea=Passes -----Slayer----- scm162ea=Black Forest scm163ea=Python scm164ea=Fortress in Blizzard scm165ea=Intact Territory -----Undead----- scm167ea=3V3 (TOURNAMENT MAP) -----N3trunner----- scm171ea=CANYON PATHS scm172ea=HJK6 CNC1 EDITION scm173ea=[C] CAPTURE THE CY'S scm174ea=[C] INSPECTING TIBERIUM scm175ea=[C] DISCOVERY scm176ea=CROSSED (6P) scm177ea=CROSSED (4P) scm178ea=SECONDARY TIBERIUM IMPACTS scm179ea=TEN TO ONE scm180ea=Tiberium Passes scm181ea=Vales Of The Templars scm182ea=Winter Valleys scm183ea=Forgotten Land scm184ea=CENTRAL ESCAPE scm185ea=Desert Island scm186ea=Iron Cross (6p) scm187ea=Iron Cross (4p) scm188ea=P4 Limited scm189ea=Symmetric Field (6p) scm190ea=Symmetric Field (4p) -----Elias----- scm192ea=Base No Race scm193ea=Lost Temple (SC) scm194ea=Tiberium Four scm195ea=Perfect Circle scm196ea=Race or Base scm197ea=Vertical Limit scm198ea=Tiberium Star scm199ea=Lost Temple -----GiftS----- scm200ea=Tiberian Farm scm201ea=Neverending Line scm202ea=Opposite Sides scm203ea=Broken Trident Wars scm204ea=Sand Crystal Shard scm205ea=The 3 Tiberian Batteries scm206ea=The Target is: TIBERIUM scm207ea=Tiberian Mountain scm208ea=The Tiberian Fortress 2 vs 1 scm209ea=The Tiberium Power Plants scm210ea=Greater Tiberian Fortress 3 vs 2 scm211ea=Red Winter Graves scm212ea=Poor Mountain Lake scm213ea=Earth Scar scm214ea=[sW] Angels and Demons scm215ea=[sW] Land of the Man -----MNDakota----- scm223ea=Slither scm224ea=Joust scm225ea=Electric Avenue scm226ea=Modest Field scm227ea=Adjacent Battles scm228ea=Heavy Metal scm229ea=Blistering Sands scm230ea=Steppes of War -----MattAttack----- scm233ea=[CO-OP] Metal Onslaught scm234ea=[sW] Slaughterama 2v2 scm235ea=[sW] Grunt War scm236ea=Slugfest scm237ea=Land O' Lakes scm238ea=Method of Destruction scm239ea=Shallow Grave scm240ea=Atoll-a-Rolla 3v3 scm241ea=Terminal City scm242ea=Bordertown 2v2 scm243ea=Colateral Damage scm244ea=Blood Mountain scm245ea=Bushlands scm246ea=Dead River scm247ea=Backstabbed scm248ea=Total Chaos scm249ea=Tiberium Garden 2 scm250ea=Sierra Nevada scm251ea=Three Rivers 3-way FFA scm252ea=Doom Triangle 3-way FFA scm253ea=Stronghold 2 vs 1 scm254ea=Tiberium Island scm255ea=Great Wall 3 vs 2 I really wanted to leave the maps untouched out of respect of the original creators, however a few changes were inevitable. First, in the desert theater civilian building V31 caused an Ion strike by the Neutral player. This would have been fine had it been random, but it always affected the northernmost player so I replaced all instances of that building in these maps. Second, I changed the theater from 'Snow' to 'Winter' on Pichorra's map "Glacial Mountain" because it caused graphical errors. Grimson's map "Parallel Duel" is smaller than the visible screen in Hi-res (1024x768) but it still worked, so I left it untouched in the pack. If anybody has a problem with their map being changed or just doesn't want it included please let me know and I'll make all applicable changes. Please let me know if you find any bugs, glitches etc! SW Mode: Any map with a [sW] in front of it is based off the game State Of War and was brought to c&c by GiftS. You have no construction yard and must capture buildings on the map if you want to crush your foe. There is no Harvesting as you recieve an allowance of credits every so often. For a more detailed description, click >here<. Here's the settings: •Bases Off •1 unit •Credits=? •Crates are recommended off CO-OP Mode I messed around and made a co-op map. You and and another player against hordes of badguys. After enough kills, mobile hq's are dispatched if you want to end the mission. Adjust unit, tech and money settings for increased/decreased difficulty. Also note that it's easier if you play as NOD as opposed to GDI. Crate Maps: Any map with a [C] in front of it is a crate map. I don't know if anyone ever plays that game type, but for those interested here's the settings: •Start 0 units and bases on •No Credits •TechLevel to lowest •Enable Crates Do this ingame: •Deploy your MCV •Sell your CY •Search with your troopers for crates •Collect Crates (Money/Units/maybe a MCV or a nuke?! ) Eliminate your enemies or create alliances! 00megapack.zip
  23. This pack is now obsolete. Go here for the real deal: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2081.0
  24. um, yeah... You see, 'production' is the trigger that allows the AI to turn on its production capabilities- i.e. rebuild structures and start THE ABILITY to create teams... you only need it once and it does not need to loop. You also don't need to associate a teamtype with it. Also, Trigger names should be NO MORE than 4 characters long, or else the game will be confused. Therefore, it should be: prod=Time,Production,5,BadGuy,None,0 Next, the other triggers should be 'create team' which, you guessed, it, will create the team. atak=Time,Create Team,10,BadGuy,team2,1 etc, etc. You seriously would be helped a lot if you just looked at the original game .ini's And lastly, I would recommend using XCC editor instead of CCmap to create your mission, it's a little less buggy of a program.
  25. hmm.... step #1=production trigger. step #2=trigger that causes team to be produced. I'd start with 'TIME.' a 1 at the end of the trigger will make it loop. step #3= create the waypoints for the teamtype to move through. step #4=create the teamtype. step #5 test, test, test! If this still doesn't make sense, look at the original mission files in the general.mix for examples, or even some of the missions here in the radar dome. Do it up and post your mission, I don't want to be the only person here making them! XD
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