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Everything posted by MattAttack

  1. Wow, after reading this I decided to kick it oldschool and play a little bit of DOS c&c. I had forgotten what a totally different experience it is! It was kind of exciting having no idea what was going on just a few spaces away.... The comm center is a such necessity instead of something I build to get obelisks or agts and then just sell for cash. I think I'm gonna play through the original missions this way just for the hell of it. I still love my hi-res but this just reminded me of the good ol' days!
  2. Yes, I did notice that once in a while the reinforcements get screwed up due to all the repeating triggers (I think the game overloads on the triggers). If they stop producing ssm's this is a sign happening, although after about 20 or so plays through the map, this only happened once to me. I'm thinking of removing the deploying Nod MCV and just putting a CY there instead to simplify the whole thing. Hopefully the computer will get less confused then. This is also why the hovercraft only unload buggies and tanks because adding a 3rd teamtype and trigger causes hovercraft to start landing with nothing on them and if they do have units on them, they just sit there on the beach. And I just had the player start with tanks/humvees so they'd have to figure out what to produce in the moment and keep on their toes Overall, it was just another experiment with triggers and testing the limits of what the game is capable of handling and I seemed to have just about reached those limits. I'll have to tinker with the .ini a little bit one of these days to see if I can get it perfect. Thanks for playing!
  3. These missions are cool... I look forward to the GDI campaign!
  4. hey solo... Yeah I rearranged the triggers in my .ini and everything works fine. Posted final mission here: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2020.0 As far as the shp's are concerned, when I open the conquer.mix in xcc mixer and look at shp files it lists the sizes there. If that's what you're talking about, of course.
  5. any idea why changing the order of the triggers affects stuff? It just doesn't make sense to me, although honestly I'm not that computer saavy.
  6. geez, spoiler alert! lol... it's interesting to see a different person's style. I didn't go for nearly as many refineries. Nice harvester rush, though! Should the player have less tanks to start with?
  7. I'm not sure about that... Again, rearranging the order of the triggers solved the AI's problem of landing more reinforcements. And as far as the player reaching a limit, there's no way I built 500 units-- in fact nowhere near as much as I've built in multiplayer games. Now that I think about it, this happened to me once in another custom made sp map called "the shifting sands" by trailhog250. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1670.0 Go figure..... I know it involves a lot of units, but it really seems to happen at random. O_o
  8. Madness Beach 62X62, Temperate theater GDI mission. Mission Description ------------------- NOD is attempting to establish a beachhead on our territory. This is crucial to their war effort so they'll be throwing everything they have at us. You must not allow them this foothold, defend your position whatever the cost may be! **UPDATE** After seeing Funky breeze his way through this mission, I've added a harder version. **UPDATE 2** screwing around with making a co-op multiplayer version of this map, too. ran into some bugs although it's more or less playable. Included are a 2 player (mptest.zip) and a 3 player (mptest3pl.zip) version. Mess around with them if you like! Well, after Nyerguds showed me how to hex-edit single tiles, I immediately had the idea for this mission using his "beach" theater. Wave after wave of enemy hovercraft dump reinforcements onto the beach and they're headed right for you. It's hard as hell to hold them back until you get the right build order down. Also borrowed Lin Kuei Ominae's technique of having an AI MCV deploy. Be amazed as they build a base right before your eyes! I think it's a pretty effective mission for only having 1 waypoint Please let me know if you find any bugs. Comment if you love it or hate it! Your feedback helps! MadnessBeach.zip MadnessBeachHARD.zip mptest.zip mptest3pl.zip
  9. strange... it seemed simply rearranging the order of the triggers solved my problem. Though I was still curious about what causes the inability to build more units.
  10. So I'm making a mission where a lot of units are involved. You are GDI and NOD is landing Hovercraft and unloading Light Tanks and Buggys, constantly. You must kill 500 of them to cease the onslaught. As I progress towards the end of the mission, Hovercraft start landing with nothing on them, and when I try to build more tanks, I can't. All Icons are greyed out and when I click, it gives the "cannot comply, building in progress" message, although there's definetely nothing being built. Is this caused by some sort of limitation to the amount of units allowed in a mission? It's really weird! I've attatched the mission to this post if you wanted to examine it. This doesn't happen quite every time, but obviously, you'd want your mission to work perfectly every time... **I was trying to get a screenshot but as I went to save the mission at that point I got an error message: The instruction at 0045bba1 refrenced memory at 00000000 The memory could not be read from. I don't know if this was related or not, but perhaps it will lend some insight into the problem. scg95ea.zip
  11. I could've put as many as I wanted in the map editor, just all after building #300 are ignored by the game. I was already at building #633 in the editor, and only %75 done with buiding placement on the map, so I stopped. It's also funny that once you reach the max allowed, the MCV won't even deploy!
  12. so i was trying to make an urban map like Myg's, but apparently there's a cap on the amount of buildings can be on a map does anyone know a way around this? anyways, here's how far I got:
  13. Thanks! And thanks to weaver for helping me test it..... Definetly gives me a different perspective on the map playing a formidable opponent as opposed to my local LAN buddy who doesnt stand a chance against me or the dumba$$ AI! It seems this might be cool as a 4 player map if I ever get around to changing it. I'd gladly welcome anybody's interpretation of this map if they wanted to change it.. hint hint. It was definetely a different gaming experience! Now if only people started playing TD.......
  14. yeah, I tried: win=Any,Cap=Win/Des=Lose,0,None,None,1 (note the '1' on the end) but it didnt work. If you destroyed any or all of the 3 buildings you wouldn't lose, or if you destroyed 2 and captured 1 you'd win; overall it's a mess. And using a '2' just acted like '0'.
  15. yeah, now that you mention it I sort of remember making a mission where I was trying to have several buildings that had to be captured and as soon as the 1st one was captured, the mission was over... cant remember if I ever got around that. Well, time to do some trigger research!
  16. After seeing "impatience" by Kilkakon, I was inspired to make my own air war based MP map. Need to test it out. **2 PLAYER** Fight over the central Island's resources and amass a fleet of chinooks to invade your opponent's base. Turtling will probably end in a stalemate, so be AGGRESIVE! :ranting: TiberiumIsland.zip
  17. You still get a couple of regulars, a noob here and there and once in a while I can get one of the old heads to play. Anyways a while back, I was checking out "impatience" by kilkakon http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=822.0 which is a map that consists of islands and encourages an air war. That map just wasnt feasible so I've been trying to come up with a twist on that similar concept, but with no luck so far. I even dumbed it down to a 2-player map, but it always ends in a stalemate. I don't know if thats just because TD's air units (mainly the chinook) are just too weak or what. But anyways, thats the idea I've been toying with and maybe you could do better than me. Here's some pics of my idea:
  18. Played the map today and it was pretty cool. I kind of like how small it was yet it was fairly challenging. I must stress that this map is visually appealing and had creative use of shore tiles. I hate maps where there are unfinished cliff edges and misaligned tiles and at least some care was taken to make this map interesting looking. Things I'd recommend spiffing up: Make the celltriggers 2 cells thick as infantry sometimes have a hard time setting them off (look at some of westwood's maps for examples), make the tech center "Cap=win/des=lose" (again just copy from a westwood ini), give Nod a little more starting money, and **SPOILER ALERT!!** maybe mention in the breifing that you need to capture the comm center to get the chopper (or just have it there waiting.) Overall though I like this map because it's tough but doable. Good job!
  19. Another weird thing I noticed was that in the original campaigns, enemy buildings do not start repairing as quickly in the first few missions as they do later or in covert ops. Upon replacing scb01ea with a custom map, I saw it still behaved the same and I didn't change anything in the .ini file regarding this. So I figured it must be another thing hardwired into the .exe.
  20. yeah, no doubt. I don't even bother attacking the computers harvesters anyways-- its sort of the easy way out . Thats why when I make these missions I give the computer an absurd amount of money so there's no starving them out. I think in 11a you can just take over their con yard really easy anyways and destroy their power. Then I build apaches and toy with them!
  21. [glow=red,2,300]5 MINUTE MISSIONS[/glow] Here's a series of 6 missions I made (some old, some new) that are meant to be sort of mini-games for c&c. They're all pretty hard, but can be beaten in 5-10 minutes if you stick with them. They've taught me a lot about triggers and stuff and I just wanted to put them out there. I think they're a lot of fun so ENJOY! >>NOD<< Chopper Chase (scb70ea) Goal:Shoot down 3 chinooks as they zig-zag around the map. Crate Robber (scb71ea) Goal:Collect 3 crates while dodging ORCAs and make it to your rendezvous. Outrun (scb72ea) Goal:Pick up the scientist, dodge airstrikes and get him on to the chinook. >>GDI<< The Hunt (scg70ea) Goal:Kill the scientist, and run to the pickup point. A hovercraft actually picks you up. Well, sort of.... Hover Crazy (scg71ea) Goal:Navigate around some islands and blow up the Bio facility. IF YOU CAN SEE EVEN A LITTLE BIT OF SHORE, YOU CAN LAND THERE The Rescue (scg72ea) Goal:Snatch Mobius from the clutches of Nod and steal a chopper to escape! 5minmiss.zip
  22. Yeah, I love the original missions and there's some real doozies in there but it seemed they never really fully utilized some of the units capabilities in any important way, i.e. the stealth tank. Also, I was always annoyed how Nod had so few missions with a base but I guess it makes sense with them being a terrorist organization and all. Oh, and as for the screenshot, if the stealth were one space higher then the enemy units start moving in; maybe because they're set to AREA GUARD or something.
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