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Everything posted by Karpet

  1. No. The MCV survives with a smidgen of health left. Do a quick repair, build some rocket soldiers, and then take out the mammoth that comes for you.
  2. Yeah. What makes it even harder is that they fortify their base, but I don't even get to the point of attacking. Ion cannon + engineers = rage quit.
  3. Are you illiterate? No, wait, I know. You are. "it tells the story of a country (basically a scaled down version of Europe)" If you are going to troll, at least try not to look like a retard while doing so, but your name already tells me what kind of person you are: a lonely troll.
  4. I tried sneaking the MCV out... I made a base and it was super hard. Only try it if you are a pro.
  5. HAH you wish. I'm smarter and better than you could possibly imagine Even this very trolling attempt is overly obvious, doesn't annoy me, and just kinda makes me feel sorry for you. Give it up bro this mod, no one will play it and youve just wasted heeps of time on it for nothing. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I feel sorry for you, how you so desperately try to troll and receive attention. Go complain some more, will ya? No one will listen anyways.
  6. I just sandbagged because I'm a cheap whore XD I'll try using that turret method though. The AI might even send engineers into the turrets. AI is like, a joke.
  7. Well I did remember seeing that attacking the church with the stealth tank alerted the mammoths to come to the village.
  8. I'd like to see a speedrun of PSX Nod 2. That ones kinda hard. Speaking of hard missions, has anyone tried, in Cloak and Dagger, to move the MCV out of the base and into the middle of the map? I wonder if Westwood wanted you to do that or build in the base, because there wouldn't be large tiberium fields unless there was a reason.
  9. Hmm. Did you add the big tree from Tiberian Dawn? You should if you didn't already (of course you can always resize it if it clips) and since you are doing that terrain expansion, it would be cool to see the desert rocks in tandem with the terrain already there.
  10. Ah. So I guess I'll just have to wait. Haven't found any for RA either, looking at the Russian cameos on the cnc wiki made me believe there was one. All that comes up is Red Alert 2 or 3 stuff...
  11. Speaking of balance in this post, I really hope that flamethrower is actually useful, McFarland is nerfed, and so are GDI free infantry. GDI currently have superior vehicles AND free infantry.
  12. Allen, it appears that you use a combo of the original RA desert trees and the C&C terrain? I'd love it if you changed the tree clusters to rocks and most of the trees to cacti. Would complete that C&C feel. Btw, is there a Russian translation pack for Red Alert or Tiberian Dawn anywhere?
  13. The map looks like Hostile Takeover but I never remembered a hovercraft coming, you added the hovercraft?
  14. LOL. You aren't very bright and talented either. Come on, go make a mod if you think this is so crap. Ex-fucking-actly. All you do is whine about people who are better than you are cheaters, omg report them all!
  15. Nod with these crazy red uniforms.. At least GDI uniforms match with sand and desert.
  16. Never knew this! Thanks man I'll try this stuff out. Now I won't have to worry about adding so much tiberium to the map for AI
  17. I'd really support this. When I make maps, they just don't harvest quick enough, the AI, and they don't even get enough money from doing so.
  18. So I recently replayed this and I'm loving it I beat a lot of the modded CS and AF missions, still didn't do bacon of fear though. Classic Nod 9 irks me though... Medium tank rolled over my rocket troopers and then attacked my harvester! Grrr. I'm making a few missions for this though so stay tuned for those
  19. Yeah, it's kind of odd. So now I'll just remember to check if it has that every time I make a new map.
  20. Hmm, and what would that be? I just want to make good jungle maps.
  21. I added mixes to my RA folder and I still crash the instruction at 005e65dc referenced memory at 005e65dc the memory could not be written I also used jungle when I got the crash...
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