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Everything posted by Karpet

  1. So I recently downloaded RA again from Iran's website, the full game package and I can't make it work. The problem is when I launch RA, it won't launch. It just sits in background processes using up the CPU which frankly is crap. If i try to launch it with the launcher (skirmish) then i get a message - game files not found.. WTF? I've tried compatibility settings, running as admin, a lot of stuff but it still won't work. Also a fresh re-install, using default settings - no luck. Any tips to get this working?
  2. There's some sort of trigger named 'hlp' near the mammoths. From what I've seen, apparently, if a civilian crosses it the mammoths will head east. I got this from RC1985's speedrun of it.
  3. I have always wondered about the Cloak and Dagger mission, if Westwood actually wanted you to build inside the GDI base and win the mission that way. It just seemed off to me somehow, considering how the map is structured. There's a big build area for you in the middle, Tiberium fields on 2 sides and no enemy units there. Also, there's a production trigger on the entrance to the GDI base, which the stealth tank doesn't trigger but the MCV does if you move it out. I tried building my base in the middle and I got destroyed when I got attacked by mammoths and all that good stuff. So, my question is this. Has anyone ever beat the Cloak and Dagger mission "conventionally"? AKA, take the GDI head on?
  4. You could do some sort of control points mode, 3 or 5 points scattered across the map you must take and hold, gaining, say, 1 point for your team every 5 seconds you hold one, and the first to 200 or 300 points or whatever, really, wins. Also, an attrition gamemode: you get a select number of attrition points, and you have to destroy the enemy with the points you are given, but here's the twist. Whatever you use costs a certain amount of attrition points, so if you die then you lose these points, so a rifleman might cost just a few attrition points while a mammoth tank costs dozens so you must use what you have wisely.
  5. My honest opinion, the Japanese construction yard is a little empty on the left side, maybe a few fans, boxes, or whatever would do.
  6. Easy mode tags could be good. I'm at the point in Teslacopter where I went to the island with the radar dome. If that invisible Einstein wasn't there... Oh, what would I do. Turns out that soon enough you just need to get on to an island or Soviets spam infantry at you. Damn flame troopers.
  7. I redownloaded and played this... and it needs some serious difficulty balancing. The missions are either way too hard or way too annoying. For 04 Teslacopter I had to reload at least a few dozen times and I still have not beaten it. If I can barely beat the first mission and can't beat the second... There's an issue.
  8. Well, rocket launchers are pretty inaccurate. I wish they could be built with a comm. center... It's annoying not having them.
  9. I'd be a bit interested. I suck at map making (kinda) but I can try and make a concept.
  10. Except airfields. And flamethrower vs rocket launcher, guess who wins that one.
  11. I rushed an APC group into their base, took control of their con yard, and then chipped away at their base. Sold their airfield and Hand of Nod so they stopped making DAMN FLAMERS. I never really tried 8B, maybe that's a good thing. Rocket Launcher is underpowered, I noticed that in 8A.
  12. I feel that you should add a crossed sword icon or a shield and sword for the Navy Seal in the top right corner. Or maybe a skull.
  13. I rushed it like Nyerguds friend (I think it's Christo161). Attacked main base from the right, sold con yard, and captured Nod con yard. Everything fell into place once I did that.
  14. I beat all of them. The one where you had no money as GDI and the one where you captured the GDI base was kind of hard, but I did it unorthodox-style.
  15. I think currently I'm on GDI 10 and Nod 9. The Bialystok mission requires some good troop management. I chose the Nod mission where you steal the detonator with about 3 light tanks, 3 bikes, and 2 buggies. Hell's Fury is pretty hard, but I've heard you can rush your MCV up top at the beginning where the base is built. I managed to beat Deceit - no sandbagging, no nothing. Turns out, the guard towers? Just leave them standing and keep your back door protected from engineers. Capture those expansion com centers and churn out an army. If I'm correct isn't GDI 11 the one where you rescue Delphi?
  16. Still doesn't work. New version of map reattached. Also some of the troops go to the left of where the player is.. it's weird.
  17. It would be great if they could be coded into RAED.
  18. Periodical All to Hunt? That would be like a game over XD
  19. That makes a huge difference XD Midnight strikes again... New map is now reattached.
  20. Just realized I attached the wrong map...
  21. It looks that if I remake them, so many don't go up there.. I think RAED just hates me in general. I do wish I could make the AI stop leaving so much infantry at the barracks.
  22. So I'm making a map for a campaign (this is still the beta version, it is attached below) but I can't understand why some teams go to the top corner of the map.. In addition another map, every time I play it I get an oddity. My money goes down all the time and at regular intervals goes up again... This is just really weird. cmu88ea.ini
  23. I finally beat it when I learned that Nod N64 2 looked hard. I didn't get to experience that though, because GDI were stuck on my prisoners, staring at them.
  24. I found that you can engi-rush the GDI base in the Nod PSX mission and skip defending your base. You use your helicopter to drop off a flamer on the cliff next to your Nod con-yard. The helicopter may die but just build another engineer. Then go to the cliff right of the GDI base, destroy some walls, land, capture the production facilities, and then capture the base you were SUPPOSED to capture. You might be attacked with 2 medium tanks and a mammoth so beware.
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