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Everything posted by Karpet

  1. I still crash. Any downloads where I can get jungle.mixes and the desert and winter ones?
  2. Topic is self explanatory. I need a RA download where I can use Jungle, Desert, and Winter theaters without crashing, as the 145 mb Iran installer doesn't have it (at least I've observed anyways, a winter theater map crashed anytime actual terrain was made). Can anyone here help me out?
  3. I'll try redownloading it and playing it then, thanks.
  4. Every time I play a mission, after the briefing RA stops working.
  5. I have restarted making missions... At least for a little bit. Currently making a sort-of harder mission 1 for the Soviets. How do you get AI teams dropped off by a transport attack, I also want the transport to go away. Do I just do "Move to Waypoint X, Unload, Set To.. Hunt" for this? While this may not be a C&C1 question, it might still help me.
  6. Made at least one mission. Bad scripter tho, and I lost it all as well.
  7. Karpet

    Crash Report

    Used it. Got the same crash.
  8. Karpet

    Crash Report

    Does Iran's 145mb installer support it?
  9. Karpet

    Crash Report

    Here: scu01ea.ini
  10. Karpet

    Crash Report

    Made half a jungle map for testing in Iran's PortableRA install pack, then crash. But, no file was saved in my RA directory. I got this: The instruction at 005e65dc referenced memory at 00000007 the memory could not be written.
  11. Karpet

    Some Questions

    I downloaded Iran's install pack and video pack and now it works. Another question for Iran: does your install pack (the big 140-ish MB download) support the JUNGLE?
  12. Karpet

    Some Questions

    OF COURSE IT DOES. Like I didn't already know. Is there any place I can get the missions with the Retaliation vids already inside?
  13. Karpet

    Some Questions

    Yes, I downloaded Iran's Portable RA Lost Files movies.
  14. Karpet

    Some Questions

    I did download them but I played the missions with them and no cutscenes came up. I remember some RA version had the videos already in the missions (prob Funkys versions).
  15. Hehe. At least they fixed that in RA1... Maybe I should look into that in C&C1. It should be possible to disable that in case of a bombing command. Mind you, even that is balancing, just so a single commando in multiplay wouldn't be able to lay an entire base in ashes. Maybe instead of those 3 guys, change it to mostly one or rarely two?
  16. Very nice, I'm liking it very much. Seems like a radioactive wasteland type of thing. Now I see why infantry don't want to swim..
  17. Recently, I've gotten back into making maps for Red Alert. I have a few questions. 1. What are the names of all of the Retaliation Cutscenes? I'd like to know this for maps I make that may include the Retaliation cutscenes. 2. Are there Aftermath and Counterstrike missions I can download that actually show the cutscenes? It would be very tedious to add the cutscenes back to those missions and I'm just wondering. 3. How can I make units come out of buildings like the Ants come out of holes and civilians come out of buildings? Other than that, would anyone be interested in my maps and enhancing them trigger and teamtype wise?
  18. So I have RA2 but I'm kinda sad because it doesn't have videos. Is there any download for them so I can actually see the glorious WestWood FMVs?
  19. Meanwhile, you added the snow theater. But is it possible to add in the houses? Its either XCC can't find it or you just didn't put them in yet. I'd really love to see some snowy houses so I can knock them down ^^
  20. A few folks at Sleipnir's Stuff are also working at it, albeit a more Vietnam-esque feel.
  21. Strawman. I never said I was talking about patch 1.06. I meant a completely different mod based upon the patch (as in Mod - only works with patch 1.06c). Patch 1.06c would stay the same, or whatever updates you release.
  22. I don't see any audio.bag in there. Are you able to PM me the file please? (both Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge if you can, otherwise just RA2)
  23. Nyers, you should make an enhanced Tib. Dawn version if you have free time. I don't ever see mods for Tib Dawn except yours. This enhanced mod would add stuff that was cut out from the game n stuff like that. And, you can actually add new units? That's pretty amazing.
  24. So I'm having lots of trouble finding the RA2 sounds in the mixes. I cannot use the XCC Sound Editor so forget about that (can't change RA2 directory) so can anyone tell me where in the mixes to find sounds and voices? Please direct me through this, because I'm close to ripping my hair out.
  25. Speaking of TotalBiscuit, recently he did a video on RenegadeX, so yay for the devs.
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