Sorry for the missunderstanding! I'm not using pcx file as image I use pcx format to make the shp file and the 16 pcx files is 216x216 pixles. I want to know if there is any max size Width/Height
Well regarding the number of frames I have made no changes and the size can be bigger than the unit it replaces. The mig can use badr image what I want to know is if there is any limit regarding the size of the pcx's
Is there a max frame size when making units? I tried making a B52 bomber scaled like the Mig and ended up with 216x216 pixels the unit only shows the first frame x 4 in game and then it disappears. Any suggestions?
Well OpenRA is another game but I made C4 as a weapon years ago. I modified [Democharge] had damage=750 range=0 speed=0 warhead=ap and a projectile like the C4 targeting marker. It war fun making it but a little to much as 10 Tanyas in a apc would ruin the whole map