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  1. en3rgy52


    I had forgotten about those videos!
  2. en3rgy52


    He is one of the best current players. You two had a serious love in session a few months ago and now you are going through a messy divorce period before having great makeup sex which will make you want to reconsider. You and Tigerr will then lose a 2v2 against Hitman and Thaillest and the divorce will be back on again! ???
  3. His GDI is not better than his Nod.
  4. en3rgy52


    Is this via the CnCNet client? If so, it is likely to be a graphics issue. You can change what mode to run the game in via the settings option on the CnCNet client.
  5. All good players (except me). I would say Cambria and Carnage are the most savage in that they are prepared to go for all in builds more than the others listed and can arguably pull them off more regularly. The other players favour longer game styles and typically use more cookie cutter builds like 4 or 5 ref. That is not to say that Carnage or Cambria can't do this, nor is it the case that the others can't rush or play more aggressively earlier, it is just a case of what they tend to do more often.
  6. By cheap he means low blow or dirty tactics. I don't mind them being used but I do think they are overpowered and not as easy as to defend as you claim. People will always moan about them, if you don't like the moaning, don't use them, I wouldn't mind if you stopped! ❤️
  7. Stop using harv bombs and we may fix it
  8. They are too powerful and have a disproportionate effect that goes beyond simply destroying buildings. They mean you cannot put units on guard and any unit built from a war factory or barracks will automatically start attacking it, even when using a waypoint. They are very hard to counter as GDI, at least as NOD you can high-jack them. They can also cause significant damage to units that destroy them. They do provide an interesting element to 2v2s when one player gets KO'd etc but it can be incredibly frustrating to out play someone, only to get KO'd in return by harv bombs which require next to no skill to use. I personally don't like them but I am not going to stop playing the game because of them.
  9. I can't get over how much some of are you are letting Black troll you.
  10. Some of these lists show how little some players play against the top players. TRZ, Mola, c0rps and Humble are all pretty much spot on. One player who hasn't been mentioned but deserves to be is Sol. When he's playing regularly he's right up there with the names that have been mentioned. I don't play much 1v1 as I much prefer 2v2 but for what its worth, some players play much better with certain players as different play styles clash or compliment each other. Some players are also much better at 1v1 than 2v2 and vice versa.
  11. These players i would consider to be among the best current players; Tiger, Toprush, WeaponX, Trz, Humble, Cambria, c0rps, red, ray, sexpro, grey, avan, trooper, finecigar, i0nstorm, skylegend, carnage, dareeta, although the latter five have not played much recently. There are some other good players who are capable of winning games vs. the above but not very often. Just because you aren't listed above does not make you a bad player by any stretch.
  12. On the map issue alone, there should be a "classic " map ladder and a "mod" map ladder with standard maps only in the former and giants et al in the latter. The issue of VET is a different one, personally, I think the game should be left as is. Unit upgrades were never a fundamental part of the game and should be removed from the ladder. There have always been balance issues with the game and this is a much more sensitive topic. What we shouldn't be doing is fragmenting the community, which to some extent, has already started to happen with players refusing to play with or without the balance changes. My feeling is that the majority would prefer to keep it as it is.
  13. The game has always lacked classic tournament maps. Terrace is so popular amongst high level players because it is about as even as you can get in the TS map pool. The game has always needed new tournament focused maps that are balanced but in keeping to the original TS map aesthetics.
  14. Maybe I should rephrase the question. Why does having more than one login make the ladder better?
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