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Everything posted by Speeder

  1. Did you set admin rights and compatibility settings correctly? As instructed in https://forums.revora.net/topic/106978-mo33-support-game-or-client-crashes-launch-issues-megathread/
  2. I'd suggest installing Mental Omega 3.3.(1) in a clean Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge 1.001 folder and not one with 3.0 files in it.
  3. This is some Mental Omega 2.0 or even 1.0 tier stuff. These are nothing like Mental Omega is now.
  4. The upcoming Mental Omega 3.3 release will use the client that works with CnCNet5. Keep an eye on our website for more news: http://mentalomega.com
  5. There are some issues with two of the colors you've listed. White belongs to the civilian/neutral side (tech buildings etc.). Black makes superweapon timers and unique messages of the player who'd choose that color invisible.
  6. And skirmish. Oh well, if it's just for that one mission then the mission itself could be updated with few mods to restore the names and voices.
  7. Why, why, WHY would you recommend installing LaunchBase or its unofficial 1.002 to ANYONE in 2016? More pointless name-it-ware that people do not need on their computers. That being said I don't see why those names & voices couldn't be restored in the CnCNet rules since they don't affect gameplay at all.
  8. Speeder


    Why do you need to convert it to a .map file? If you want your custom skirmish map to be read by the game it's easier to keep it as .yrm.
  9. Keep the CnCNet UI unique and recognizable. If it's heavily based on the original game's UI then newcomers will confuse it and the question 'What is this different UI I haven't seen before?' won't be asked.
  10. A matter of a potential Red Alert 2 patch is a simple one - the players will never reach a consensus. It's been 15 years since the release and most players have their own vision of what should've been changed. There've been attempts but all have failed as it is impossible to universally agree on something that's not designed by the game developers. Try creating your own version, perhaps it'll become the popular one. Chrono Prison will be back in Mental Omega.
  11. Can't speak for other mods but there should be no problem launching singleplayer games with Mental Omega 3.0 when you have the Origin version of RA2&YR.
  12. Hi. Old mods which use the XCC Mod Launcher won't work on CnCNet5. Mental Omega 3.0 Beta Revision 1 with its own custom launcher will not work with CnCNet5 yet.
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