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Everything posted by sunny

  1. Hi, Here were my games vs Andy today, starting at 02:10. Streaming was done under Hristox's channel, I was under my other name Breznov. Most were good games, resulted in me winning 5-3. Nobody else posted link so I am myself. https://www.twitch.tv/hristox/v/108519144
  2. I'm interested in participating, let me know when games are on.
  3. sunny

    lag still

    Just sayin i'am On windows 8 and the game works just fine windows 8? rofl get the with program buddy windows 10 is what the pros use now.
  4. hello! good to see more than one guy making vids. Has anyone checked out Irwe's channel?
  5. Not that bothered but just a heads up to the admins so they know it's going on.
  6. now u know how it feels like, just like when u copied my wol accounts, karma biatch. p.s. if any1 actually cared about an unserious/unfinished ladder-system like u do and any1 was up in points over you, you'd be the first one to login to that account and lose games on purpose and ruin theirs reputation you faggot. I would never rank bust someone or their account. It's not that important to me because I play for fun and its not a thing I would do, Today some other guy rank busted me by playing vs. muslim and losing. Everyone knew it was me on xwis back in 2009, The only nick on xwis I remade was yurikilly and only because it sounded cool and not because I wanted to troll anyone. Westwood online was already shutdown and all old nicks were lost. All other nicks were my own that I created. Whats your karma for flaming and calling people faggots? hmm I wonder.
  7. Hi, after I finished my tournament games today and logged off my PC someone copied my nick (AUFrival) impersonating me, played buffalo and lost. Is there a way to be given back the lost points or erase that game from the ladder and prevent newbies from impersonating my account in the future? It's not fair to someone who plays so many games and then some newbie can just impersonate and rank bust...there are no passwords on cnc net so anyone can get hacked. Can you guys check the I.p address of that particular game and ban and block that I.P from cnc net?
  8. Wrong. With proper play Allied (America/Korea/France) will stomp any Yuri or Soviet Country. how about a game later on, I'm going allied and you take yr show me proper play (map cs). How about you accept Sunny's challenge, Korc?! He did, we played country swing and I won 3-0 there with allied, then we played Dune vs Allied (slightly favors yuri rush) and He won there 3-1.
  9. how about a game later on, I'm going allied and you take yr show me proper play (map cs).
  10. Got to agree with rampastring in re to the topic. Cnc net has a set of rules which are clearly stated ''no racism, impersonation, etc.'' If someone doesn't follow them, they should be outlawed from playing after a warning. Not following through with a warning / ban reflects badly on the server administrators. Anyone disagreeing by saying don't ban abusers and is more or less condoning negativity by suggesting to ignore it, because you cant really ignore someone when they keep coming back and doing the same offense. Why would you care to argue about not banning someone for abuse if you aren't the one usually replying in such a manner? The most fun games I had were with those who were friendly, thankfully the best of players are always friendly or at least polite. Anyone positive and friendly won't mind seeing any of the abusers/haters banned from playing.
  11. Not entirely true that everyone bails yuri. Quite a few people do though and those are the ones always complaining with the false notion that yuri's over powered. When I was playing as yuri in qm on xwis I usually got games from the top 5 because I always ended up having the most points at the end of the month. The odd time I picked allied was super fun because as I know exactly how to counter all strats yuri could use I would never bail any yuri player. There's always a perfect counter to everything yuri can throw at you BF and mirage are very difficult to stop usually. Sovs are also good against yuri with the iron curtain, they're just worse than allied at countering mm's and mags. UFO are the most annoying because you fall back on rhinos massing flacks to counter them. Even if you're a top yuri player, it's tricky countering proper use of the IC and nuke and the occasional engineer. What worked the most vs pro sovs was stretching the game out to be super long with bunkers, etc. Then late game they run out of ore while you keep mutating and using dominator along with your units..
  12. Boomer's a great support unit but hard to counter for allies if you don't scout the water fast enough and build destroyer ships in time and a couple of rockies (to guard against boomer missiles). It's hard when you first start but once you get the build order down it gets easier. For example, on tournament map B, once you go 1 miner from wf, que up all grizzlies while you build 4 eagles to get the lab/miners/radar/power and stretch to center. If you play properly they should lose their battle lab once or twice allowing you time to get a BF and mirage. Once you scout the water right away and see a submarine yard then you'll know to build a couple destroyers because a potential boomer could be around. The downside on xwis was people didn't get a chance to develop skill on naval maps against yuri and its pretty much why everyone sucked at 1v1 naval vs boomers. The only naval map was sovereign land which had water where boomers could pressure you. Beating a good yuri player on a naval map such as tournament map B with korea is perfectly viable, considering you use good micro, have the right unit composition and have a good build order as in any other map.
  13. There's another flying example of how possessed you are to make up such a lie. I never said such a disgusting comment, if those were my views I would not report you. First saw you online last week and you began disrespecting others (including me) and flaming people in game based on ethnicity and religion and insulting muslims and jews. I never said one thing to you about race. Another player who goes by the nick Faze did the same thing I just didn't bother to report him yet. Other than that I haven't played a game with you in about 8 years since you last quit on xwis, so of course you are definitely lying. forewarning to others, avoid this negative player (AufMindwar), surround yourself with positive people who don't abuse others.
  14. There are also similarly possessed people on yuri, please ban these individuals from playing, people come online to enjoy a game not to encounter abuse and harassment from others.
  15. I'm wondering if its possible to report a player for making racist comments, this isn't the first time seeing this type of negative possessed behavior on cnc. If it's possible, please ban this player from abusing and flaming others based on their race/religion. Thanks.
  16. yeah I remember on xwis I had a stolen serial and people logging into my nicks pretending to be me...same thing going on cnc net when I started playing there. Some really possessed people around...
  17. I have yet to try and clean the corsair keyboard, it was $150 but as you said pulling out the keys risks damaging it. I actually had no ideas to begin with for using the programmable keys hence I'm looking for some here. Although the logitech software does a ra2 profile, I didn't quite understand because last night was my first time using it. The ctrl + shift sounds useful because there's some room for error in actually pressing the keys yourself. I think it's probably a good idea to assign waypoints and bookmarks as well (just an idea) but could come in handy. Also assign select one type of unit instead of pressing T. What's the command to follow a unit? i.e IFV following a BF? LUA scripts? no idea on how to create one or use it. :laugh:
  18. Hey guys, my old corsair rgb keyboard got messed up with water, I just replaced it with a logitech G910 Orion spectrum. Any ideas on how I can utilize the programmable keys for Yuri's? I'm all out of ideas.
  19. I've been using them for years if I see someone rushing, sending engi's or playing aggressive. It's kind of a waste if you don't need them though. Walling lab is useful as well, it has the same armor as a barracks it seems.
  20. one should always wall the chrono, it's more important than the IC because the countdown is 6:00 and if you have rebuild you're at a big disadvantage.
  21. yeah if you're playing 1v1 vs. france on heck as those QQ players, always expect them to move to gems because that gives france a huge economical adv for building grand cannons. Hence why sov should move to mid too early on but I guess its easier to stop on yuris. p.s if you make a wall infront of a battle bunker infantry or sentry can't damage it and the bunker still works
  22. It doesn't really matter that much which faction gets middle on Heck Freezes Over. It just boils down to gems being twice as valuable as normal ore, thus doubling income. If the Allied players mines middle in Heck Freezes Over then what should the Soviet do? No amount of skill or "careful" will save the Soviet here. He should just give up because the game's over at this point. On yuris sov can move to center as well and stretch out battle bunkers and sentries as well
  23. That's not the point. To stop a rush you have to place Sentry Guns / Pill Boxes. It doesn't matter if you have Grizzly Tanks or Rhino Tanks (they're equal for the price) but for stopping a "true" rush you will still need to place down at least 1 base defence. Other than that, good post though! Uh, and BTW I was RaNk #2 last month on XWIS RA2 (unfortunately RaNk #1 was a bailer who pushed to get there): http://xwis.net/ra2/prev/pl/siralex/ Out of 70 games I've had the pleasure of only versing The Allied Faction 8 times. It's kind of a common courtesy thing to battle games out using the same faction. And Soviet takes the most skill to battle with tanks, because that's all they have. yes of course one would need lots of pillboxes to stop a rush on a small map, i dont know if you heard of ir0nclad, he was warcraft 3 world champion 02-03 when the game was in its prime, he played allied on YR the first couple years when it was released and had the most unique builds and best micromangment. He was known to go an unusually high amount of miners from WF in order to build quick lab even on small maps, but all he used early on were just ggi IFVs and pillboxes to distract rhino turrets...players would keep attacking him but couldn't capitalize because his ggi ifv micro was so exceptional rhinos would keep getting owned and damaged. Ironically this tactic worked better on smaller maps than larger ones but I've never seen anyone pull it off. I did a few times myself but only if I controlled ggi ifvs perfectly without misclicks and placed pillboxes in the right spots. Allies are about defending early on till you can tech, using fodder for grizzlies until you get lab. The most common are paras + pillboxes. Allied tanks need equal skill and many times even more because grizz are weaker early on, they're more effective when you have pills + foddor and sometime ggi ifv and a few rocketeers. Say you're playing the map heck freezes and the sov gets middle, you're going to have to be extra careful to not lose many units (griz, mirage, bf) early on because sov's going to heavily outtank you fast due to mining the gems. Many games can be lost with a misclick or forgetting to place a sentry/ pill at the right time.
  24. Allies are the strongest side in the game with the most powerful and versatile units. Pro allied should beat pro sov. Sovs have more rank 1's but that's because they're much easier to use. Look at the statistics, sovs have the most rank 1's followed by yuris then allies. On YR, you got to build a chronosphere for a counter attack against the iron curtain and weather storm to counter the nuke in a long game- unless you manage to cripple the sov player with a seal/ rocky/ tank distraction early on or you significantly out-tank and have control of the map. The bigger the map the better it is for allies because there's less chance of getting harassed early. When I watched dean play on xwis he was one of the top allied players of the time and this guy would always build a chronosphere against any side and player unless rushed. While it's true chronosphere is difficult to use correctly and has a high fail rate if units keep moving, you can still teleport prism anywhere in the base and dish out a high level of damage later on in the game. Allies have to defend a lot, but that's how you buy time to get enough pure mirage, BF, and prism to win. Sure sovs have Ic and it is powerful indeed, but it's not much against a smart allied player who probably won't let you that close to his base. Lab can also be taken out by jets delaying the iron and buying even more time to mass units and use the chrono. Winning is also relative to the player skill level and the map. Not many people are eager to battle a soviet player on dune patrol or hail mary using allies. Sovs and yuri can deal lots of damage early on (rhino, desos, magnetron) that's why nobody really wants to use allies on these smaller maps because it makes the game twice as hard. What prep said is true that not many allied players can last to the point where they can use a chrono. Usually there's a 3 WF press or fast tech going on and they simply lack the know how and experience to counter an early rush. You gotta use guardian gi's + pills and griz or 2-3 ggi ifvs and grizzlies. Place gi's as foddor all around your base and infront of your tanks to buy time if you're USA. If they sell MCV you gotta stop building and only build griz, and gi's or dogs. Mostly all maps you need to tech fast on 2-4 miner depending on whether or not the map has gems and get mirage + BF because thats really the only thing that works on YR, where tech is crucial to winning. You'll find on dune, blood feud and such maps grizzlies suck at stopping rushes. GGi ifvs are superior because you could ctrl shift them away from rhinos and the missiles target them at the same time...it's easy to get an elite that way with good micro but if you make a mistake you're screwed...show me one good allied player that can stop a true sov rush on dune with just grizzlies, can anyone?
  25. Sovs are very good against yuri only if you know what you're doing. You get good by playing other good players and gaining experience from playing a lot (believe me you will lose a lot). In theory if yuri plays correctly sovs cant really win but that's only theory. It also depends on the map and spots you get, some maps are easier or can be harder to play on. Open maps like GSF are more difficult when you try to stop sov rushes unless you're sharp and quick with unit and reaction time. Not many yuri users are real skilled and there's a lot of error unless you play someone similar to me. If you play correctly you can mess up most Yuri players and force them to make a mistake using your iron curtain tanks and drones. You need to mass mostly rhinos and get 3-4 flacks per disk they make. You can mass seige in some games but be careful because disks counter them and you need to micro them so they don't get mowed down. Make 2 miners from wf on a big map, you can also make 2 miners from wf on a small map but watch out for battle lab and 2 mm attack with mags. Before the game starts you need to decide if you want to rush yuri. A skilled yuri who knows when and where to place bunker will stop ANY rush unless he plays bad that game or makes a mistake. It seems like deso walking and rushing owns yuris on small maps but thats only because most players tend to make mistakes and stretch out the wrong way. Sov vs yuris you need mass rhinos mostly. Supers should always be on unless you rush all the time (you need heavy armour to beat yuri) make drones once in awhile to iron them and keep his unit count low. Try to use your nuke and iron at the same time so he has no force shield to protect his mcv. Make sure you use desos and keep deploying them to buy time for your supers to be ready. Keep a flack cannon in your base vs disks. Yuri doesn't fare well vs sentry and pillboxes in general so make sure you have those ready to place. Don't get your units captured by masterminds because they will be grinded for cash.
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