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Everything posted by Wiganfc

  1. Wiganfc

    Fresh install

    Hi can someone please send instrcutions and downloads for Ra2/YR? I'm trying to reinstall so my son can play. Thank you.
  2. It stands for An Unstoppable Force. I created the clan on Ra2 14 years ago. Best, David
  3. Zed... wow. I wonder if this is / was Zed030. That would be a real blast from the past.
  4. You really shouldn't have made promises you couldn't deliver on. Thankfully, CNCNet is a community where your actions cannot and will not be punished other than a few posts on a forum. But leading people to believe there would be a ladder and then going back on it, is very poor form & really discredits yourselves and your reputations. The whole reason many people are here is to play YR again competitively. Now people know this isn't likely to happen, irrespective of your own opinions activity will largely decrease.
  5. As an experienced Salesman, offering free advice. The word ''hefty'' is not required in this sentence.
  6. Wiganfc


    Hi guys, I'm sorry if this has been covered in a previous thread, I did read the front page and saw little reference. I just wondered whether there was a roadmap for a ladder release? I read about ironing out bugs first, which I think is logical, but for what it's worth here is my 2 cents: - If we are purely waiting to fix all bugs to release a ladder; why wait? I'm happy to play a potentially buggy ladder, rather than nothing. - Competition games may help find certain bugs, that wouldn't necessarily be reported otherwise? - Players are much more likely to report bugs if it has affected them in competitive match play I just wanted to say, I think you've done a fantastic job of re-igniting the imaginations of many former YR players and a lot of people I speak to are excited about the future possibilities of re-building this game. Keep up the good work David.
  7. Wiganfc


    Mahbod, Grow up. You are like one of those annoying people at a party, who proclaims to be better than everyone else and ultimately ends up sat on a table on their own. I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve here, but whatever your motive is, it sounds pretty stupid. Just play the game & hey, if you can helpful along the way then do it. But go about it the right way, not like a dickhead.. or you will [very quickly] lose the respect of the community. When that happens, you have isolated yourself like that dick at the party.
  8. Wiganfc

    YR lives

    Good to see so many friendly faces! =)
  9. Wiganfc

    YR lives

    So, YR lives on.. great news. Some questions: - Will there be ladders, competitions? - Will there be clans? - Donating, I, as I assume many others are would be willing to donate to make this happen. Hello to all! /David
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