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  1. So finally the solution was to edit map names, there are some numbers or symbols in some maps names need to be removed for example regarding my maps I had to remove the symbol "|" from my map name, and now I can upload it. and it turned out that i was not the only one who have problem in uploading maps, a friend to me said that he can't upload maps too, so i suggested to him to modify map name and he said that he removed "10" from map name and now he can upload it. I think there is a problem about "uploading maps to cncnet database" system. Thank You.
  2. Hi, I Can't upload any custom map anymore with the new update Version 8.4, I get "failed to upload map to cncnet database" or something like that.....no one can see my custom maps. when they try to download some tell me they get download failed or no load. [What I tried]:- -Uninstalling Anti Virus. -Allowing CNCNET through firewall. -Using VPN. -Running Client As Administrator. -Changing Tunnel Server. -Changing Renderer. -Reopening a custom map with Final Alert 2 and saving a new copy of it then using it instead of using the original copy. -Uninstalling and Reinstalling the game and cncnet. -In properties of the game folder, Deselecting "Read-only". -Yes my maps are .map format. -Yes I have good internet. -Yes I can play normal and modded maps with people. -Yes I can download Custom Maps from others. what do I do to fix that problem please? (unable to upload custom maps). Thank You.
  3. Thanks to Ravage for the allied theme without pictures. I downloaded the theme, and changed the extension "jpg" to "png" and renamed the image to "mainmenubg", just like the original one. and put it in game folder\Resources\Allied Theme\MainMenu instead of the original one.
  4. me too got "Out of System Resources" Error, however I could continue the installation.
  5. Hi, I Can't upload any custom map anymore with the new update Version 8.4, I get "failed to upload map to cncnet database" or something like that.....no one can see my custom maps. when they try to download some tell me they get download failed or no load. [What I tried]:- -Uninstalling Anti Virus. -Allowing CNCNET through firewall. -Using VPN. -Running Client As Administrator. -Changing Tunnel Server. -Changing Renderer. -Reopening a custom map with Final Alert 2 and saving a new copy of it then using it instead of using the original copy. -Uninstalling and Reinstalling the game and cncnet. -In properties of the game folder, Deselecting "Read-only". -Yes my maps are .map format. -Yes I have good internet. -Yes I can play normal and modded maps with people. -Yes I can download Custom Maps from others. what do I do to fix that problem please? (unable to upload custom maps). Thank You. EDIT: same thread but in "Support" Forum with a Fix https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/11919-cant-upload-maps-anymore-with-the-new-update-84/#comment-84425
  6. Update your client to the latest version.
  7. I made a poll and here are the results Not many people are voting, but at least this proves that most people don't want pictures, It is now 4 - 8, 4 want pictures and 8 don't want pictures.
  8. Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge online\Maps\Custom you put custom maps in Custom folder
  9. CCCP84 Your version has ccd files and img files......I don't know how to install those. I am sorry
  10. EDIT: Ok i will test your version. EDIT: Give me 3 hours, sorry my internet is not so strong.
  11. Not that vanilla that is used for cooking, He means normal RA2 and YR, not modified. Original. me too in the past didn't understand what they meant when they were saying "Vanilla", until I asked someone about it, he said that it means original, not modified.
  12. ­­Do you want allied theme with pictures on it? or not?
  13. I don't like the Allied theme because of the dog and and tanya pictures, i think they should be removed, because not everyone wants them and not everyone wants pictures. probably most people agree with me about that. Add yuri theme too -with no pictures- please.
  14. Funny McPwny.....you made like i was talking about MISSING mod.
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