About Robskate: We played a ladder series just before all this started where one game disconnected and the ladder website awarded him the points. Without me saying anything he immediately told me he would have the game removed because he didn’t want undeserved wins.
About Commander: I have always liked Commander and was very disappointed to learn that he is infact all these randomly named users that has been disconnecting when losing on ladder. I was very frustrated when playing against stink and tokaja, the games they won I said gg and resigned, but when I was winning they disconnected and the games didn’t even show up on ladder website. All you need to do to confirm these users are him is compare the games he has uploaded on youtube to the stats of those same games on the ladder website and you can easily see the usernames he has played these games under. The ones I have checked out has matched him to stink and tokaja and I have also had others tell me they have matched him to more usernames that has done the same against them. The fact that he is trying to deny this tells me all I need to know really. I do not hold grudges Commander, anyone can make mistakes, and I hope that when you come back you will stop this and and we can have good games instead
About the ladder: As you can see I have played more ladder then anyone this month, I tried ladder a couple times before, but could never get a single game despite waiting for hours. This month it seems many players has taken affection to the fantastic features the ladder offers and there always seems to be games which is great. For us who want to improve on 1v1 games, learn new maps and compete against top players the ladder is fantastic and it offers a different challenge from «regular» team games.
- McLovin